The morning after

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I fluttered open my eyes and immediately shut them as the blinding light hit my eyes and I mentally cursed at myself for not shutting the curtains the night before.

I sat up from my pillow and felt a heavy weight against me. A large , but veiny,  hand was wrapped around my stomach. A gentle ring sat on the pinky finger. Fuck. Who was in my bed? Who had I slept with last night? I can't remember shit.

"Mornin" a voice chirped next to me

What the fuck.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice and suddenly everything came rushing back to me. I had gone out to a party at a club after being heartbroken by my boyfriend of four years. I was out cold.

But that still doesn't explain a, really attractive, man in my bed.

"You look confused" The voice laughed

"Maybe that's 'cause I can't remember shit and have no clue what's goin on." I ran my hands over my face, desperately trying to adjust to the beaming light.

"Last night you were at a club and we were dancin , you were absolutely wasted, love.  I offered to take yer home."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Don't worry we didn't do anythin , you told me to just sleep in the same bed." He explained. A thick Yorkshire  accent was clearly present. It's not a suprise , we are in Sheffield after all.

"Oh.. I see." I paused. "Coffee?"
I was so stupid. Coffee? Really? I can't even remember who this guy is.

"Sure, thanks"

I groggily stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. I looked like shit. My wavy brown hair was sprawled across my shoulders and I had smudged mascara under my eyes.

I brushed my hair and washed my face to wake me up a bit and headed downstairs. I walked through the living room and found the same man in my kitchen pouring coffee.

Well he was up quick.

"Here" he handed me a mug of the steaming liquid .

"I'm sorry , but , who are you exactly?" I grimaced.

"Alexander. Well, alex. Call me Alex." He replied, sipping his drink. I stood and inspected each of his features. His deep , brown eyes highlighted by the glow of the morning sun, his perfectly chiselled nose,  His fluffy dark hair hung over his ears. He was wearing a striped T-shirt  and some black skinny jeans . The shirt showed off how much muscle he really has , although he was quite short. He only just came above me and I'm no taller than 5'3.

"Done starin'?" He chuckled as I flushed red in embarrassment.

"Oh- I- uh- sorry. I'm Arabella." I cleared my throat. I was incredibly flustered at his appearance. How was he so perfect?

"Pleasure to meet ya Arabella , although we met last night"

I walked over and sat on the counter infront of him

"God you must be regretting meeting me now I'm not all dressed up" I groaned , wishing that I looked  somewhat presentable right now.

"No, I think you still look gorgeous , love."  He smiled and I felt myself flush bright red at the compliment. Not only that, the name he had given me made me feel somewhat comforted.

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