Bus to Redshore City

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That night, Buster was trying to sleeping but he couldn't and turned around in his bed. Putting his pillow over his head, he tried again but then pushed to the side as he had a determinate look. He put on his clothes and went backstage to put all the clothes and requisite into a stage box.

"No, I know, Rosita, but trust me on this. It'll be totally worth it. And listen, I'm outside her place now, so can you call the others and have a meet up in half an hour? I will call (Y/N) before I get in. Great, thank you.", Buster said on the phone as he arrived at Rick's club.


(Y/N) and Johnny were at the restaurant sitting next to each other sharing a dessert as they discussed what happened in the afternoon.
"I still can't believe that the scout said we weren't good enough.", Johnny complained.
"Don't let that get to you. What matters is that we think we're good enough and not some stupid scout.", (Y/N) encouraged.
Yeah, you're right.", he cupped her cheek and kissed her, "Do you think your brother will give up?"
"No, I'm sure he's going to fight for it."
Suddenly her cell phone rang, she took it from her purse seeing that Buster was calling.
"Speaking of the devil!", she picked up, "You better have a good reason that you are interrupting our date.", she said on the phone.
"Hey (Y/N), we are going to Redshore City."
Her eyes widened, "Come again?"
"We are going to Redshore City and prove that we're good enough."
"I knew you wouldn't give up on this."
"So are you in?"
"You bet I'm in."
"Great, can you meet me in half an hour at the Bus Terminal?"
"Of course we'll be there."
"See ya later, little sister."
"See ya later, big brother."
She hung up as she stood and went to the cashier to pay.
"What are you doing?", Johnny asked.
"I'm going to pay so we can go home and pack our bags."
"Why pack our bags?"
"We are going to Redshore City."


In Rick's Club, Ash was performing with her guitar.

Off, off with your head
Dance, dance till you're dead
Heads will roll, heads will roll
Heads will roll on the floor

Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance till you're dead, dead
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance till you're dead

She finished as the crowd cheered.
"Thank you so much. Good night.", she ran off the stage.
She handed her guitar to the assistant as she got a drink in which she took sip.
Seeing Buster, she immediately ran to him, "Moon! Hey!", she hugged him.
He returned it, "Wow! You were great out there."
"I gotta go back out for an encore."
"Okay. What are you doing after the show?"
"Listen, I know this is crazy short notice, but you always said you'd come back to work with us when the time was right."
"Of course."
"Well, this is that time.", he grunted as the boss, Rick, bumped him.
"Here, pay check.", Rick gave the check to Ash.
"I'm getting the gang together to go audition for this huge show.", Buster told
Ash look at the check skeptically and interrupted him, "Ju-just a second.", she walked to Rick, "Hey, Rick, how come you're only paying me half what the other acts get?"
"I pay what I think you're worth, sweetheart."
"Oh, okay, see, I have this rule about not letting guys like you tell me what I'm worth. So, you know, unless I get paid like everyone else, I'm outta here.
Rick laughed, "This is the only club in town. Where else are you gonna play?"
"I have no idea, but I'm sure as heck not sticking around here.", she took the last sip of her drink, "Let's go."
Buster followed with the stage bow as she grabbed her guitar case and ran to the back door.
"Wait a minute. You gotta do the encore! Hey, Ash!", Rick panicked
"Deal with it, sweetheart.", Ash mocked as the door closed behind her.


Everyone waited next to the bus for Redshore City as Buster was inside getting the tickets.
"Redshore City bus five, leaving from park 15.", the announcer said over the PA.
Buster came out and walked to group, "Okay, I got the tickets. Anyone seen Miss Crawly? Here you go, Johnny. Here's yours."
"Mr. Moon. (Y/N). I'm sorry, but I'm really having second thoughts about this.", Johnny said.
"Are you serious?", (Y/N) asked.
"What? No, no, wait--"
"All right, last call. Let's go.", the bus driver called.
"Now, just a second."
"Johnny's right. I mean, that theatre scout, she didn't think we were good enough.", Meena mentioned.
"She sound like a jerk.", Ash said.
"Ja, total jerk.", Gunter agreed.
"Yeah, but she's wrong, Dead wrong. There's a reason our show is sold out every night, and I'm telling you, her boss is gonna love it.", (Y/N) said.
"Or maybe we could just, like, do a different show, you know?", Gunter proposed.
"Gunter, please, we got this."
"Seriously, I have this idea for, like, a space musical."
The bus horn honked, "All right, we're rolling out here.", the bus driver announced as the doors closed.
"You don't want to hear about a space musical?"
The bus drove making Buster gasp and gesture to the bus, "Guys, come on!", he ran after it, "Wait!"
(Y/N) was angry at the others, "Thanks for your support, guys.", she turned away from them crossing her arms.

Suddenly the tires screeched, everyone turned seeing Rosita standing with her arms out in front of the bus.
"Listen, you guys. I have dreamt of performing in Redshore City since I was a little kid. And besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours, and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that. So, come on! We've got nothing to lose.", she climbed on the bus.
The others smiled as they followed Rosita and climbed on the bus.
"Here, Ash. You come in on page two.", Buster handed her the script.
"Wait. We're just gonna rehearse this here at the back of the bus?", Ash wondered.
"Yes, we are."
Johnny chuckled, "Course we are."
"Yep! We gotta get this show in the best shape ever.", he turned seeing Miss Crawly coming with a box full of snacks and drinks, "Ah, Miss Crawly, you made it. Good.
"You are an angel, and we're sure gonna need that-- Whoa!", (Y/N) said then exclaimed seeing Miss Crawly in a pink dress and a wig on her head, "What the--"
"Uh, well, you did say, "Dress to impress".
"I think we need to teach Miss Crawly the meaning of rhetorical.", (Y/N) whispered to Buster.
"Yep.", Buster agreed.

Through the whole bus ride, the cast practiced at the back of the bus. At the beginning, the other passengers looked at them weirdly but then they watched them with joy even the bus driver peeked at them before he concentrated back on the road.

The next morning

Ash and Buster went through the script again as the others slept.
"Let just cut that line and have you just play the guitar part through the whole scene.", Buster said.
"Got it."
Meena woke up seeing that they arrived, "Guys, we're here.

The others woke up too as they looked at the city. It was beautiful with huge building and attractions. The building even showed publication of famous stars. The bus stopped at the station just in front of the Crystal Entertainment building. The cast climbed off.

"All right. Let's go spread a little Moon Theatre magic.", Buster said.
They cheered as they crossed the road making their way to the building.

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