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「Chapter 2: Ep. 1 - Endless Beginning, II」

「In between Life and Death.
Good and Evil.
Beginning and End.
You shall be punish for the sin
that you committed.
You will be bound to time.
You will be bound to him.
Witness the beginning, the endless beginning.」

The eyes of a young woman fluttered opened, the familiar train welcomed her sight. "Again, this bullcrap." Y/n couldn't help but to curse.

She had come to the beginning again, it has been ■■ times. Again and again she went back to the past, she remembers everything that had happened before the regressions.

A girl who regress but isn't a regressor.

Y/n roamed her eyes around the train carriage, the same old familiar faces. The people were minding their own businesses, Y/n couldn't help but sighed she had to witness these brutal deaths that would occur any time again now.

She had to witness it over and over again, how long has it been? The girl couldn't remember, Y/n accepted her fate long time ago that even if she dies, she'll just revive once again.

It was strange, truly. She didn't have any skill or attributes that represents 'regression' so why? Or maybe it has something to do with the past? What happened in the past?

Either way, Y/n long ago abandoned those things, the young woman had been numb from all those regressions.

These regressions occurred in the most random times, that one time when Y/n was eating and rejoicing with other incarnation's after completing a scenario the moment she opened her eyes, she found herself sitting at the familiar train carriage.

It was confusing and terrifying because she didn't know when or where would it occur again, everytime she was constantly on guard.

Y/n glanced at the carriage number, 3607.
Any moment now.

Suddenly the subway light's turned off and the carriage was covered in darkness as the train shook and an ear bleeding metallic sound was heard.

"W-what happened?"

"Ahh.. It must be a disturbance again."

Murmurs spread through the carriage until the train stopped. Confused citizens were heard.

- E-everyone run away... Run...!

There was a beeping sound and the broadcast turned off, confusion was seen in the faces of the people as they glanced at each other.



"What's this..?"

Just then a bright light flashed infront of the carriage. There was a loud drumming sound that followed by pop, something came out as the bright light vanished.

Y/n just stared at it blankly, ah shit, here we go again. When will this endless hell end?

What a stupid question to ask.

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]

Moments after the appearance of a strange creature called Dokkaebi, horror and terror filled the air.


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