Part 3

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Being outed (obviously)
Mentions of homophobia

"Here. Walking to the front office to sign you out now." His mom texts him. He lets out a sigh of relief as he reads the text. "Ok. Grabbing my things now." He texts back. Kyle grabs his items, and gets another text from his mom. "Liane Cartman is here too. Principal Victoria needs to talk with us about something." "Oh sh*t," Kyle thinks. "If the principal wants to talk to her, then that means-" and coincidentally his thoughts were interrupted by someone on the loudspeaker saying "Kyle Broflovski to the principal's office. I repeat, Kyle Broflovski to the Principal's office." Kyle sighs, exiting the classroom after hearing a collection of "Ooos" from his classmates.

Kyle opens the door to the principal's office, with Cartman in one chair and his mom standing behind him, and Kyle's mom standing behind a chair next to Cartman's. "Oh god." Kyle eyerolls when he sees Cartman. "Not this f*cking tr*nny again." Cartman mumbles, though everyone could hear. "Eric!" Liane scolds.

"Okay, Kyle come in and sit down." Principal Victoria says. Kyle shuts the door behind him and sits in the empty seat. "So Sheila, Liane, you are probably wondering why you are here. Eric has outed Kyle as a transgender male to the whole school, by taking pictures of his personal diary and putting them everywhere." Principal Victoria explains, which results in a gasp from Kyle's mom before she says "That's terrible!" Liane also reacts, "Oh you poor boy." She says to Kyle, before saying to Cartman, "Eric, you are in big trouble. You are now grounded for 6 months." "Principal Victoria! There's no proof I did that!" Cartman whines. "We have video cameras, you know. We watched the videos from last night of you sneaking in here." "Jeez, how much of an idiot can you be, not even thinking to have a disguise or something?" Kyle sneers. "I did have one, though! How could you tell it was me?!" Cartman questions angrily. "Probably because you're the fattest kid in town. No matter what disguise you wear people will know it's Cartman." Kyle says, "Kyle..." Principal Victoria sighs. "Eric, you just had a black t-shirt on, we could still see your face." "No ski masks fit me!" Cartman whines, earning a laugh from Kyle.

"Anyways, I think that Eric deserves suspension for the rest of the week." She says. "That's like a vacation! He should be getting in trouble, not rewarded!" Kyle huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay, how about Eric stays late at school every day the rest of the month," Cartman shrugs, but Principal Victoria wasn't finished, "and while he's here he has to write an essay on whatever topic Mr. Garrison chooses." Cartman whines, "Mr. Garrison hates me!" A smug look appears on Kyle's face, "I don't care what it is, as long as he is upset about it." He thinks, but he might as well have said it out loud. "Well, Kyle, you can go home now, this must be a very hard day for you." Principal Victoria says to Kyle, who nods and feels his eyes start to burn. "Thanks for talking with me Sheila and Liane. Cartman, you can go back to class, and you won't be leaving until 6 PM tonight." Cartman grunts in response and leaves, and Kyle, Shiela, and Liane follow. Cartman heads the other way down the hall back to class, and the rest walk to the front doors.

"Goodbye, Sheila. See you soon, Kyle!" Liane says, and Kyle just gives her a shy wave as she gets inside her car, and him and his mom get into theirs. Before Kyle knows it, his mother's arms are around him, tight. "Oh, Bubbie. You are my perfect boy, you know that? Do not listen to what Eric or any other horrible kid says to you." Kyle feels warmth in his heart as he lets go of the embrace, and pulls his phone out of his pocket, which has been bugging him a while. "Stan; 5 texts. Kenny; 2 texts." He unlocks his phone and checks Kenny's first. "Hey dude, I'm so sorry for all this." "We should have told you Cartman read it, but we were too stupid." Kyle's lips quirk up at the last remark, coming up with a good reply. "Yeah, I can tell./HJ" "Wow, so you're half serious...?" Kenny says. Kyle just says "LMAO" and then checks Stan's texts.

