Chapter 1

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January 5th 2012

Saying Taylor was a little stressed was a huge understatement. She was incredibly stressed. She had been working on lyrics for her fourth album, Red. And whilst it was mostly going well, there were a few songs she was stuck on.

She'd been searching on Instagram for someone who could possibly help, but she hadn't found anyone. Not yet.

The sound of her phone going off dragged her from her thoughts, and she smiled as she answered.

"Hey mom" Taylor spoke softly, sounding incredibly tired.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Andrea picked up on the exhaustion in her daughters voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay mom. Just working on the new album still. How are you?"

"I'm alright, sweetheart. Try not to overwork yourself, okay? You are allowed to take breaks."

"I know, mom, i know. It's just frustrating when there's only a few songs left to write."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, love. You always do. Just make sure to take breaks. Maybe you'll have some ideas when you come back to it?"

Taylor nodded even though she knew her mother couldn't see her, "Alright, I'll take a break for a little while. But I do need to try and make some progress today."

"Alright sweetie. I'll let you get some rest, and I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright mom," Taylor smiled a little as she got up from the piano and made her way to her room, "I love you"

"I love you too, Taylor"

The blonde sighed as the call ended, falling back onto her bed. She appreciated it a lot when her mom would call her, especially when she was this stressed. Sometimes it felt like her mom was the only person capable of getting her to take breaks. Without those calls reminding her, she probably would've overworked herself by now. Was that really her fault though? She still had half of an album that she needed to finish.

Trying to distract herself from the thought of the new album, she opened Instagram, hoping that she could find some cute cat posts that would take her mind off it all. She wasn't sure what she expected when she opened the app, but she definitely didn't expect to see a video of a pretty, black haired woman playing the guitar. The weird thing was, Taylor could've sworn that the woman looked familiar, like she'd seen her before, but she didn't recognise the name at all. She did have a pretty name though. Taylor was mesmerised by her. It was like everything had just stopped. Taylor looked at the username for a moment before clicking on it, going to the woman's Instagram page.

Her bio read:
-Vivian C. (they/she)
-Extremely queer

It caused Taylor to laugh slightly, but the 'guitarist' part caught her eye. Feeling curious, the blonde scrolled through Vivian's account. At the top, there were a few pictures of Vivian with a redheaded guy (Taylor soon found out his name was Julius), but most of the posts were videos of Vivian playing guitar covers of Taylor's songs. There was a guitar cover for almost every song she'd released. There was even one of I Heart ?, which definitely surprised Taylor.

As she scrolled down even further, she began to find things that weren't song covers, but instead, it was Vivian messing around with different chords.

Taylor brought her phone to her chest for a second and stared at the ceiling. She knew what she was going to do.


Vivian was frowning as she left her room, practically slamming the door.

Julius, who had just been reading whilst sat on the couch, looked up, "Vi? You okay?"

Vivian shook her head, walking over to the fridge. After grabbing a can of Coke, she sat next to Julius, who'd moved up so she could sit down.

"My parents keep messaging me." She mumbled, opening the can in her hand, and taking a sip.

"Again?" Julius sat up properly, placing his book on the coffee table in front of them.

"It's every fucking week at this point." Vivian ran her hand through her hair.

"Have you tried blocking them? Or deleting their numbers?"

"Trust me, i want to. But every time i go to, i can't."

"I'll tell you what, Via. You go get your phone, bring it here, and all block them. Alright, love?"

Vivian nodding, placing her drink down on the table, before heading to her room to grab her phone. She didn't even look at the notifications as she walked back to the living room and handed her phone to Julius.

Vivian placed her head in her hands, muffling her voice,
"It's frustrating that they won't leave me alone, even though I've told them to so many times."

Julius nodded, unlocking Vivian's phone and quickly blocking the woman's parents,
"Right, done."

The phone buzzed just as Julius was about to hand it back. His eyes widened as he read the notification,
"Vi- You're gonna want to see this-"

Vivian tilted her head to the side, hesitantly taking her phone back. When she saw the notification, she almost dropped the phone,
"No fucking way-"

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