Chapter 9.5: The Final Fight

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Winter POV:

Who does this weirdo think he is?! That's it, no more playing around. Time to get serious! I thought to myself as I charged at Dom, using my ice breath and was about to start slashing him when I was grabbed by the tail. "Gotcha." Dom said as he spun me around and threw me into the wall, Qibli catching me. "Hey, are you okay?" Qibli said. "Yea, but he's stronger than I thought. My ice breath is suddenly useless!" I said, starting to get angry. "Alright, now you've done it!" Jay said as grabbed Retro's hand and suddenly disappeared. All of a sudden, they were right behind Dom! They kicked him, then jumped and slammed down on the ground, but he narrowly dodged as he then grabbed Jay and did a massive slash, doing what could only be described as killing him. Retro grabbed Jay and teleported back. "NO! Jay, are you okay?! Please tell me you're okay!" Retro cried. There was no response from Jay. "Y-y-you monster! You'll pay for this!" Retro said as his blue fur turned green, and his green and red eyes turned completely black. Retro then charged at Dom, who tried to counter, but failed. Retro grabbed him and started continuously slashing, then stopped when he heard "Retro...? Are you okay?" from Jay. He then turned back to normal and went to go hug Jay. "ARE YOU OKAY? I THOUGHT YOU HAD DIED, DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Retro said, hyperventiling and crying. "Ugh... you're a persistent crew, aren't you?" Dom said. "You still aren't dead yet? No matter, I got slightly carried away that I forgot I grabbed these before we got here." Retro said, pulling six colored rings from his sword. "Canines, Cats, Insects, Hybrids, Snakes, and Hedgehogs. These are the six Animal Rings, and we're gonna take you down with them." Retro said as they surrounded the four heroes. All of a sudden, a bright light flashed Dom as Jay turned yellow, Retro turned purple, Winter turned a yellow-orange, and Qibli turned into a cyan color. "You're finished!" Jay said. They all charged at him, and used him as a volley ball for a few minutes before blood splattered on the walls.

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