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「Chapter 3: Ep. 2 - Endless Beginning, III」

Y/n's attention was averted to the trembling girl beside her that has her hands clasp together tightly, attempting to calm down. "Calm down, you'll witness more brutal and horrible scenes than this in the future."

Instead of the attempt to calm down the girl, her trembling worsen. Y/n scratched the back of her head, she's not really good when it comes to comforting people.

[Some constellations says that the Incarnation 'Y/n L/n' is quite inconsiderate.]

How am I being inconsiderate?! These bastards.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything..!" The older woman sweat dropped in panic.

With trembling lips the girl parted her lips to speak, "I-i-i.. killed somebody.."

"Me too." Y/n spoke casually.



"H-how can you s-say stuff's like.. that s-so casually?" Y/n raised her head as her gaze flew to the ceiling of the subway train, as if she was in deep thoughts, thinking carefully of what words should she use.

"Well let's just say I'm used to it." she sighed as the horrible memories of the past flashes through her head, Y/n shivered.

[Some constellations are interested in you.]

The younger girl opened her mouth but she was cut off by the familiar horrible raspy voice in the air. [Oh wow, that's quite bloody.]

The Dokkaebi.

[Only two survivors remaining? I expected more but oh well, ha such unfortunates bugs. Anyways I supposed the two of you are still processing and wondering whether this is just a horrible nightmare or reality am I right?]

The younger girl hid behind Y/n as she tightly gripped the older woman's arms. "Not really." Y/n replied, unbothered.

[Hmm you're quite bold, I like you. Let's just get straight to the point, the sponsor selection will begin.]

"Shouldn't you explain it first? This young girl behind me seems quite confused." Y/n glanced behind her back before facing the dokkaebi once again.

[I don't like wasting my time, well whatever. You simply pick a constellation to become your sponsor to help you in the future scenario's, like a guardian.]

Y/n scoffed, guardian yea right.

The dokkaebi snapped his fingers and small windows emerged infront of the two. [I'll let you two alone for now, I'll be preparing the next scenario.] then the dokkaebi disappeared in thin air.

Y/n stared at the screen infront of her, crossing her arms over her chest.

[Sponsor Selection]

— Please select your sponsor

— Your chosen sponsor will be your strong supporter.

1. Tamer Of The Serpent Devourer Of The Moon.

2. The Scythe Of The Abyss

3. Guardian Of The Blue Moon

4. Sun's Tyrant Empress

5. Goddess Of Courage and Bravery

As expected, the same old constellations from the past round. Y/n glanced at the names one by one.

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