Chapter 6: Catch The Cat With A Revelation

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Ruby: Blaaaake!

Yang: Blaaaake!

The scene transitions to Ruby, Yang, and Weiss walking through town and calling in vain for their missing teammate.

Ruby: Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?

Yang: Blake!

Ruby: Weiiiiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!

Mike: Weiss, shut your mouth or I'm leaving you tied to a poll!

Weiss: It was just an idea!

Ruby then continued to walk down the sidewalk with Mike.

Ruby: Yeah, a bad one.

Yang then quickly followed suit.

Yang: Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Weiss:I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!

Mike: We won't.

What nobody (except Mike) noticed was Penny following Weiss.

Penny: Well, I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

Ruby, Yang, and Weiss quickly turned around in surprise while Mike turned with a blank face.

Ruby: Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?

Penny: Hey guys! What are you up to?

Ruby: Uhh...

Yang: We're looking for our friend Blake.

Penny: Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang stare at Penny as Mike stood there.

Ruby: Wait, how did you know that?

Penny: Uhh, the cat ears?

Penny then pointed to her head.

Yang: What cat ears? She wears a... booooowww...

The realization leaves them in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind.

Mike: Was it not obvious?... and was that a tumbleweed?

Ruby was then whispering to herself.

Ruby: She does like tuna a lot...

Penny: So, where is she?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny then gave a gasp.

Penny: That's terrible! 

Penny then approached the uncomfortable Ruby.

Penny: Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!

Ruby then did her best to smile.

Ruby: Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?

She looks over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss, who's blinking outlines are all that's left of their sudden departure from the company of the strange girl. A tumbleweed blows past them again in the quiet.

Penny: It sure is windy today!

Mike: That's for sure.


Yang, Weiss, and Mike then walked out of a store.

Yang: Thanks anyways! *Sigh* This is hopeless. You really don't care if we find her, do you?

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