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「Chapter 1: Prologue - Endless Beginning, I」

Screams of terror was heard all over the place, people stumbling and running all over the place was also a sight. Blood scattered on the ground.


"S-she's close! Run away a-and hide!"

"W-where are the reinforcement?!"

The people screamed, desperately trying to cry for help as they ran away from the woman who was slaughtering the people without mercy.

[What a coward, you'll really let your people die like this?! Come out and let's fight!]

The woman laugh like a madman, swinging her sword, heads and limbs were decapitated in the process.

"P-please s-spare me! I-i still h-have alot to live f-for! Have mercy!" A man kneeled infront of the woman as he plead desperately.

A sour expression was imprinted in the woman's face as she harshly cupped his face with her free hands. [That symbol.. you're a mage aren't you?]

The man nodded. "Y-yes! If you spare me I-i can pledge m-my loyalty—"

[Which one.]

"T-the mage of the blazing fire." the man answered as he gulped. Veins were visible in her forehead upon hearing the words as she grasped her sword tightly.

[Ha.. HAHAHA! Mercy? Did the people here showed mercy to them?]

The woman raised her sword in the air, swinging it towards the man's neck. The poor man didn't have a choice but to accept his fate and closed his eyes, ready to meet his end.

However her sword didn't met the man's neck instead something blocked the sword as the woman was pushed back.

The woman raised back up and saw a man, his black coat flattering in the air. Killing intent filled her eyes as she raised her 'status'. [You dare to intervene?]

Green-like aura rose all over her body as her status was released, the man in the black coat started to cough up blood. The woman isn't just an ordinary being but she was a constellation, a narrative-grade nearing the level of a myth-grade constellation.

Despite the overwhelming status, the man stand firm and didn't back down before parting his lips. "You.. shall die here."

[Please... move out of the way, you're not one of the people here so why are you intervening? Why are you defending this horrible place?]

The man stayed silent and rushed towards the woman, the two swords collided and a blinding spark formed from the swords.

[Ah I get it, a scenario isn't it? What is it? Is it to kill me? For what? For power isn't it? What things would you get if you completed this scenario?]

"You're noisy."

[Haha, I'm just curious. Aren't you curious too of why I'm doing this?]

The man's nose wrinkled, swinging his sword as the woman effortlessly dodge all of his attacks. "I'm not interested."

[You're handsome, it would be a such a waste if I left a wound in that face so I'll try to avoid attacking your face.] The woman smiled before aiming her fist towards the man's abdomen.


"Yoo Joonghyuk-nim!" someone called out as the man called Yoo Joonghyuk flew through the air and landed in the ground with a loud 'bang' destroying the ground completely.

[Pathetic, stay out of here if you want to live you can't even withstand that punch let alone defeat me.] The woman huffed as she walked pass the knocked out Yoo Joonghyuk

"N-not yet." Yoo Joonghyuk stab the ground with his sword as he grasped the hilt tightly that supported him as he stood up.

[...You're pretty strong, the fact that you can stand one on one with me. Alright, I guess I can spare some time for you.]

A red light was emitting in the woman's left hand with her sword crying loudly in her right hand. "You'll end here."


[Sub scenario - 'Protect the land' has been completed.]

[You have defeated the constellation 'Emerald Empress.'!]

[You have acquired a new giant story! - The Ruler Of The Emerald!]

[A new skill has been acquired! - Teleportation.]

[You have obtained 1,000,000 coins in compensation.]

Yoo Joonghyuk wiped the blood of his cheeks as he stared at the lying bloodied woman on the ground. [N-no...! This c-can't be..! I..i still haven't—]

The woman didn't get to finish her sentence as her consciousness was gazing off, her vision darkened and the surroundings became silent.

The people emerged from their hiding spot as they cheered and chanted the name of their saviour, Yoo Joonghyuk.

"Yoo Joonghyuk!"

"Yoo Joonghyuk-nim!"

"We're saved!"

"A saviour sent by the goddess!"








"Yoo Joonghyuk won this time! Of course he won, he's the protagonist after all." A young boy named Kim Dokja exclaimed as he scrolled down his smartphone with an amused expression.

Kim Dokja's smile widened, rereading the sentence that describe the woman's death.
Y/n, she was said to be a cruel ruler, an empress who cared nothing but power and immortality. Kim Dokja didn't liked the character very much.

Mention of:
Brutal Deaths
Foul language

[Please do keep in mind, I'm not fluent in English so there will alot of grammatical error]

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