Memories Coming Back

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They walked on stage as Buster grabbed the microphone.
"Your name-- Hey, your name, please?", Jerry asked
"It's Buster Moon.", Buster introduced himself then handed the microphone to (Y/N)
"And I'm his little sister, (Y/N) Moon. We're from the New Moon Theatre. And we're very excited to share our story with you today, sir. Right, guys?"
"Yeah, great. Now get to it.", Crystal said as he sat down.
"Of course, yes.", Buster turned to the cast, "Okay, guys, just like we rehearsed."
Everybody took their positions as Miss Crawly switched on the stereo.
"This is the story of an ordinary high school girl who discovers--", Buster told.


"Stop.", Crystal said.
"He wants you to stop.", Jerry ordered.
Miss Crawly switched off the stereo.
""Ordinary" and "school." Two words I will never be associated with.", Crystal said.
"Never, never.", Jerry agreed.
"Where the heck did you dig these guys up from?"
"If you could all leave very quickly, we'd appreciate that. Please."
"I need big shows, Jerry. Big ideas!"
"Yes, sir, "big." The biggest."
The cast and (Y/N) started to walked away but Gunter suggested the idea he had.
"Hey, I have a big one."
Crystal looked at him waiting for it but Rosita dragged Gunter off the stage.
"Okay, honey. Come on, let's go."
"You know, the sci-fi musical. I mean, it's got the aliens and the robots and the lasers and these amazing songs from, like, Clay Calloway to ..."
Hearing the name, (Y/N) gasped, her sad face turning into shock.


(Y/N) as a baby looked up at a lion couple as they reached out to her.
One year old (Y/N) slowly walked with her mother helping her.
5 year old (Y/N) sang with her father as he played the piano.
(Age minus 17 years) year old (Y/N) look at her mother in the coffin in tears.
(Age minus 16 years) year old (Y/N) played with her best friend at the children's home.
(Age minus 15 years) year old (Y/N) celebrating her birthday sadly without her father picking her up. Running away from the children's home, arriving in Calatonia, tripping and hitting her head.

"Never forget, (Y/N). Don't let anymore judge you for how you look. Your father and I love you. No matter how look."


She came back to herself as she panted by what she just saw. Her memories were back. Those memories she lost 15 years ago were back.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Clay Calloway? I love Clay Calloway.", Crystal said.
"I know, right? I mean, doesn't everybody?", Buster gestured to the others to come back on stage.
"Yeah. Yeah, see, Jerry? This is exactly the kind of big idea I'm talking about."
"Yes, sir."
"So ... So what's the show called?"
"What's it called? Um, Gunter, you wanna ... tell Mr, Crystal what it's called?", Buster asked.
"Uh-huh. It's called Out of This World.", Gunter said.
"Out of This World."
"That's right. Just imagine it.", he turned to Ash, "Ash?"
"Uh, yeah, I got it.", she tuned her guitar then played.
"A spectacular musical that takes your audience out of this world."

I wanna run
I want to hide
I wanna tear down the walls
That hold me inside

"I love this song.", Crystal praised.

I wanna reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

Suddenly someone opened the door. It was Suki.
"Sir, your lunch meeting with ...", she stopped seeing Buster on the stage, "Oh, my--"
"Not now!", Crystal said.
"Moon, how did you get in here?"
"Hey, he said "not now".", Jerry repeated.
"Yeah, I heard him. Thanks, Jerry."
"Are you telling me you got Clay Calloway's permission to use his song?", Crystal wondered.
"Well, what if I told you I did?"
"Ah. Okay, so what, you got some kind of personal connection to this guy?"
"How else would I get it?"
"Moon!", Ash bumped Buster.
"Wait, if you know him, then you could get him in the show, right?"
Buster nodded nervously.
"That'd be huge for me. Huge."
"Sir, I'm sorry, but seriously? You think this little guy from nowhere can get Clay Calloway in the show?", Suki wondered as she crossed her arms.
She, Crystal and Jerry looked at Buster skeptically.
"Well, Suki, for your information, I am not just a little guy from nowhere. Consider it done, sir."

"Um, excuse me?", Jerry asked, "Is your sister alright?"
Buster and the others turned to (Y/N).
"Why wouldn't she be?", Buster wondered.
"Well, she hasn't left that spot or said anything?"
Johnny realised it too and slowly approached her, "(Y/N)?"
Those memories (Y/N) gained back were too much for her, so she fainted falling backward.
"(Y/N)!", the cast yelled as Johnny caught before she hit the floor.
"What's wrong, honey?", he asked as he held her in his arms.
"I'm calling an ambulance.", Suki said taking her phone out.

Time Skip

As the ambulance arrived, (Y/N) was back conscious. The paramedic inspected her saying that she was alright.
"(Y/N), are you alright?", Buster asked.
"I'm alright.", she answered, "So what did I miss?"
"We're going to put the show Gunter mentioned."
"Really? And Mr. Crystal okay with that?"
"Yes, come on."

The cast followed Mr. Crystal.
"I'll give you three weeks, Moon. Three weeks to get this how up and running, okay?",
"Yes, sir. Thank you!"
"Moon, do you really know Clay Calloway?", Ash asked Buster.
"Shh. Not now."
They arrived at the top of the building where a helicopter stood.
"Jerry!", Crystal called.
"Right here, sir."
"I want these guys to start work right away. Set 'em up with out designer, our dancers, whatever they need. And get 'em rooms at the hotel, okay? The very best suites, the whole shaboodle."
"Yes, sir. Yes, of course."
"Hey, one las thing. Don't you ever do nothing to make me look bad. You got that?", Crystal warned Buster.
"I will never let that happen, sir."
"You better not or I'll throw you or your sister off the roof."
Buster chuckled nervously as (Y/N) hid behind Johnny.
"Great job, everyone. Take it away, Raul.", Crystal climbed in the helicopter.
The helicopter floated from the ground then flew away.

"Oh, my gosh. Is this really happening?", Rosita asked.
"Yeah! We're playing Redshore City, baby!", Gunter cheered hugging her.
"Yes, we are, Gunter.", Johnny hugged (Y/N).
They continued to cheer as they walked towards the elevator.
"Gunter! Sci-fi musical? You're a genius.", Buster praised.
"Yeah, well, Mama always said, "Gunter, you're not as stupid as your papa"."
"No, you're not.", he turned to Suki, "Hey, Suki. No hard feelings, huh?"
"You have no idea what you're getting into."

Ash then dragged Buster and (Y/N) away from the others, "Are you out of your mind?"
"Clay Calloway? I'm like his biggest fan, and I call tell you, the guy is a recluse. Seriously. After his wife died and his daughter went missing, no one's seen him in over 15 years."
"Ah. That's not good."
"No, it's not."
"Uh... Miss Crawly, I need you to help me find Clay Calloway. An address, a phone number, anything. But we've gotta find that guy and his daughter."
"Yes, sir."
"You don't need to search for her."
The three turned to (Y/N).
"What do you mean?", Ash asked.
She sighed, "Buster, do you remember when you and Dad found me 15 years ago."
"In that alley? Yes."
"I fainted because ... My memories are back."
"Really? And what did you found out?"
"That I was adopted as a baby."
"By who?"
"By the one who hasn't been seen for 15 years."
Ash gasped, "That means you are ..."
"Yes, Ash, I'm (Y/N) Calloway, Clay Calloway's daughter."

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