Chapter 56 - Silence

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Chapter 56 - Silence

Aemond felt, rather than saw Dreamfyre heading toward the tower.

Even over the deafening roar rattling the very walls of the tower, Aemond remained a wall against the onslaught of guards. He used the entrance as a bottleneck, slashing precisely at the soft tissue of the ankles before dispatching a second through the throat. Before the third could even raise his sword, he'd plunged his scarlet blade into the heart of the one screaming in pain on the ground.

He didn't waste time watching the lifeblood pour out of them. He didn't spare a glance for their eyes to turn unseeing. These were not men. They were threats. Obstacles.

Dreamfyre roared again, so close that if she were not circling the tower she would be soon, "Helaena!" he called, engaging another guard. This one was smarter and held his guard as Aemond slashed unrelentingly, "Helaena-"

She made no reply.

Aemond turned his head, just a fraction, and saw her staring into the flames, a dreamy, faraway look on her serene face. That glance cost him, as pain lanced through his left bicep, just before the spurt of warm blood began running down his black leathers. He grimaced, the cut was deeper than he would have liked, but that was to be expected in such thin armor. At least he had the advantage of speed, he thought, as the guard before him struggled to rebound in his heavy metal armor. He hefted his sword.

Too late. Aemond slid his blade with lethal grace into the metal gap at the knee, severing the ligaments. The guard screamed, brown eyes bulging in pain behind his helmet. Aemond blocked out the noise, put away the guilt that turned his stomach over. The guard had no choice but to buckle, and Aemond cut his scream short with a slice across the throat, not wasting energy trying to sever his head.

Suddenly, in a blur of gossamer nightgown and flowing white hair Helaena leapt over the bloody, unseeing bodies, almost careening into an armoire by the door. Before Aemond could scream for her to get back she slammed herself into the side, and the Prince had no choice but to aid her. He dispatched the guard in front of him with ease, gritted his teeth through the throb in his arm, and threw himself at the armoire with Helaena. In seconds, it toppled in front of the entrance, its massive solid wood frame blocking nearly the entire door frame. A gap stood just at the bottom, where bodies lay-

"Hurry!" Helaena screamed, sprinting for the open window.

Aemond's heart lurched into his throat, "Helaena-"

But she was already hefting herself onto the window sill, not sparing him a glance, not even as wood cracked behind them, "Just jump, I'll catch you!"

"Helaena!" he screamed, but she was already leaping over open air, disappearing over the edge.

He felt the attack a second before it came. A change of air, a prickle at the nape of his neck. He forced himself to turn from the empty window, meeting the blade that nearly took off his head. The clash of steel and dragon roars filled the air as Aemond met the gaze of his next victim.

Familiar eyes looked back, deceptively boyish features bearing a soldier's focus. Without the helmet and breastplate, he was able to push aside the bodies of his fellow guards and slip beneath the armoire. The crash had been it falling completely, locking them in together.

One word left Aemond's lips, nearly too guttural to be recognized, "You,"

Lucan didn't deign to respond as he parried, coming at Aemond with all the aggression of Criston Cole and none of the finesse. He was as tall as Aemond but bulkier. Each clash of their blades left the Prince's left arm trembling as blood continued to leak down, turning his black leathers maroon.

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