Ch 122

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★ Chapter 122

◎Meat buns beating dogs◎


When Inferite did this series of actions, the whole process had a kind of too brisk flow, and Jiang Qi didn't even have time to react. It was already closed in front of her, like a package that was packaged and delivered directly into a box.

The "click" sound of the door made Jiang Qi speechless.

Behind the door is a room.

The wooden waxed floor shone warmly under the lights; the walls that make up the house in all directions are not walls in the usual sense, but bookcases one after another, each side is filled to the brim. It makes people wonder whether this is really strange. The titles on the spine of the book should be in characters that Jiang Qi can't understand-it's a bit of a stretch to say that they are characters, because they are just some strange symbols in a mess. But when her eyes touched, Jiang Qi could still subconsciously understand the meaning of these symbols.

"5,000 Years Demon God and 30,000 Years Simulation", "Things You Should Know in Chaos", "A Guide to Chaos Up and Down Three Million Years", "Character. Seventy-two Pillars of Demon God", "Overbearing Demon God and Others" "The Little Runaway Wife"...Wait, what is that last thing?

Jiang Qi recalled the young Inferite standing outside the door.

Well, I can't tell that she is someone who can read this kind of thing...

But she probably understands that this room should be Inferite's library. The infinite snake travels through time and space, from which the I brought back many books that I found useful or interesting, and put them here.

Over time, it has become such a huge library. If it is only about the collection of books, there may not be many people who can match it.

There was nothing to do here, so Jiang Qi walked back and forth among the bookshelves, her gaze fell on the books in the bookshelves, and she picked out the ones she was interested in and read them.

It has to be said that there are indeed a lot of books in Inferret. Jiang Qi read some of them in general, and she has a little bit of understanding of chaos.

Until she saw a very special book.

It is said to be a book, but to be more accurate, it should be a booklet. After opening the booklet, Jiang Qi found that it was written by different least only in terms of handwriting.

Just looking at the content, it should be the same person who left these handwritings.

Jiang Qi quickly flipped through and gradually understood everything.

All those who wrote on this booklet are Inferite.

In order to allow himself, who is not qualified to attack the Jade Throne of the Demon God, to live well in the chaos of many battles, Inferette indeed used some thoughts and means.

His conception is very beautiful. Originally, he hoped to use his unique ability to use time and space to build an absolutely safe, absolutely safe like Wanhua mirror, with space as the basic nest and time as the decoration on it. The lace trap, except for the infinite snake himself, no one can move forward calmly in it.

At that time, this place will undoubtedly become a fortress that belongs exclusively to Inferite, and it can almost be regarded as a small private domain.

However, in this process, it is obvious that there are billions of problems.

The domain has indeed been completed, but the time nesting trap that was originally intended to be set in it has completely failed; Xu Yasou will pay the price for any failure, and the infinite snake regards time as his own hands all day long and can be manipulated at will The toys that I have been playing with have finally tasted the bitter fruit of being played with by time.

He is divided into countless time aspects, each one is him, but each one is not him. All of these aspects had to be kept in this field to prevent any of them from falling due to various reasons while walking outside, causing the Infinity Snake to lose a part. It can never be complete again.

This area has become a cage of self-imprisonment.

The Infinity Snake, which has lost consciousness, has become a puppet with only the instinct to kill. It travels headlessly through the gap between time and space every day, and returns to this field from time to time. , Randomly pick the lucky side to eat to replenish your energy.

These are all instinctive behaviors, which cannot be stopped, and there is no solution at all—unless one day the infinite snake's consciousness is finally recovered and becomes a whole again.

Reminiscent of the previous behaviors of Inferlette on the side of the boy and Inferette on the side of the youth, Jiang Qi probably understood.

It seems that the ringing of the twelve bells represents that the infinite snake of the main body has entered here again to look for food. As an outsider who is not "Inferite", Jiang Qi will undoubtedly be judged as a potentially dangerous object that needs to be eradicated and threatens.

That's why they wanted to hide Jiang Qi from the infinite snake.

That may be a behavior that even they themselves can hardly understand, but for this girl who suddenly appeared in their own field, although their rationality has been frantically reminding the other party that the appearance is too strange, the body subconsciously wants to to approach.

