Baizhu Angst - Snake

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The boat took what seemed to be forever to dock, you had been on a trip seeing family in Inazuma but after a week you had finally returned to your true home liyue

You ran off the boat as fast as your sea sick self could heading straight to Bubu pharmacy to see your boyfriend Baizhu, who you where sure had been overworking himself in your absence.

After a short jog you arived at the pharmacy's entrance "Hello, do you have an prescription?" A small voice called from behind the counter, you sighed "It's me Qiqi remember (Y/n)?" The small girl behind the counter tilted her head in though "ah...(Y/n) you bring...coco goat milk for me in the morning" she smiled up at you "yes! Your memory is getting so much better" you cheer

"Do you have coco goat milk?" She hummed "um sorry Qiqi no- but I'll bring you some later, for now do you know where Baizhu is?" The small girl paused again "he' the back resting" the girl noded at her own words "thank you!" You patted her on the head before going to the back of the pharmacy where patients are normally treated

"Guess who's back~" you sung standing at the doorway to the room you had heard Changshengs talking in "Ah-ack (Y-Y/n)! Your finally back, how was your trip?" Baizhu said laying in bed shaking subtly in pain ", Baizhu why do you do this to yourself?" You sighed sitting on the bed next to him

"Ah haha (Y/n)- ugh I'm fine I swear" he lifted his arm as if to wave your worry's away only for it to fall and clench his stomach "why hide it, (Y/n) alwaysss know when your in pain" the snake coiled beside beizhu chastised

You never really knew how to feel about the serpent.Changsheng took away the life of your beloved to live longer but at the same time has healed countless others but then again has killed Beizhus master and his before him, BUT then again they all chose to do that.

You shake the thought as you meet beizhu's pained yet love filled eyes "...can I talk to you- in private" you glared at the pale snake next to beizhu "of coursssee" she hissed before slithering out of the room "*sigh* this talk again?" Beizhu guessed

"My love" you leaned in closer to him caressing his cheek which he weakly leaned into "can't you think of yourself? Of me?" You begged "those people are going to pass one day anyways, why leave me just to give them a few more years?" Your eyes clouded

"Why do doctor's exist? To heal people. (Y/n) you know I don't plan on leaving you right?" He weakly smeared the tears on you face trying to wipe them away "Don't you see yourself, you'll die before you learn the secret of immortality. And what will these people do without their docter when you get yourself killed to lengthen the life of that SNAKE" tears rolled down your cheek like a river of sorrow.

"(Y/N)" he grabbed your arm as firmly as he could "can't you trust me?" You shook your head "your delusional Beizhu, can't YOU see yourself, can't YOU see your no closer to immortality then you were before you'd even met Changsheng?" You cried

"You know she'll die without me-" beizhu started "HASNT SHE LIVED LONG ENOUGH" you fell onto his chest sobbing as your throat closed up "shhhhh" he rubbed circles into your back as you held onto him tightly out of fear, anger, and grief.

After a few minutes of the both of you laying like this you mumbled a quiet word "...choose" Beizhu tilted his head "Choose me or Changsheng?" You lifted you head off his chest "(Y/n)-"

"No, listen I can't keep doing this. Stop using Changsheng to heal people or *sniff* or I'm leaving" your grip on him tightened "I- I'm not choosing between you- just wait and-" he tried to explain "your not going to discover immortality your going to die if you keep doing this" he fell silent

" that your final choice?" Your grip on his loosened "I can't not help people (Y/n)" he begged "...goodbye Docter Beizhu" you got up off of him but he faintly grabbed your hand "(Y/n) please don't" his eyes clouded with tears "Don't leave, I love you" you couldn't keep doing this "how many times have we done this song and dance?"

"How many times have I come home to you half dead begging you to stop, how many times have I tried to leave?" You snatched your hand away from him "I'm sorry I can't sit here and watch you die" you left the room making sure to step heavily and closely to Changesheng  as you crossed paths in the hallway

"Do you think-" Changesheng started as she entered Beizhu's room "shhhh" he mumbled as the room settled into a silence only interrupted by the shaking breath of Beizhu

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