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It had been two weeks since Jake lost his dad, and he's been acting weird ever since. Tonight was Oliver's big Halloween party, he threw one every year. Each party better than the last. I had just finished getting dressed when I heard a knock on the door. No one was home but me so I ran down the stairs and opened it. "My uber will be here in a few, need a ride?" Junior asks. "Sure, thanks." "Cool costume." He says while looking down at the mask and fake knife in my hand. "Thanks, you really couldn't come up with something better?" I tease. He rolls his eyes playfully. "And you couldn't come up with something better than Ghostface?" He smirks. "Hey, you know it's my favorite movie." He chuckles. "Looks like the ubers here." He looks behind him. "Come on." He says. "One sec." I grab my keys and lock the door behind me. We head to the uber but Bree stops us before we get in. "Aren't you guys gonna wait for Jake." "He said he wasn't coming." I say. "Oh alright, have fun then." She smiles and I do the same. I open the door and crawl in to the other side so Junior can get in. Me and Junior talked and laughed the whole way there. It was nice, we hadn't had an actual conversation in ages. We get to the party and as soon as I enter there's Oliver walking over with a beer in his hand. "Hey, you made it!" "Of course I did." I smile and kiss him then put on my mask and do a little twirl to show off my costume. "Sooo?" "It's cool, but I was kinda hoping you'd wear something hot." He jokes. I playfully hit his arm. "Just for that im gonna have to kill you." I raise my fake knife and he runs away laughing. I finally catch up to him and tsckle him to his bed. I take off the mask. "You shouldnt have ran, you msde me angrier." I say jokingly. "Id let you murder me sny day." He jokes. "Hmm well in that case-" i raise my knife and slide it across his neck. "He holds his throat pretending to panic and then plays dead eith his tongue sticking out. I laugh. "You're such a dork." He sits up and tickles me. "Oliver!" I laugh. "Take it back." "Never!" I laugh. "Then I'll never stop tickling you." I laugh. After awhile he finally stops to let me breathe and we both just smile at each other. He leans down to my face and kisses me passionately. "We should get back to-" "What's the rush?" "It's Halloween, were missing out on the party." "Who cares, there's always next year." Oliver pulls me close and kisses me again. I chuckle. We hang out in Oliver's room for awhile before heading back down to the party. I get excited as I see Jake but before I can talk to him Oliver shoves him in a closet with Devon. "Seven minutes in heaven, lovebirds!" He locks the door and clicks start on his timer. Oliver grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor and we start dancing. After awhile the other goes off and Oliver let's the poor boys out of the closet. "You-" I'm cut off by laughing. All the kids were gathered around watching something. The four of us walked closer to see what was going on. My eyes widen as I see Lexy pretending to be Jake's dad being electrocuted. How cruel could she be? Bullying was one thing, but laughing and mimicking his father's death is just sick. She's a monster. I turn to see Jake. His face was angry and his eyes showed nothing but pain. Oliver pulls out his phone laughing and started recording I slapped the phone out of his hand and hit his arm. "What?" "Asshole." I scoff and grab Jake's arm. "Come on." "What's she doing?" Devon asks. "She's pretending to be my dad..." Jake answered. "Come on let's go." "No- no we have to find Chucky." "Your doll?" "Yeah." "Why'd you bring your doll?" "Oh, uh- cause it's Halloween." "Oh, okay. Let's go find it then." I smile and follow him.

A/n: sorry for any mistakes I haven't edited yet.

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