Ch 141

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★Chapter 141 [End of the main text]

◎"I'm back."◎


Jiang Qi's words were not to discuss anything with Samuel. She had also learned to cut first and then play her own way, so she just informed Samuel that she had such a plan.

As for Samuel's mood, do you agree or not—

does that matter?

Anyway, when he was doing things and making decisions, he never thought of discussing with her, even if he just mentioned it.

What's more, Jiang Qi would put forward such an idea, which had been carefully considered before.

Although the shadow is now filled with the authority and power belonging to Lie Yang, since he once had the idea of ​​occupying the abyss, and even put this matter into action—it was just an unfortunate midway point in this action. There are shortcomings - but this undoubtedly proves that he does have the adaptability to the power of the abyss.

And since there is such an adaptability, then things will be easy to handle.

Jiang Qi's fingers sank into the shadow bit by bit, and the power belonging to Lie Yang soon came into contact with her fingers. Although there was a certain burning sensation, it was still within the tolerable range , and it has not yet reached the level of causing harm to Jiang Qi.

They seem to be deliberately avoiding any behavior that may cause any harm to Jiang Qi - even though they have been separated from the main body for a long time, and they can no longer even be regarded as a part of the Lord of Lieyang, they still choose instinctively Avoid any possibility of harming Jiang Qi.

At Jiang Qi's fingertips, a scarlet force that was incompatible with those golden rays of light began to gradually emerge.

They clearly have completely opposite attributes to Lie Yang's power. When the two sides are put together, it feels like they may fight to the death at any time; but right now, the two powers that should be explosive at the touch They coexist in astonishing harmony, as if they were just different manifestations of the same force.

The two forces slowly rotated inside the gray shadow, tentatively approaching, touching little by little. The golden color was gradually mixed with blood color, and the blood color also began to flicker with golden light.

The two forces are finally completely mixed and compatible, and can no longer be separated from each other, which seems to have a strange fit.

But at the moment when this process was completely completed, Samuel, who originally just watched Jiang Qi's behavior with a helpless and tolerant gaze, and didn't think that it would actually have any effect, gently said "Huh?" With a sound, he leaned over to this side.

Because now, from the shadow that was held in Jiang Qi's hand and mixed with the original power of the two of them at the same time, there was a certain aura that even Samuel would look sideways at.

Although it is not complete, it already has the embryonic form of becoming a "world". As long as it can be given time to develop and continue to be supplied with enough power, it might not be able to grow into a world.

And now, Jiang Qi brought this to Samuel. The girl's slender eyelashes drooped slightly, and when she spoke, there was not much emotion in her words.

"You think, use this thing to replace you and fill that hole..."

Jiang Qi didn't finish her words, but Samuel already understood the unfinished meaning of her words.

But this time, Samuel did not immediately raise objections.

He looked at the shadow in Jiang Qi's hands, and never thought that Azazel would be able to reuse such waste. What's even more frightening is that Samuel vaguely felt that the plan proposed by Jiang Qi this time was very feasible.

Samuel couldn't help but fell into some kind of contemplation. Could it be that he had taken Azazel's instruction manual by mistake?

While Samuel was in deep thought, Jiang Qi had already started her own actions. She is like the most cautious craftsman, while carefully using her strength to turn into a cutting knife, she cut off the part of Samuel and the surrounding boundary wall, and at the same time moved the shadow ball in her hand, leaving nothing behind. Any possibility of gaps appearing.

Seeing that Samuel was still standing still in a daze, she immediately frowned those beautiful eyebrows.

"What are you doing in a daze?" the girl complained and asked, "Move yourself!"

Samuel came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream. He lowered his gaze, and after seeing the top of Jiang Qi's head lowered, he finally couldn't help laughing.

"Okay." Samuel said, his voice sounded gentle as if he could pinch water, "It's all up to you."

