Ch 139

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★ Chapter 139

◎ "I don't need you to save me, and I don't need anyone to take on life for me." ◎


Jiang Qi didn't think about getting angry at first.

Before time travel, she was often evaluated by people around her as emotionally stable. It seemed that no matter how troublesome or terrible things she encountered, Jiang Qi could deal with them very peacefully.

And after the time travel, it may be affected by the power attribute, or it may be because the nature of Xueyue is cold-as Jiang Qi's level is getting higher and higher, and the recovered authority is gradually increasing. While the degree of integration of this world is deepening, Jiang Qi's emotional changes are also becoming thinner.

She still has normal mood changes, but there are very few things that can touch Jiang Qi's state of mind. She began to look like a real god, everything fell under her eyes, but it was difficult to have too many emotional fluctuations.

But now, Jiang Qi rarely felt angry.

"Samuel," she said, "what are you doing?"

Samuel paused for a moment, seemingly choking.

"I'm doing something I need to do." He responded lightly, trying to bypass the topic, "Go back, Anderina, this is not where you should be." Jiang Qi heard this,

but It was fun.

"Where I should be." She repeated, showing a smile—but, as long as there are some normal perceptions and judgments about danger, then you can realize that what is hidden in this smile is Some kind of hidden danger makes people subconsciously want to retreat and escape, "So, in your opinion, where should I be?" Samuel did realize

that this question might not be so easy to answer. There must be some kind of hidden trap under it, if you don't pay attention, you may fall into a situation as terrible as sinking abyss.

But after all, he still lacked some experience in dealing with these things, and even lacked theoretical knowledge, so even though he was aware of the hidden inaccuracies, he still answered Jiang Qi's question honestly and according to what he thought in his heart.

"A place that is safer and will not be affected..." he said, "Don't worry about this place, the arrangement and handling of your demon kings is already the best choice." He smiled at Jiang Qi, trying to

pass This way to appease the girl's emotions.

"I will solve everything here perfectly. Just wait for me a little longer."

But Jiang Qi will not be fooled by his few words. She has her own judgment about things.

So right now, not only did Jiang Qi not leave as Samuel expected, on the contrary, she even took a few steps closer to Samuel's direction.

Finally, Samuel's tone could no longer be as calm as before.

"Go back, Andelina." His voice almost sounded like a prayer, "You shouldn't set foot here."

And Jiang Qi was already very, very close to him at this time.

Some of the spots of light that were originally surrounding Samuel began to float towards Jiang Qi. Seeing this, Samuel showed a little urgent emotion for the first time.

One of his arms almost blended with the surrounding environment, but there was still one arm that remained intact. Samuel stretched out his hand, trying to catch all the escaping light spots and prevent them from approaching Jiang Qi, but it was still a step too late.

Jiang Qi had already caught those light spots, and at the same time her fingers touched the light of this star spot, Jiang Qi already understood what Samuel had been trying to hide from her all this time. .

——There is no doubt that this is the abyss.

If there is still a shrine above the sky, then the abyss is the bottom of the world, the "membrane" of the world.

And beyond the abyss, there are other worlds and planes—the world was conceived from chaos and became an "egg" contained in a "shell". Before fully growing to maturity and transformation, it needs to rely on the existence of the "shell" to protect itself.

The abyss is a very important part of this "shell", and it also occupies the largest area.

Now, however, there are some problems with the existence of this "shell". That is a problem that has appeared since the time of chaos, but in this timeline, Jiang Qi has not returned to the past.

In the absence of such a variable, although Samuel was still keenly aware and rushed to kill Azazel who was trying to gain the authority of the abyss, he failed to discover the destructive aura in the abyss. hole.

As a result, the hole quietly hibernates in the abyss, grows unhurriedly, and along with the abyss, becomes a part of the new world—Acadia.

So, from the very beginning, the world was flawed and incomplete.

Samuel didn't realize this hidden point until he went deep into the abyss this time. He thought that the instability of the abyss was due to the influence of the characteristics of the abyss itself, but he never thought about whether there were other factors in it.