Even if the girl really set foot here with bad intentions and came into contact with them, so what?

This is their domain, and naturally it can also be a birdcage to keep the girl here forever. No matter how bad a bird is, it can be held in the palm of your hand and its feathers stroked after being raised for a long time.

Of course, as long as the other party is obedient, then they will naturally not treat her like that...

But in the outside world, it is another situation.

The young Inferite is still confronting the Infinity Snake.

There is a reason why the young Inferite sent Jiang Qi here. Although there are countless "Inferites" in this infinite field, the youth will also be all Inferites. The most distinctive of the Wrights.

Because he belongs to the side projection corresponding to the time point of the heyday of the Infinite Serpent, naturally other "Inferites" can be compared.

It is precisely because of this reason that he has the steeple with the largest internal space, which can be arranged and arranged at will; even the infinite snake, which only has the instinct of killing and devouring, will calm down a little in front of him, revealing A look that seems to make sense, like a special preferential treatment.

The giant snake wanted to poke its head into the spire of the young Inferite, where it sensed some aura that could touch its nerves. After all, this place is complete and belongs to the territory of Inferite, the Infinite Snake, so even a little bit of outsider's breath will appear extremely abrupt, just like that ink dot appearing on a piece of white paper.

No matter how small the ink dot is and how big the white paper is, it is hard not to notice it at first glance, and to distract attention irresistibly.

The Infinite Snake stubbornly wanted to come in. After several times of refusals, the young Inferette found that he couldn't dispel the other party's idea, so he sighed, as if giving up.

"Okay." The young man Inferite said, "if you insist on doing this." 

" However, don't damage my tower."

The Infinity Snake thought for a while with his few brains, and then nodded . It began to crawl hard, and when it passed the narrow door, which could only accommodate a person entering sideways, it also began to shrink year-on-year, and finally squeezed in successfully.

The Infinite Snake roamed around the room—naturally, he found nothing wrong. It finally stopped in front of the row of doors, and the snake letter kept spitting out, looking at the young Inferite like a silent urging.

"Do you want to go in?" The young man didn't agree immediately, but showed a thoughtful look on his face, "If you still don't find what you're looking for this time, what should you do?"

Under the eyes of the young man, the hands of the clock seemed to have begun to turn faintly: "Over and over again, this is not a good habit." 

The body of the infinite snake coiled up, and it and the young Inferite looked at each other. , the two parties seemed to have reached some kind of agreement in the silent silence.

The young Inferite then stepped forward and opened the door: "Then it's settled... you can leave after this time." 

The Infinite Snake crawled in.

Young Inferite watched its figure disappear behind the door. He closed the door, returned to the table and sat down, leisurely made himself a pot of tea.

There was a "dong dong" knock on the door, and the young Inferite raised his eyebrows. After opening it, he found that the person standing at the door was the boy who lived in the steeple opposite him and was also the boy who had sent Jiang Qi here earlier. Inferiette.

"It should have been resolved, right?" the young Inferite asked.

There is a reason why Jiang Qi was brought here.

What the young Inferite represents is the heyday of the infinite snake, and the control of time and space is naturally at its peak. Behind every door in his steeple is a space, and the space is nested, although it is not intended, but it does form...a maze.

For people with normal intelligence, this is a situation that is too naive and can be seen through at a glance; but it is not just right for the infinite snake who has no brains and only relies on instinct!

Known: a brainless infinite snake, a door to a space labyrinth.

Condition: Send the infinite snake through the entrance.

Question: How long does it take for the Infinity Serpent to get out of it?

In short, what I got was a happy answer.

The boy Inferette naturally knew this, so he let out a long breath and felt relieved.

"Thank you." He said, "I'm sorry to bother you, I'll take Anderina away now, and I'll treat you to dinner later..." 

The young Inferite said "Oh": "Is her name Anderina? Very nice name."

The young Inferite began to feel that something was wrong: "You can take her out of your maze, right? The main body will not find the way to the maze so quickly..." Then he saw that the young
Inferite raised his eyebrows high.

"Huh? I just promised to help you, but I never said that I would hand her over to you to take her away."

Young Inferite: "???"

Who are you! Do you even want to cheat "yourself"? !

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