Facts have proved that Samuel's previous speculations are not completely wrong, because shadows are used as repair materials. On the one hand, it is unexpectedly adaptable... I don't know how much effort was spent here. When I finally pulled Samuel out of the boundary wall completely, Jiang Qi was still a little dazed and couldn't react for a while. come over.

"...It's over?" she asked.

Someone took her into his arms preciously, and restrainedly left a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, it's over."

And in the outside world—outside the abyss, above the ground, I saw the five beams of light that were originally the last sanctuary area shining brightly in a flash.

These rays of light became brighter and brighter, and began to expand spontaneously. They crowded the sky, expelled and illuminated all the shadows, no matter how stubborn and unwilling the black mist wanted to stay, it eventually evaporated under the light, as if it had never appeared before.

The Lieyang and the Blood Moon appear equally in the sky, like the authority of the gods, they cannot be looked directly at.

There is a wind passing through the air, bringing the breath of sea water. Afterwards, the scorching sun set from the west and sank into the White Beach Desert in the west; the blood moon rose from the floating sea of ​​bubbles in the east, casting its brilliance.

Somehow, everyone understood the meaning of this.

——Although the fierce sun has not fallen, the blood moon is on top.

From then on, the royal court of the Mother Goddess will be high above all living beings.

And the master of the royal court is the mother of all demons, the pinnacle of the sinking abyss. She will be the judge and adjudicator of theocracy, and she will be the supreme and only existence in this world.

I don't know who first bent their knees, but in the end, all the creatures on the entire Arcadia continent offered their loyalty to the blood moon in the sky with the most respectful attitude and etiquette.

"Welcome to your return."


Everything around her seemed to be frozen at this moment, and Jiang Qi heard a crisp "ding" in her ear, which was the long-awaited manifestation of the system that had been offline for a long time Out of their own sense of existence.

[Main task: Playing the role of the mother of all demons (completed)]

[Main task: Acknowledgment from the kingship (completed)]

[Achievement system is being settled...]

[Sub-quests are being cleared...]

[This round of the game has all ended ! A total of 2 main tasks (completed > 80%), 83 achievements (completed > 60%), 24 side tasks (completed > 30%) were completed, and the final rating was A-! Thank you for your participation! ]

Everything around her darkened, and Jiang Qi found that she was no longer in the previous position, but in a dark space. Only Samuel stood beside her, holding her hand gently.

However, it is not always true to say that this place is pitch black. If you have to use more precise words to describe and describe it, it should be colorful black. At first glance, it seems ordinary, but upon closer inspection, there are too many contents and colors in it.

And in such a strangely colored space, the only thing that exists differently from Jiang Qi is a huge crystal pillar with a crystal-like texture. Sealed in the crystal pillar is a girl with moon-blue hair. Her eyes are lightly closed, and her face looks peaceful and peaceful.

Jiang Qi is not unfamiliar with this face, this person, or even this scene - because this is clearly the first image she saw in this world when she traveled to the game a few months ago .

That was also the beginning of it all.

Jiang Qi walked towards that crystal pillar.

She stood in front of the crystal pillar without any hindrance, raised her hand, and pressed her palm against the surface of the crystal pillar. The seemingly solid crystal pillar shattered in response, and the girl who had been sealed inside fell out of it, like a flower falling from a branch.

Jiang Qi caught the opponent in time.

The girl then leaned in her arms and raised her eyes. It is almost transparent blue like the ice floating on the lake, from which it seems that you can see the reflection of everything in this world.

"Thank you, Your Highness." The girl opened her lips—she didn't actually make any sound, only her lips were constantly opening and closing. But on the other hand, there was some kind of strange reverberation sound in Jiang Qi's mind, as if someone abandoned the physical method and directly used spiritual means to carry on the dialogue.

"With your help, I have become complete. Now I am only temporarily borrowing your body to express my gratitude, and then I will withdraw from it and return it to you." Jiang Qi looked at her, feeling very grateful for the body in this body

. The identity of the currently dominant consciousness now has a guess.

