Chapter 9

350 18 6

January 26th 2012

"Hey! Tay!" Vivian exclaimed between giggles as the blonde threw some flour at her.

"Oops?" Taylor giggled unapologetically, a smirk on her face.

"Don't start something you can't win, blondie." Vivian shook her head, brushing the flour off of her shirt as much as she could.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

It was Vivian's turn to smirk at the taller woman as she began to tickle her, causing Taylor to burst into laughter.

"Via!- Viv please!" Taylor was left gasping for breath as Vivian stopped and took a step back.

"The only reason I stopped is so we can make these cookies" Vivian turned to the mess on the counter.

"Wowwww, okay I see you have your priorities huh?" Taylor teased.

"Yep, very important priorities" Vivian smirked as she mixed everything into the bowl.

Taylor pouted, turning away with her back leaning against the counter, causing Vivian to shake her head as she laughed softly,
"Tayyy, stop sulking and help me out here"



Around 30 minutes had passed since Vivian and Taylor had finished baking, they'd not long taken the cookies out of the oven, and were now waiting for them to cool down. The two of them were sat on the couch, passing time with random conversations and questions. It was nice, just talking to each other and finding out more things about each other.

Unfortunately, the happiness that this brought Vivian was short-lived as she got a message. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the contact name. Of course it was Azura. She really couldn't take a hint. Taylor quickly noticed the change in Vivian's demeanour.

"Via, are you alright?" Taylor carefully watched as the younger woman placed her phone down quickly.

"Uh- Yeah, just an ex texting me" Vivian pulled her knees to her chest, obviously frustrated.

"I assume it wasn't a great relationship?"

"Well- I mean it definitely could've been worse, but it wasn't the best either" Vivian made sure she didn't mention Azura's name.

"Right" Taylor nodded in understanding, "Have you tried blocking them?"

"Yeah actually, multiple times, but she does not want to give up."

"Oh.. That's definitely not great.."

"It's alright, I'll deal with it later" Vivian shrugged, pushing herself off of the couch and held her hand out to Taylor, "The cookies should've cooled down enough now"

Taylor smiled, taking Vivian's hand and pulling herself up, "Such a gentleman"

"Oh shush" Vivian rolled her eyes as her face flushed a soft pink, walking over to the kitchen with Taylor close behind her.

"Viaaa, can I post a picture of the cookies on Instagram?"

"Go ahead" Vivian laughed softly as Taylor got out her phone, and took a picture of the cookies.

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