He was even afraid that his completely opposite power would affect the development and growth of the abyss, hinder Jiang Qi's return, and would even take the initiative to walk around the abyss on weekdays - and this also made him lose a lot of things that were originally To be able to detect this wrong opportunity in the abyss.

It wasn't until Jiang Qi's return that the devil Azazel started his plan of stealing. The hole in the abyss that was supposed to be extremely hidden emerged as the tip of the iceberg, and this time it was finally noticed and captured by Samuel.

But at this time, everything is done and irreversible. To solve this problem, the only feasible way is to find a suitable "fill" to complement it.

When he realized this, Samuel's heart immediately "thumped".

——In this world, is there anything more suitable and more appropriate than the mother goddess born from the abyss?


Not anymore.

Her existence can be seamlessly integrated with the abyss, and there will be nothing inappropriate in it.

Samuel even doubted that Andrina, who had been away from this world for thousands of years, suddenly returned from another world without any warning or traction, whether it was a kind of Calculations of the will of the world.

...Of course it is impossible for him to let his beloved and cherished moon fill this hole.

Samuel originally wanted to use Azazel as the scapegoat, but he soon discovered that the devil is really useless. Even though he has released the water into the sea, the other party still cannot meet sufficient "standards" and "qualifications".

If it continues like this, will Abyss directly capture Anderina in the end, and force her to become her supplementary material?

Even though that might just be a possible guess and might not necessarily become a reality, Samuel couldn't accept such a thing to happen.

... The filling material does not have to be the only one.

Compared to the Abyss Mother Goddess who has not yet fully grown, isn't a "material" that is completely voluntary and fully cooperative, and of the same "god" level, a more suitable choice?

Perhaps it is not as 100% compatible as the mother of all demons from the abyss, but the power of tens of millions of years more than the mother of all demons is still enough to fill this vacancy and become a better choice.

Samuel came with such sincerity, and the consciousness of the abyss and the world readily agreed.

——And that's what Samuel did after disappearing from the end of the Corridor of Backthorns.

Jiang Qi learned this from those light spots. The assimilation progress of Samuel and the abyss has exceeded 50%, and the black mist spreading wantonly in the outside world is the last struggle and desperate fight of the cave.

If there is no intervention of the demon king, no dragons to sacrifice their lives, but let the black mist cover the sky and the earth, swallowing all the creatures in the world and become a part of it, then it will eventually become Samuel and Cave tug of war.

Either the black mist assimilates the entire world first, forcing Samuel to submit; or Samuel completely assimilates first, completes the "shell" and then catches the turtle in one urn. There will be no third possibility.

But he has indeed secretly made up his mind that he will use all his strength, soul, and authority—everything he can give and provide to pave a road for Jiang Qi to the future.

Just a little bit.

"Andrina." Samuel sighed, "You really shouldn't be here."

Jiang Qi looked at him.

The blond-haired youth has almost completely integrated into the surrounding space, at least half of his body can no longer be seen. His lower body was completely merged into the light, only one hand, head, and chest remained intact.

If Jiang Qi had delayed for a few more days and hadn't come at the first time, then she might not have seen Samuel here, but would have been surprised that at the end of the abyss there was a piece of land that was completely opposite to the darkness and was out of place. of light.

At most, she would find the lights to have an incomparable closeness to her, and to feel strangely familiar when enveloped.

"...Are you an idiot?" The girl's voice sounded a little hoarse, and she didn't know if it was out of anger, or because of some other complex and difficult emotions that could not be described and described in words.

She stretched out her hand, grabbed Samuel by the collar, and pulled him in front of her. The distance between the two people is extremely close, and the tips of their noses can almost touch each other's nose tips.

"Listen." Jiang Qi said, the end of her eyes were dyed a little red because of anger, "I don't need you to protect the baby bird under the wings all the time." "Samuel, see clearly."

"I am a god who is qualified to share the throne above the sky with you."

"I don't need your salvation." The girl declared, the golden color in her eyes was gorgeous and dazzling, almost capable of stabbing people.

"I don't need anyone to pay the price for me and take on my life."

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