Chapter 1: First days are a pain

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For now, ill try to manage this story first before continuing the 'Citrus : University +' story. Ill still try to add chapters on that story but for now I'll mainly focus on this one. Don't worry, it doesn't mean I'm ending the other story or putting it on hold, ill just add chapters there a little less often. Also this might now have any pov's so idk anyways back to story


"My dear Yuzu, please look at me."
A man's voice called out.

"P-papa..? No.. this isn't real.
YOU aren't real.. You're
Dead! Y-you..."
Yuzu was at a loss for words. How
can her father be infront of her, if
he's dead? She needed answers.

"Oh, my Yuzu.."
Before he could continue, a truck hit.
Poor Yuzu was at a loss for words, she wept,
and wept, until she couldn't anymore.

She wiped the tears in her eyes and
stood up. She found herself staring at
a mirror, there, she stood, just looking
at herself. She hated herself, her looks,
how she acted, and how pathetic she was.

She was quiet for a few minutes before punching into the mirror as she wept.
Quiet sobs were all that was heard throughout the endless void. She
continued punching until her fists bled.


Yuzu gasped as she sat up, beads of sweat trailing down her face as she looked at the time.

'5:30, huh?' She stretched as she got up. She went out the room and took a shower. After preparing, she saw a little envelope on the kitchen counter. She opened it and read the letter.

'Sorry if i couldn't be here today but,
i had to leave early for work so i
decided to write this letter. I hope
you have a great first day at school hun!
-Love, Your mother!♡'

Yuzu sighed as she grabbed the bento on the counter next to the letter and reheated it. She snatched her bag before heading to school.

'Seriously..? It's not even been a week yet but she really just had to go to work early today. I guess i can't blame her..' She thought disappointedly as she walked up to the gate. She sighed and went through, only to be called out by a white haired girl with glasses.

"Uhm.. hey, you there! Y-your hair.. it's v-violating the rules.." the white haired said, calling out to the blonde.

"Ah, sorry. I'm new here so i don't know any of the rules. But as for my hair.. I really can't do anything about it right now." The blonde said nonchalantly, keeping a stoic face as she didn't care much of what the white haired said.

"A-ah, but-" before the shy white haired could continue, a short purple headed girl ran up to them.

"Hey, Maruta-san, is this blonde bothering you?" The short girl asked, turning her attention to the blonde before continuing. "Hey, let me see your student ID. Your hair is a violation to the rules and we've never seen you around here before. Are you new here?" The short girl rather arrogantly asked, demanding for an answer. Yuzu just got irritated by how the short girl spoke to her but she decided to answer.

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