"World awareness." She said, "Or, I should call you a system." "

The title is just a reference, and the identity is not important. Just choose what you like." The other party responded, "Please Allow me to once again... offer my thanks to you, as well as to all living beings in the whole world." "

I will travel through, it is the trap you set up." Jiang Qi pointed out this point.

World Consciousness does not deny what he has done: "If you want to be punished for this, I am willing to be punished."

Jiang Qi's eyes turned slightly, and she shook her head.

"I don't have that kind of hobby, but I want to hear your arguments and reasons."

The world consciousness slightly opened its eyes, and then responded.


"If you want to know, I will tell you everything."

If the gods are the guardians of the world, the pillar and core of controlling and influencing the development of the world, then the consciousness of the world is something born from the countless creatures in the world.

The gods are "father" and "mother", and the consciousness of the world is the child. Together they form a complete home, that is - the world.

The world consciousness was the first to notice that unstable factor, and it also knew that when the cracks on the world barriers gradually expanded until they finally became completely empty.

The world instinctively yearns for completeness, so there is mutual attraction and connection between the world and the world. The Arcadia world is moving closer to the world with Jiang Qi, until finally they collide together.

The world of Arcadia does not wish to provoke disputes. On the one hand, their world is originally a precarious ship that may leak at any time. On the other hand, the demon kings are not interested in invading and occupying a new world, they just want to find the mother goddess.

As for the hands in this world, of course, they also don't want to encounter and experience an invasion from the world level and a catastrophe of devastation.

If you just want to find someone to send back, of course there is nothing in this world that you refuse; but even Arcadia itself doesn't know who they are looking for, and can only confirm that the mother goddess is indeed in this plane world ...It may be easier to find the needle in a haystack to select the only correct one among billions of people.

So, after a long and intense discussion, they finally came up with a plan acceptable to both parties.

The Arcadia continent will use the characteristics of magic to combine with the prototype of a holographic game provided by the present world to become a real holographic game launched in the present world.

All the landforms and customs in the game are reproduced 1:1 of Arcadia, and several demon kings joined forces to cast an unheard of, absurd magic that looks like an Arabian Nights on the game.

——The continent of Arcadia will descend on the present world in the form of "projection". It will affect and intervene in the present world to a certain extent, but it is not that the two worlds are truly integrated and become one, but they are still independent of each other.

They joined the operation of this world in such a way that they were distant, but they did participate in it, and started to operate. Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years... They have a long enough lifespan, and they can filter and search bit by bit, until finally ushering in the return of the Mother Goddess.

Whether it is the demon kings or the plane of Arcadia, it seems that they have obtained the best solution of luck in their life this time... This plan has only been implemented for ten years, and they actually really Successfully captured the existence of the mother god.

Everything that followed was naturally step-by-step...that is, everything Jiang Qi had experienced before.

Every time she regained part of her authority, and every time she moved closer to the throne at the end of the abyss, Arcadia, which was originally crumbling, actually became more stable.

Of course, it is indeed unexpected that the Protoss will break the seal and reappear in the world. After that, the era of war began, and the blood moon returned to the sky. Although there was an accident in the middle, the final result was the most perfect ending.

"Thank you for coming back...thank you for choosing Arcadia."

In fact, she was not proficient in how to use the world consciousness of a tangible "body", and thanked Jiang Qi with her most abundant emotions.

"Not just the abyss, you are my (world) mother god."

"Now that you have been found, the loose barriers of the world have been filled and stabilized, and Arcadia will be torn apart little by little. The part that originally overlapped with this world, until the final part of all the fairy tales are completely separated, returning to their respective tracks." "

This process may take a hundred years... I am very sorry, my ability is limited, and the soonest I can You can only do this to this extent, please punish me."

But Jiang Qi didn't seem to have any intention of blaming her—on the contrary, the girl's eyes lit up slightly, as if a star had fallen go in.

"No, it's okay." Jiang Qi said, "It's better to say that a hundred years is really great."

