Chapter 24: Tinker and Slothy

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*next day*

***Lisa's POV***

So Tickey wasn't mad at me for running out. After I told him the news, he knew that it wasn't worth sending me to a school I'll barely attend.

He was proud of me anyway and supported my choice of attending. The only problem was, I had to move to Pittsburg...

Anyway, I sat with Tom, Max, Jay, and Siva as we watched some British shows the guys brought with them. They also showed me some British "films" and we had a whole argument over "films" and "movies". It was fun.

We eventually talked about random things until the topic of school came up.

"How are you going to do homework if you go to Abby's? I heard those kids barely go to school." Max asked.

"Well, I'm not even going to that dumb private school. Tickey said I might just be home schooled." I explained.

"Maybe we should do that with Nath?" Tom suggested. As if on cue, we heard quick footsteps run from the bedroom and into the living room.

We all turned to see a flustered looking Nathan.

"Woah, what's up mate?" Siva asked.

"Jayne is making me do all the homework for the next month."


"She says we're gonna be 'busy'" Nathan said and sat down on the couch. "I just need a break." He stayed here, watching TV with us, until we heard Jayne.

"Nathan!! NATHAN!!!"

"WHAT?!?!" He shouted back.


"NOOO!!!!" He whined. The boys and I sat back and watched what was going on in front of us. We heard footsteps come into the living room.

"You're not done with your homework, young man." Jayne said, crossing her arms.

"But it's a whole MONTHS worth of homework!" Nathan complained.

"I don't care mister. Get upstairs now." Jayne challenge. Nathan looked right into her eyes and took the challenge.

"No." He said sternly, causing everyone to gasp. It's as if Nathan said no to his own mother after she asked for help... You should NEVER do that.

"Excuse me?" Jayne asked, making another challenge.

"You heard me." Nathan said with a strong stare. Jayne just sighed.

"Right, that's it." She said, reaching out and grabbing Nathan's ear.

"Jayne, Jayne." He started saying slowly so she wouldn't pull his ear. "OWWW!!!!! JAYNEJAYNEJAYNE JAYNEJAYNEJAYNEJAYNEJAYNE
JAYNEJAYNEJAYNEJAYNEJAYNE!!" He started saying faster in pain as Jayne pulled on his ear and dragged him back into his room with his homework.

Everyone in the living room shared looks of amusement and started laughing.

"Who remembers doing that with their mothers?" Siva asked sarcastically with a grin.

We finished watching movies and got bored.

"So when are you boys coming back to America after you go back?" I asked.

"Well we have to go back in one more day to promote the song Nath wrote." Max explained.

"Oh yeah! He told me about that! All Time Low right?" I asked.

"Yeah, have you heard it yet?" Jay asked. I nodded.

"I was the person who told him to write it." I explained. "He was so depressed about the whole Zach situation. It was the only way he could express how he was feeling." I explained.

"Yeah, um, can someone explain the whole situation? I was only told that I was 'Zach's better replacement'." Max said.

For the rest of the time I spent there, we told Max everything about Zach.

We realized how they were all happier after Zach was arrested. They said that they barely remember him, and that they're happier with Max in the band. I could tell.

It was around 6:00 when Tickey came to pick me up. I quickly went to the bedroom to say goodbye to Nathan and Jayne.

I saw them with homework books in front of them, and Nathan writing viciously.

I knocked on the doorway, smiling when they looked up at me.

"I have to go. Thanks for having me over." I said as I hugged Jayne.

"Oh anytime. You're such a delight and you keep the boys busy." She said winking. I laughed.

"Bye Tinker." Nathan said hugging me.

"Bye Slothy. Good luck with homework." I grinned up at him in the hug.

"Thank you." He said with a sarcastic grin. "Tell the boys we said hi." He said as I walked out.

When I got home, I immediately went to sleep, waiting for the next day... Aka the last day the boys have in America.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I updated late. It's also pretty short because it's a filler.

*Picture of Nath doing his "homework" at the top.

Anyway, HAPPY BELATED FOURTH OF JULY 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I hope you liked it.

~ Zara💖

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