Had her lost her

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After school I rode on the back of Jake's bike to his house. We went up to his room and did our homework and then I helped him with his project. "Hey it looks just like you!" I chuckle. "That's the point." "Oof that was not a compliment, buddy." Jake playfully hits my arm and we both laugh. "So, do you wanna hang with me and Devon tomorrow?" "Y/n-" "What? I'm just trying to help you!" I smile. "Then don't help." He smiles. "He likes you too, I just know it."

A few hours later~

There's a knock at the door and me and Jake look out the window. "Shoot, I forgot they were coming. Sorry Y/n." "It's alright, I'll see you tomorrow." Me and Jake head down the stairs before i can grab the doorknob Juniors mom Bree stops me. "Y/n, I didnt know you were here." She smiles. I noticed Junior had quickly turned around when he heard my name. "Oh, I was just leaving. Jake and I forgot you guys were coming over." "please, join us." "I don't know i wouldn't wanna-" "Stay." Junior says with a warm smile. "Alright." I smile. The entire dinner was awkward they did nothing but argue. After dinner I helped clean up and then said goodnight to Jake. "I'm sorry about-" "don't be, it's not your fault your family is a bunch of assholes." I say quietly and he chuckles. "Hey uh, do you have a way home?" Jake asks. "She can ride with us." Junior says. "I'm sure my parents won't mind, I mean you lvie jsut across the street." He smiles and looks over at his parents. "No, of course not. Come on." Bree says. "Night Jake." "Goodnight Y/n." The drive home was pretty quiet. I hadn't been in a car with Junior and his parents since we were like eleven. Me, him and Jake used to hang out a lot but by the time we turned eleven we met Lexy and she started making fun of Jake and then junior started doing it too to impress her I guess. He ended up ditching us when we turned thirteen and stuck with the cool crowd instead. Me and junior are always around each other considering we're in the same friend group but I dont really talk to him anymore, I stopped talking to him when he started being mean to Jake. I knew Jake before anyone else he was my very first friend and i didn't like it when people hurt him, I still don't. I stared out the window the whole way there but every now and then I could feel Junior's eyes on me. "Thanks for the ride." I smile. "Of course, tell your mom hi for me would you?" Bree says "Mhm." Juniors parents head inside and I start walking out of the driveway. "Hey, hang on a sec." Junior says while running after me. "What?" I ask in an annoyed tone. "You seriously still hate me? It's been, what four years?" He says. "Yeah, I do. Now is that all? Because I'd like to go home now." "I see you everyday and everyday you act like I'm not there." "Because I want nothing to do with you." "Why not? Because of Jake? I get hes your best friend but that doesn't mean you and I have to stop being friends." "That's not the only reason." "Okay, so what?" "You changed. You're an asshole, a bully. And I don't wanna be friends with someone who finds entertainment in torturing my best friend." "So? Your boyfriend does the same thing!" "Yeah, and I'm seconds away from dumping his ass!" "Shit..." Junior says while looking behind me. I turn around to see Oliver standing there. "Oliver-" he shakes his head and walks off. "Oliver wait!" I run after him. "Oliver-" I grab Oliver's hand and he stops. "Seconds away?" He scoffs. "Well why don't you just spare me the bigger heartbreak and do it now." "Oliver, I didn't mean it. I was angry and it just slipped out, I'm sorry." "Are you?" "Oliver." I place my hand on his face and make him look at me. "Oliver, I didn't mean it. I love you..." His eyes widen. "You- really?" "Yes." He pulls me close and kisses me passionately.

(Juniors pov)

I stood there and listened as the girl I've had feelings for since I was ten, tell my bestfriend she loves him. I felt like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest. I couldn't watch any longer. I went inside and went up to my room. I shut the door and processed everything that had just happened. I felt my knees go weak. I sat down Infront of the door and started crying. All because I was too much of a coward to tell her how I felt. All because I became a jerk. I had her and I lost her.

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