Chapter 5 : Why Now, Of All Times? (2)

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Jin's PoV ~

'Why did i even ask her that... God, im such an idiot!' Jin panicked as she thought her decisions over again.

She thought a bit more for a couple of minutes and finally checked her phone when an alarm went out.

"SHIT," I accidentally said that out loud. Ofcourse my mom yelled at me, im pretty sure i woke the whole apartment up.

I take a deep breath before panicking again, why did I forget i was supposed to hang out with Yuzu, Haru, and Hiro?? I'm so dumb and forgetful!!!

.. She took about a few more hours to get ready.


Yuzu, Harumi, Hiro and Jin arrived at the Mall. Ofcourse Yuzu brought Mei with her though, and it was kinda awkward with Hiro and Yuzu for a while.

"..Hiro," Was the only word Yuzu could breathe out with a stoic face, something was just so.. indifferent, about him.

"..Zu, i missed you.." He smiled softly and tried to reach his hand out to Yuzu, but she just dodged him.

"D-dont.. Don't touch me," Yuzu said coldly as she avoided his hand once more.

"I- what's wrong?" He grinned, but something was just so different about it.

Yuzu didn't respond and only backed away from him, as the other watched in confusion.

Jin finally moved and went up to Hiro to stop him, as Mei and Harumi went up to ask and comfort Yuzu.

~~~~~~~~ With Jin and Hiro

"What was that about?" Hiro snarled at Yuzu's action. Jin just stared at him with confusion written on her face.

"..What did you do?" Jin asks, and Hiro just looked like her in a 'what-do-you-mean?!' Sorta way.

~~~~~~~~ With Mei, Harumi, and Yuzu

"Are you alright, Yuzu? What was that about back there?" Harumi asked concerningly to her friend.

Yuzu didn't respond and only stared at the ground, mixed emotions hidden within but while still keeping a stoic face.

"..Yuzu, please, tell us what you are struggling with.." Mei begged but Yuzu just sighed. Harumi put her hand on Yuzu's shoulder in a failed attempt to calm the blonde.

"It's complicated, you wouldn't understand.." Yuzu nonchalantly said as she took Harumi's hands off of her.

"Please, Yuzucchi.. You know you can always trust us.. And whatever it is you're dealing with we can help you with, you know that.." Harumin begged once more before Yuzu sighed again and finally told them.

"When my father ..died, i was hoping he would be there to comfort me, since he was my only friend before Matsuri, and he just.. Pushed me away and left," Yuzu shut her eyes and put her head down, clenching her fists.

"After he left, i also left. I moved to a different place and met Matsuri Mizusawa there, and we became close. Soon, i became kind of like a babysitter to her." Yuzu finally opened her eyes and looked at them.

"..We are so sorry, we understand wha-" before Harumi could continue, Yuzu cut her off.

"No, you wont! ..You wouldn't understand the pain.. the pain of my father dying, the pain of my only friend pushing me away and leaving when i needed him the most, and also having to take care of someone else all the time while my mother barely comes home.." Yuzu still kept a stoic face, although a few drops of tears came down.

They were shocked, this was the first time Yuzu ever cried, and they were also shocked at how Yuzu is now pushing them away.

"..Please, calm down, were here for you.." Mei soothingly said, trying to comfort the blonde.

"..You'll be here for me alright, but now after a few months you won't. You're just like Hiro, after i grew up with him and told him everything he just pushed me away and left. You will never understand," Yuzu sighed as she wipes the tears off and got out of the mall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the Four (after Yuzu left)

The four watched as Yuzu's demeanor went cold and she got out of the mall and into her car, driving off to the long distance.

"..What could we do, now?" Hiro asks, seemingly hopeless.

"You have no say in this. Please, do us a favor and leave, it's for the best." Mei sighed as she turned to Harumi.

"Let's go to Yuzu, she needs our comfort more than anyone here. And also, Jin-san, please have a talk with your boyfriend." Mei told them as she went to get Yuzu with Harumi.

"You need to explain everything, now." Jin said demandingly towards Hiro.


Yuzu got back and locked herself in her own room, rethinking how terribly things escalated and how she badly took care of the situation.

She slided down her door and sat down, looking up at the ceiling moving her bangs upwards with one of her hands while the other dangles off her knee.

"..Great job, Okogi." She reprimands herself and sighs before hearing a knock on the door.

"Yuzucchi? Please let me- us in, we just want to help you.. We're sorry we made you upset, i- we just wanted to comfort you.." Harumi said in a soft tone. Mei was a bit skeptical of the way Harumi misspoke but let it slide.
(Even if she's a little jealous kekeke..)

Yuzu didn't answer, but she got up and slightly opened the door, her head down as she let them in as she hides behind the door.

"Oh Yuzucchi.. I was so worried.. I'm really sorry for upsetting you earlier this day, i just really wanted to help you.." Harumi apologized as Yuzu suddenly hugs her.

Mei felt her heart clench, but shook it off as she tried not to feel that way.

"I.. I am also sorry for the way i behaved and the way i made things escalate, i apologize for making everyone worried," Yuzu said as she let go and bowed.

"Please, put your head up, Yuzu. It is also our fault for letting that man ever go near you, we deeply feel sorry for our misbehaviors aswell." Mei said in a softer tone than usual but Harumi just agreed with her.

"Well then, let us just put this behind us and forget about the past, being upset isn't the key to live our life, is it?" Yuzu flashed a rare soft and genuine smile, making the two blush.

After a while of talking and comforting, Harumi bid farewell, leaving a 'friendly' peck on the cheeks to Yuzu (which the blonde thought nothing of but Mei ofcourse got jealous).


Heh, sorry for the short update. And I'm very sorry for the long break and putting my other story on hiatus (when i promised NOT to do).

Anyways, bai<3

Word Count : 1129

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