Chapter 7

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2 weeks have passed and Rachel was allowed out of the hospital. She was happy about, she hates them. She once told me she didn't want to die in a hospital. I don't want her to die.

"Honey, Rachel and her parents are coming over. Put on something presentable". Mom said through the door.

"I don't have eyes mom! Help me". I yelled.

When she walked in she gave a sign and went to the closet and picked out something. She handed to me and left. She gave me a button up shirt because I could feel the buttons and a pair of shorts. I quickly changed and found my waking stick. I walked out to the living room and found the couch and at down and waited.

Maybe 20 minutes later I heard a car pull up and car doors shutting. After a minute or two I heard the door bell ring and my mom opened the door. They were invited inside and I heard a cart being wheeled in. It was Rachel, since the cancer has reached her lungs she has to be put on an oxygen tank twenty-four seven.

I heard her wheel to my side and she sat down, and gave me a hug. I gave her a tight one and felt how skinny she has gotten. I could feel her ribs poking out. That made me feel horrible, It tore me apart to know she was dying and I was not. I was healthy as can be, I just don't have my eyes. But the cancer is eating her up.

After small talk my mom and her parents went to the kitchen to have a grown up talk. I'm 18, and she's 17; we've been through so much stuff but we're considered children.

"Rach can I ask you something?". I asked.

"Sure". It sounded so weak and my stomach dropped.

"Will you be ny girlfriend? I love you and I don't know but you light up my world". I said

"Isaiah I could die any moment, I'm a ticking grenade, one day I'm going to blow up and I won't be here. " She answered. (Maybe be a tfios quote).

"I don't care, because I believe your going to make it. ".

"Isaiah, I will be your girlfriend". She said then gave me a kiss on the lips and I felt sparks. I wondered if she did too. She helped me to the kitchen so we could tell them our great news.

Once we reached there they were done talking.

"Mom, we have something important to tell you, me and Rachel are a couple. Just as long as if it's okay with her parents". I said.

"Isaiah of course were okay with it your a sweet boy. " Her dad said.

I heard two people get up and I guess it was her parents because they gave me a hug. Her dad smelled like mine used to smell like, pine. I know this should be a happy moment but I started to miss my dad, his smell, laughter, and image. My dad died when I was eight. He was driving home on a rainy night and a drunk driver lost control and wrecked into my dad. He died on impact.

"Isaiah what's wrong honey?!". My mom frantically asked.

The image kept playing through my mind.

"I'm okay, okay okay" I said

Rachel came up to me and gave me a hug. They stayed for dinner and we had spaghetti and garlic sticks. After dinner the parents went outside to talk and me and Rachel were in the living just talking. After awhile they had to go home and me and Rachel kissed one last time before they had to leave. After talking to my mom about what had happen in the kitchen she told me to go to bed.

As I laid in bed I couldn't help thinking about Rachel. I couldn't wait to see her again. Well not see but be with her again.

So it's a long chapter! Like I promised, there will be a new character in the next chapter! Yay well until then read on? Yeah not cooollll

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