Freminet angst/fluff- tears washed away by waves

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It was a warm summer day, the waves pushed and pulled foam too and from the sea. The cool water washed over (Y/n)s legs as they sat at the edge of the beach.

The waves flowed in blues and greens and- gray? (Y/n) squinted their eyes at the small gray blob bobbing at the surface of the waves "is that a diving helmet?" (Y/n) thought as they stood to get a better view. The helmet bobbed around for a moment before turning and facing (Y/n) then dived back under the waves

(Y/n) waded into the water, as it enveloped their legs they felt a sence of calm. They swam out, diving under the waves. A petite boy wearing a diving helmet and dark clothes "...hello" a familiarly meek voice said "Freminet?" (Y/n) asked unsure if their assumptions where correct

(Y/n) remembered meeting Freminet before, back when Lyney was introducing them to his family. Freminet nodded his head to indicate that he was who (Y/n) had thought he was "nice to see you again, how are you?" (Y/n) smiled Freminet paused

"...ok" he mumbled "hm?" (Y/n) hummed "I-I'm ok" his voice cracked with sorrow "Freminet- are you...are you crying?" They swam closer to him, a worried look on their face "n-no I..." he looked down

"It ok Freminet...what happened?" (Y/n) said lightly rubbing the side of his arm "...just thinking- I-is all..." he sniffed "look...I know I don't know you well but... if you ever need to talk-" Freminet interjected "I'm fine, I just upset myself"

The two sat in silence for a few moment as (Y/n) rubbed his back in comforting as they listened to the rolling waves above

"...thank you" his soft voice spoke as a new wave of tears fell from his eyes, shielded from view by his helmet "no need to thank me...are you sure your alright?" (Y/n) said getting closer to Freminet "...stay a bit longer...please" his closing throat squeaked

(Y/n) wrapped their arms around his frail yet muscular figure, slowly rocking him back and forth as he sobbed into their shoulder "I-I'm so sorry- f-for bothering you" he said in between sobs "sh sh shh I'm in no rush" they said resting their head on his

The two of them stayed like that for a while longer, (Y/n) whispering conferring things into Freminets ear as he let out his emotions through tears

After his throat opened again he spoke of his problems, his family, his self worth, the innocence he's seen die in the house of the hearth. (Y/n) let him speak, his jumble of words, emotions, and experience where heard for the first time by another soul, by (Y/n).

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