Chapter 5

437 16 20

January 15th 2012

Taylor and Vivian were sat in the studio, laughing with each other as they finished recording one of the songs they'd finished in the past few days.

"Oh my god! That was so fun!" Vivian laughed, placing her guitar down.

"I know right! Maybe I should write less sad breakup songs and start writing more of these songs!" Taylor joked.

"Well, that's two songs down! At least we can cross those two off of the list!"

"Yeah! If I'm honest i don't think I can bring myself to be sad enough to sing The Lucky One right now!"

"That's totally fair!" Vivian smiled. They did have to re-record the songs they'd been working on a couple of times, and if the dark haired woman was honest, she didn't think she could do much more without falling asleep.

Taylor ran a hand through her hair, quickly fixing it as it had gotten a little messed up.
"Well, if we're leaving The Lucky One for a different day, do you want to come back to mine for a while?"

Vivian hardly thought before responding,
"Sure! If i did go home I'd be alone anyway. Julius is on a date right now apparently! Can you believe it? He hasn't even told me their name!"

"The betrayal!" Taylor laughed as she got up, the sarcasm evident in her voice.

Vivian got up, following Taylor as they made their way out of the studio,
"Tayyyyy, don't make fun of meeee! If i don't know anything, I can't bully him about it!"

"Via, you realise that's probably why he didn't tell you!" Taylor laughed at her friends antics as they got into her car.

"Shhhh, don't use your logic on me!"

Taylor just rolled her eyes before turning her attention to her security,
"Can you drive us back to my place, Benny?"

Benny simply nodded before driving away.


The drive wasn't long but Vivian would admit that she felt a little awkward. Even once they were inside she wasn't sure what to talk about.

"I know i was only here last week, but I forgot how nice it is." Vivian looked around in awe.

Taylor laughed softly as she slipped her shoes off,
"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Just some water, thanks" The younger woman smiled, sitting over on the sofa.
As she sat down, she noticed a book, or rather a poem, on the coffee table. And it just so happened to be a poem she was familiar with.

"You like poems?" Vivian looked up at Taylor as the blonde handed her a glass of water.

Taylor nodded, "I actually read quite a lot of poetry"

"I like poetry too." Vivian picked up the poem off of the table as the blonde sat next to her,
"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
and sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all-"

"-And the sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm that could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm." Taylor cut Vivian off, reciting the rest of the poem.

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