Chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81

After breakfast, Bao Yiliang led Wen Xiaoxiao to the study.

"What's going on? You seem mysterious," Wen Xiaoxiao looked at him somewhat puzzled, sensing that something was off about Bao Yiliang today.

Bao Yiliang gazed at Wen Xiaoxiao with concern and asked, "Is it only his health that's not good, or is there something else wrong with Fourth?"

He was afraid his son might have the same issues as his younger brother when they were kids—weak constitution and poor eyesight.

Wen Xiaoxiao was momentarily stunned, then shook her head and said, "No, when we took him to the hospital for a check-up before, the doctor said he had cranial nerve compression, which affected his eyesight, making it not as good as the other four kids'."

"When we were pregnant with all five of them, the nutrients that Fourth absorbed were taken away by the other four, which is why his health and eyesight are poor."

Hearing what Bao Yiliang said, Wen Xiaoxiao also felt a surge of distress. She hadn't completely integrated her memories and her body yet.

All of her memories flooded in once she had completely integrated. However, by that time, the apocalypse had already arrived, and zombies were everywhere. Hospitals were filled with even more zombies, so she didn't dare to bring him there, fearing he might get hurt.

Moreover, thinking about his clingy nature, Wen Xiaoxiao felt even more heartache. Lately, she had been too busy to address this matter and had put it aside.

Suddenly, she felt that she wasn't a good mother. She had overlooked something so important.

She felt a strong sense of self-reproach, her eyes reddening.

Seeing her like this, Bao Yiliang understood instantly.

After Wen Xiaoxiao calmed herself down a bit, she looked at Bao Yiliang and asked, "How did you notice?"

"I noticed Fourth always sticking close to you, being sensitive, and often rubbing his eyes, so I started to suspect," Bao Yiliang said.

Because they had spent a long time together, he had noticed this issue. If not for his younger brother's example, he wouldn't have suspected anything.

Wen Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and looked at him, saying, "Let's go to the hospital later when we go out. The hospital's equipment shouldn't have been destroyed, and we can find some doctors."

Bao Yiliang nodded in understanding, then looked at her and said, "What about Fourth's condition? It's only getting worse the longer we wait."

Bao Yiliang had no solution at the moment; all he could do was worry. Apart from matters related to combat, he didn't have any other skills. It wasn't because he was slow, but because he was too busy. He hardly had any time to learn other things.

"I'll ask Peach later and see if it knows anything," Wen Xiaoxiao said. She didn't have any better ideas, so she could only turn to Peach for help.

Bao Yiliang didn't say anything further; he could only provide basic first aid. Having spent years performing various missions, he had experience with injuries of all sizes, which is why he knew basic first aid.

Having a one-sided conversation in her mind with Peach, Wen Xiaoxiao asked, "Peach, do you know how to care for Fourth's condition?"

"Master, have you forgotten about the spiritual water in the space? Moreover, the fruits and other things growing in the space are rich in spiritual energy. If he eats them often, he'll gradually get better."

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