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The talent show has finally arrived, I looked for Oliver and sat next to him. He smiles and wraps his arm around me. I was looking forward to seeing Devon's talent. He played the piano beautifuly, I didn't even know he could play the piano I was shocked. By the time Lexy's turn came up she was interrupted by Jake. He started going on about things trying to humiliate her as payback. "Oh look there's lots of pictures of Junior." Juniors smiles. "And of Oliver." Juniors smile drops and so does mine. Junior looks back at Oliver while I turn my head toward him. Oliver just shrugs. I know that fucking look, he made everytime he got busted for something. I scoff and yank his arm off of me. I get up and storm out. I ran out to the hallway. "Y/n wait!" "Is it true?" I was trying my hardest to hold my tears in. "Did you cheat?" Oliver goes quiet and looks down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears. The door swung open and out came lexy, Junior and Jake. Jake runs over to me and hugs me tightly. Junior's face drops again and he looks back and forth from Lexy, Oliver and me. "So it's true?" He asks. "Junior-" "No, I don't wanna hear Lexy. Is it true?" "Yes..." Junior scoffs and storms off. "Junior, please!" Lexy runs after him. The next day I got dressed for school a usual, I was dreading going but I wasn't gonna let Oliver or Lexy see that they got to me. I stand outside of school talking to Jake when Oliver walks up to us. "Uh-huh." Jake steps in front of me. "Stay the hell away from her." "Jake, it's okay." Jake steps aside. Oliver glares at Jake. I smile at Oliver "Wait you're not mad? Thank god because-" I slap the shit out of him. "Oh!" Devon says. "Holy shit." Junior chuckles. Everyone's mouth drops, there is gasps and whispering heard. I scoff. "Not mad? You're joking right? I'm not mad Oliver, I'm pissed." "Y/n-" "Oh Y/n, Y/n,Y/n, Y/n I love you so much." I mock. "Bullshit. Like Jake said, stay the hell away from me. You and your dumb blonde." I walk inside and Jake follows. "I can't believe you just slapped him." Jake laughs. "It felt good." "I'm sure it did." Devon laughs. "Oh hey, Devon." I smile. "You okay?" Devon asks while putting a hand on my shoulder and smiling sympathetically. I take a deep breath and nod with a weak smile. "I'll be alright." "Come on." Jake gives me his hand and we walk to class. In science we're told to pick a partner for a project. I grab my bag and sit next to Junior. Devon, Junior and Jake all look at me confused. "What?" I ask rudely. "Uh- nothing...." Junior says. Devon sits next to Jake and they both exchange weird looks. "I thought you hated me." "I never hated you, now Oliver on the other hand..." "Are you-" "Fine. I'm fine. Would everyone just quit asking me that?!" "Sorry..." "Are you?" "Yeah, they weren't worth it anyway." I scoff. "Damn straight." We get started on the project. After class I pack up my things. "You wanna hang out later?" I ask. Junior just stares at me. "Earth to dumbass. Wanna hang or no?" "Oh uh, yeah." "Cool, meet at my place after school." "Okay."


Did Y/n L/n just ask me to hang out? Am I dreaming? Holy shit. She walks away and pushes Oliver on her way out of the door. I never really had feelings for Lexy anyway so it didn't really hurt, but I couldn't get over the betrayal that came from my own best friend. After school my parents were here to pick me up as usual. I seen Y/n waiting for the bus and ran over to her. "Come on." I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. "Huh?" "Just get in." She sighs and gets in. "Oh, hello Y/n!" Bree says. "Hi." I smile. Once we arrive me and Y/n walk across the street to her house. We both sit on the couch "So..." "You hungry?" She asks. "Oh uh, no I'm fine." She gets up from the couch and walks into the other room. She comes back and chucks something at my head then sits next to me laughing. I look down at whatever it was and laugh. "Did you just throw gushers at me?" "Yeah." She laughs. "What do you wanna watch?" She asks. "I don't care." She grabs the remote and looks for a movie, she finally decides on Shazam and puts it on. "I didn't know you watch stuff like this." "All the time." She smiles. Halfway through the movie she goes into the other room again and then cimesbscl a few minutes with open and two sodas. "Hope you like fanta." She smiles and hands me the soda. "Who doesn't?" We continue watching the movie. A few minutes later she lukskout her phone and puts it front of us. We both lose for a photo. She takes it and then smiles at me. After the movies over we both go in the kitchen. I throw our empty soda cans away while she puts the now empty bowl in the dishwasher. She leans on the island and smirks at me. "What?" I chuckle. "Wanna make them jealous?" She asks. I look at her curiously and she just smiles. "Who?" "The assholes who cheated on us, who else?" "Is that what this is about?" I ask. "Yes and no." I chuckle. "Sooo...do you?" "Sure, why not." She smiles and grabs my hand. "Perfect! Because Oliver and a few other kids from school are at the park right now. It's the perfect opportunity." I call an Uber and both head into town. There's a few stores in front of the park so we made our way to the ice cream shop. The park was pretty empty other then the large fountain in the center, the few park benches and picnic tables. Plus the kids from school who were all playing soccer or taking selfies in the grass. "Alright, let's get their attention." Y/n says. I pick up y/n and run around with her on my shoulder. "That's not what I meant!" We both laugh. "Put me down!" "Nope." "Junior swear, if you drop me!" "I'm not gonna drop you." I roll my eyes and chuckle. I run over by the ice cream shop pretty fast so she'd get a little scared. "Junior!!" We both laugh. "It's working." I say. Oliver and Lexy were now looking over here. "Good. Now put me down!" I laugh and gently set her down. She hits my arm and gently pushes me. "Jerk." She laughs and goes inside the ice cream shop and I follow her in. We grab our ice cream and come outside and sit at one of the tables that are right outside the ice cream shop. I wipe some ice cream on her cheek." Hey!" She laughs and does the same things to me. Before I can do it back she takes off running. I run after her. "No!" She laughs. We come to a stop and both eat some of our ice cream. "Wanna try mine?" "Sure." We swap ice creams. Neither of us needed to turn our heads to know that they were watching us, we could feel their eyes on us. We swapped back. "You know, if I'm being honest... hanging out with you wasn't so bad...I kinda missed this." She smiles. "Me too." I smile back. "Come on." She grabs my hand and we walk through the park and 'accidentally' running into Oliver and Lexy. "Y/n?" Oliver asks. Y/n rolls her eyes. "What?" "What are you two doing together?" Lexy scoffs. "Hanging out. Why do you care?" I answer. "Y/n, can we talk? Please?" Oliver asks, sounding a bit desperate. "Desperate isn't a good look on you Ollie, it's very unattractive." Y/n pats his arm and we both leave. We both turn to look at each other and burst out laughing.

A/n: sorry for any mistakes I haven't edited yet.

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