"I am so sorry Cartman did that you really didn't deserve to be outed like that, and Kenny and I should have told you and we might've been able to stop him, I'm sorry." "Also I'm always here if you need to talk..." "And I don't like, see you any differently. Like, you're still Kyle to me." "Hey, you're not at second period, where are you? I can't find you, I heard you went to the principal's but ???" "Also, if it's okay with you I would like to come over." Kyle responds with, "My mom picked me up early. That's why I'm not at class. Also, you coming over after school is fine with me (and my mom) if it's okay with yours." Stan "likes" the message, and Kyle goes back to talking with his mom about nothing in particular.

"-And then she agreed." Sheila says as her and Kyle enter the house. "That's great." Kyle says, taking his shoes off before walking to the stairs. "I'm gonna go upstairs and shower before Stan comes over." Kyle says with tired eyes, and walks into his room. He grabs the clothes he wants to change into afterwards and a towel, and heads to the bathroom.

20 minutes later he exits the bathroom, and blow dries his hair. He brushes his hair, puts in hair product and then goes to sit on his bed. He decided not to put his binder back on and to take a break until Stan arrives. He gets under his blankets and puts his comfort playlist on shuffle, and before he knows it, tears are falling from his eyes again. He sniffles, rubbing his wet eyes with the back of his hand. Kyle can feel himself slowly drifting to sleep, so he wakes himself up and texts Stan "Be here at 4:45." Stan replies with "Ok." Kyle sets an alarm for 3:30, so he will have 3 hours to nap, and enough time to get woken up and ready before Stan arrives. He turns off his phone, and shuts his red and puffy eyes and slowly drifts to sleep, exhausted from the day he has had.

Kyle's body jerks awake to the sound of his horrid alarm. He groans, pressing the "Stop" button on his phone, and continuing to lie in his bed. He stays there for a few minutes, opening snaps from people, most with questions like; "are you okay?", but the occasional few similar to; "lol I can't believe you're a girl." He leaves them all on opened.

He crawls out of his nest of blankets and walks over to his dresser and puts on his binder and a sweatshirt, feeling a bit colder than before. His hair is a bit messy from sleeping on it so he brushes it, it going in all different directions. He goes downstairs and watches TV for a while with some snacks and soda, before the doorbell eventually rings. He hops up from the couch and opens the door, the black haired boy standing there. "Hey, Stan." Kyle says, but Stan just responds by pulling him into a tight hug. Kyle wraps his arms around Stan too, before they both let go, and Kyle lets Stan inside.

"Let's go up to my room." Kyle says, leading Stan up the creaky stairs and up to his bedroom. Stan and Kyle sit down across from eachother on his bed, silence consuming them before Stan finally speaks up. "I'm... still sorry that me and Kenny didn't tell you. I really didn't know." Stan says, looking into Kyle's eyes as he tucks Kyle's messy hair behind his ear. "It's alright Stan. We probably wouldn't have been able to do anything, anyways." Kyle shrugs. "I guess you're right. I hope no one has been a complete *ss to you since you've been outed." Stan says honestly, shifting his sitting position to get more comfortable. "I guess it hasn't been too bad. I still feel like everyone is watching me, though. It feels like everyone is noticing and singling out my feminine features." Kyle admits, looking at his hands in his lap. "No, dude. You are perfect." Stan says softly, quickly realizing what he said could've been taken the wrong way. "Uhh... anyways. I want to talk to you about the other things written in your diary." Kyle sees where Stan is going with this. "The things about me. How you feel depressed when Wendy and I are dating, how you think I'm the 'prettiest boy ever,' and... that you love me." Kyle feels his heart drop. He was so worried about being outed as trans that he forgot about being outed as gay. He had completely forgotten what he had written about how much he loves Stan. "This situation couldn't get any worse... My life is totally f*cked. Stan is going to hate me- *everyone* is going to hate me." Kyle thinks to himself, but before Kyle could have that train of thought get worse, Stan grabbed his hands and said something that changed everything.

"I love you, too."

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