Part 6

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"Well, I'm sorry that I'm just worried about my son getting hurt!" Sheila retaliates. "Ma, you KNOW Stan. He would never hurt me! You just want me to seem perfect and Stan to be the bad guy!" Kyle says. Sheila opens her mouth to say something but Kyle doesn't let her get it out. He stands up from his seat at the dining table and stomps up the stairs to his bedroom.

When Kyle enters his room, he shuts the door, locks it, and lays down onto his bed. He looks at his phone and sees he got a text from Stan. "Came out to my mom as bi." Kyle smiles and texts back. "Thats amazing! I'm guessing it went well?" Stan replies a minute later. "Yeah, she's really supportive. It was still scary though. Was coming out to your parents as trans scary?" "Well, even when I was little I never felt like a girl. I woud cry when my parents put dresses on me LMAO. So, they weren't too surprised when I came out at 8, then everything kinda went from there." Kyle texts Stan, but then hears a knock on his door.

Kyle puts his phone down, but doesn't answer the door right away. "Kyle?" Sheila's voice says, small and calm. "Open the door, please." He groans and unlocks the door and then walks back into his bed. She enters his room and walks to where he's lying. "Bubbie, I'm sorry. You know how I get. I'm just worried about you." Kyle nods as his mom pushes the hair on his forehead back. "Stan isn't just your boyfriend. He's also your best friend. I should know that he wouldn't hurt you and I'm sorry." Kyle sits up from where he is in bed, and hugs her. "It's okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you." Kyle says. Sheila places a kiss on his forehead before saying, "I'll save your dinner plate for later." And walks out of his bedroom.

Kyle goes back on his phone and messages Stan for a bit, and then goes into the bathroom to take a shower. He avoids looking at himself in the mirror at all costs, showers, and then puts his clean clothes on. He does his hair, washes his face, and then finally goes to bed.

Even though it's only 8:45, Kyle hides under his covers, forcing himself to sleep. He was extremely tired, so he didn't need to force it much.

The next day, Kyle wakes up to his horrible alarm again. He wishes Cartman had atleast outed him on a Friday instead of a Monday. Whatever, he had yesterday off so today is already half way through the week. Kyle yawns and gets out of his bed,

He gets ready for school as usual, and exits his house. "Hey." Someone says as he walks out his door. He looks up and sees his boyfriend, Stan Marsh. "Hey Stan." Kyle says, as him and Stan start to walk to the bus stop together. They don't talk much, but they don't need to. They're basically one step away from reading eachother's minds.

They arrive at the bus stop, and (thankfully) Cartman isn't there, just Kenny. "Cartman must be too scared to show up." Stan remarks as the three of them wait for the bus. Kyle and Kenny laugh. "He got his mommy to drive him to school." Kenny says. "No, Dude. His mom definitely hates him now, too. He's probably walking to school." Kyle says matter of factly, but still with fun in his tone. "The little sh*t deserves it." Stan says, looking at Kyle.

Suddenly the bus shows up, and the three of them climb into it. Kyle and Stan sit next to each other, and Kenny sits next to Butters. "Hiya fellas! Great to see you back, Kyle! Hope ya doing alright." Kyle smiles. "I am, thank you Butters." Butters really is a sweet kid, just sometimes he talks for what seems like hours on end.

The bus eventually arrives at their school, and they all go inside. "You ready to go back?" Stan asks Kyle. Kyle holds onto his hand tightly, and nods. Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Butters enter the school.

They all walk to their lockers, preparing for the school day. "I'm going to head to the bathroom before class." Kyle says as Stan nods, continuing to put things in his locker. Kyle walks through the hallways to the bathroom, looking down at the ground. He really doesn't want to make eye contact with anyone. When he arrives at the bathroom door, he sees Cartman leaning on the open door on his phone.

Kyle eyerolls and walks past him, but Cartman quickly stands in front of him, blocking the entrance. "Dude, what the f*ck? Let me through." Kyle says, anger rising. "No girls are allowed in the boys bathroom. Kylie, you should know this." Kyle knows people heard, and are starting to watch. His deadname rings in his ears. "There's no f*cking way I'm using the girls bathroom. I'm obviously a boy." Kyle's voice raises, as he tries to shimmy his way past Cartman. Stan and Kenny hear commotion around the boy's bathroom, and go there to see what was going on. The scene unfolds in front of them. A few seconds later, Kyle stops trying to get around Cartman, and stares at him dead in the eyes.

"What do you mean 'obviously a boy'? You have long-ish hair, long eyelashes, a girly face, and- most importantly- a GIRL BODY. You're a F*CKING GIRL, KYLIE!" Thump.

The sound of Kyle's fist hitting Cartman's face. The crowd around them errupts into gasps. Cartman holds the part of his face that was hit, now red. "Goddammit, you f*cking tr*nny." He punches Kyle with his other arm in his chest. Kyle stumbles back a bit, but quickly hits Cartman right on his temple. "F*ck. I am not gonna get beat up by some stupid girl."Cartman says under his breath, punching Kyle in the gut, and then his face. Kyle wraps his arms around his stomach, sucking in sharp breaths through his teeth. His ribs hurt so, so bad.

Kyle goes to punch Cartman again, but feels his arms almost being locked. He just now notices Stan and Kenny holding his arms back, and Craig and Tolkien holding Cartman's arms back. "No, please... he deserves it.." Kyle says, his voice shaking, his breaths sharp and weak. "I know, Kyle, I know." Kenny says in Kyle's ear.

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