Dottore fluff - I accept

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TW: blood and human experiments (not of anyone important though don't worry)

The ear piercing screams. the annoying, pathetic, squealing of death a human let's out when loosing the crimson liquid which flows through their veins and gives them life

"Ugh..." (Y/n) grumbled shoving a towel into the experiments gaping maw that let out the putrid noise that caused (Y/n)s head to throb. "Just a few more minutes" they grumbled looking at their wrist watch, just a few more minutes until their newly brewed poison sets in and they'll get to see the effects

The experiment, male, early twenties, blond with lavender eyes, a student in the academia in the Rtawahist darshan, and most importantly a perfect health records.

He looked around, his eyes flickered around the room rapidly not looking at anything in particular. He was bound to a table by ropes around his limbs and neck, they dug into his soft flesh as he writhed against the bindings.

"If only I could witness this in better lighting" (Y/n) mumbled walking around the table to observe the man from different angles. (Y/n) had been expelled from the Academia not two full years ago, now they had not only no funds but no place to conduct their research so they did the only thing they could

Set up a testing facility in a cave

The cold damp walls where a cool gray that was warmed by the flickering of a few lanterns (Y/n) had set up to see their experiments though they didn't do much to help, the cave was small more like a crack in the wall of the bottem of a hill, but it was enough to create a room with privacy that the simpletons of the academia would never find

"Ack! Grrah" the sounds of muffled coughing, the poison was setting in, (Y/n) tapped their pencils against their notebook impatiently as they ripped the now soaked towel from the experiments mouth. (Y/n) watched the towl twirl between their fingers for a moment, it was partially covered in blood and slobber

(Y/n) smiled and looked to the test subject who was indeed coughing up blood, (Y/n) noted this symptom down

He began to shake, they noted this down

He began to cry, they noted this down

He began to scream, they debated muffling him again

"What if someone walks by? What if someone comes looking? But what if I miss an important symptom?" They tapped their pencil to their chin in thought "I can't let this effect the experiment" they thought deciding against gaging the man

The man soon after his futile scream began gasping desperately for air, like a fish on land. Slowly the man suffocated though (Y/n) would have to do an autopsy to see if hr had choked on his own blood or if this was due to the poison itself, they wrote down the experiments death before backing away without looking to grab their surgical equipment

As they took a step back they felt a wall behind them, but they shouldn't have been that close to the wall, they where still right next to the experiment who was at the center of the room. (Y/n)s eyes widened as a gloved hand gripped their shoulder from behind them

The strong hand spun them around to face it's master. A tall man with pale blue hair that curled slightly at the ends stood facing (Y/n)

He wore a upper face covering bird like mask and a lab coat along with many vaguely glowing vials of strangely cyan liquid. "My...what do we have here?" He said with a slight curve to his lips, (Y/n) blinked for a moment at his unbothered attitude, no way this man was part of the academia they'd be crying and screaming if they'd seen this experiment

"What a interesting experiment...and you made this all by yourself correct?" The man said spinning a veil of the poison (Y/n) had made in between his fingers "...what do you want?" (Y/n) said defensively causing the man to let out a small chuckle "my, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself, I am Il Dottore the second of the fatui harbingers but I also go by the docter" he said smiling to show his sharp inhuman teeth

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