From the first day of time travel, she wanted to return to the present world, so she worked very hard to complete the task assigned by the system at that time, which seemed to be as difficult as the sky, and had almost no possibility of completion.

Because before she became "Anderina" and the blood moon in the sky, she was Jiang Qi first, a mortal Jiang Qi who had grown up in this world for more than 20 years, and had her own family, relatives and friends.

And Jiang Qi doesn't think that it is an existence that can be discarded casually and buried.

A hundred years is very good, neither long nor short, just right enough to almost make people think that this is the best appearance that has been calculated and arranged in advance.

Within a hundred years, she will be Jiang Qi, experiencing the life of an ordinary person. Take care of your parents and live an ordinary but happy life that belongs to a "human being".

A hundred years later, she returned to her original position, the moon of Arcadia, the master of the abyss, and the mother goddess admired by all demons.

That's good enough.

Since Jiang Qi has no objection to this matter, the world consciousness can also let go of it.

The world consciousness closed its eyes and pulled away from this body. The girl's body fell forward, but this time she didn't lean on Jiang Qi's body again, but turned into a little bit of starlight and merged into Jiang Qi's body.

Jiang Qi raised her hand and touched her face.

The color of the night climbed up silently, dyeing the girl's hair and eyes. Her face has also changed a little, it is not as delicate and beautiful as before, it is not like a mortal, but it is like being covered with a hazy filter of dark light, which looks a little less colorful.

However, this is what Jiang Qi should be familiar with—the appearance of that "human Jiang Qi".

She pulled the corners of her mouth with her fingers and smiled. After repeating this several times, the expression on her face finally became vivid and coherent, and she was no longer overly influenced by the "Mother Goddess" as before, almost turning into a beautiful and cold statue.

The crystal pillar had disappeared, and a black hole appeared in its original place, like a door.

Samuel has never said a word, and his sense of presence is almost non-existent. And until this moment, when Jiang Qi finished handling all the things in his hands, he raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Qi.

"Are you going back to that world?" he asked.

"It's only a hundred years." Jiang Qi replied, "I was still raised by my parents."

Samuel paused, then smiled.

"Well, it's only a hundred years."

Even if those human beings reminded Andelina, they were only a hundred years old. Whether it is him, or the entire world of Arcadia Continent, everyone can afford to wait.

"I respect your choice. Go do what you want to do." Samuel said this, paused for a while, and a little earlobe exposed from the light golden hair turned out to be in a moment. It is as red as jade.

Obviously, what to say next is quite a challenge for Samuel.

"Andelina... No. Jiang Qi." He asked, "Can I go to you in the past hundred years?"

Jiang Qi gave him a strange look. This was the first time Samuel had called her by that name.

But Jiang Qi didn't think much about it, and just said: "If it doesn't affect the world, I don't mind."

But she doesn't want to see "two suns appearing in the sky" at all...Injecting such things News happened.

A smile appeared on Samuel's face, and the expression between his brows seemed a little more relaxed than before.

"I will pay attention."

Jiang Qi nodded, and walked into the black cave door without the slightest hesitation—

the field of vision was dark for a moment, and after several attempts, Jiang Qi finally opened her eyes.

Nostrils are filled with the smell of disinfectant that is unique to hospitals, the instruments around him are beeping, and someone is striding over while shouting something loudly.

"Wake up! The last patient affected by "Arcadia" has also woken up! Come and check her physical condition!"

It was completely different from the excessive noise and noise that Jiang Qi spent most of the time on the continent of Arcadia, but Jiang Qi blinked her eyes very slowly, and glanced over the hanging bottle, The hospital bed, the window, and the messy equipment around him.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and she was hugged in his arms.

"Qiqi, it's good to wake's great to wake up...don't play any more games..."

Jiang Qi blinked slowly, and then slowly hugged her back, revealing The smile that I had practiced for a long time before came.

"Yeah. Mom."

"I'm back."

—End of the main text—

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