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In Catalonia, Hobbs opened the curtains as he picked the tray with breakfast to Nana who woke up in her bed. She watched the news on the tv.

"Good morning. I'm Linda Le Bon, and have I got some hot news for you. Infamous billionaire Jimmy Crystal has hired an unknown theatre producer by the name of Buster Moon and his little sister, (Y/N), who I just found out will be playing in the show."

Seeing Buster and (Y/N)'s pictures on the TV, Nana smiled as she drank her tea with her pinky up.


With the limousine, the cast was brought to the Crystal Tower Hotel. Once arrived, they went in with a beautiful sight. The lobby was decorated with crystals all around.

In their suite, (Y/N), Buster and Gunter were working on the script for the show while Miss Crawly searched informations about Calloway's whereabouts.

"Okay, so this guy coming in from that side and its, like, cuckoo crazy. And then I think we should have, like, this cool alien tango scene.", Gunter told.
"Alien tango scene." I love it!", Buster praised as (Y/N) typed on the computer.
"Wait! I've got a better idea. What if it was like a big underwater scene instead?"
"Underwater?", (Y/N) wondered.
"Yeah. I'm Sur of this. Write it down?"
"Okay.", (Y/N) typed it.
"Wait, wait. Stop your clicky-clacky. I have a better idea."
"You can't keep changing your mind."
"Why? 'Cause in exactly 20 minutes, the stage crew are coming here to start work on our show, and we need to lock this stuff down.", Buster mentioned.
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
"Oh, my gosh, they're early.", he walked towards the door.
"Ooh. And I want to have, like, this beautiful love scene...", Gunter said.
"Miss Crawly, anything on Calloway?", Buster asked.
"Not a thing."
"Oh, jeez."

He opened looking up.
"Ah, Mr. Moon. We're your production team and we're here to start--", a walrus named Mason introduced.
"Yes, yes, yes. You're here to work on the show. And I would gladly invite you all in right now, but--", Buster got interrupted by Gunter.
"We should totally do, like, a battle scene!"
(Y/N) grabbed him and pulled back inside, "Sorry about him.", she said to the crew.
"We just need a little more time to, you know, hammer out a few minor little details. So would it be okay if you all could come back in an hour? Or maybe four? And I really appreciate your patience. Thank you so much.", Buster closed the door and locked it, "Okay. That was not a great start."
"Oh, look, it's a gift for Mr. Crystal.", Miss Crawly approached the fruit basket.
"It says, um ... "Don't screw up, Moons ... or else.""
Buster had a look of frustration as (Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Ooh! I've got a better idea!", Gunter said and began to sing.

What about the mambo
And everyone's in space suits?
A great idea, I think so

The next morning

The cast and the construction gathered around Buster and (Y/N) in the theatre of the hotel.
"Good morning! May I have everyone's attention, please? Thank you, yes. Okay, um ... On behalf of myself and the cast, we just want to say that to be given this incredible opportunity to work with you all here at the Crystal Tower Theatre, well, it's an honour for all of us. And we believe that together, we can make a show that'll take the audience out of this world.", Buster took the sheet away revealing a scrapbook.
"And big thanks to Steve over here for staying up all night to make this model. Thank you so much, Steve.", (Y/N) gestured to a dog who was covered in paint and had droopy eyes.
Buster opened the book, "And here she is, folks, the star of our show, Rosita."
"That's you, baby!", Gunter side-hugged Rosita.
"The lead role?", Rosita gasped.
"Trust us, Rosita, you are perfect for it.", (Y/N) said.
The crew cheered and clapped for Rosita.
"Wait till my kids her about this."
"So the story goes like this.", (Y/N) flipped the page, "Rosita plays an astronaut searching for a missing space and his daughter. Together with her trusty robot ..."
"That's me!", Gunter said.
"Mm-hmm. Yes. They follow the trail across five planets.", (Y/N) flipped the page, "There's a planet of war, a planet of love, one of despair, one of joy and one of protection. And each planet will have its own spectacular musical number performed by one of our terrific cast."
"And how does it end? Do I find the explorer and his daughter?", Rosita asked.
"Oh, we have no clue what we're going to do at the end.", Gunter said but Buster shut his mouth.
"Gunter. No, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do have great ideas for the ending. We just ... All right. We've only got three weeks to make this a reality, folks, so let's get to work."
"Johnny, you are gonna play an alien warrior in a fantastic battle scene.", (Y/N) said to her boyfriend.
"Come with us, babe."

In a rehearsal room, the dancers were stretching themselves as (Y/N), Johnny, Gunter and Buster came in.
"Johnny, I want you to meet your fellow dancers.", Buster introduced.
"Hello, lads.", Johnny greeted.
The dancers greeted back.
"Wait. Honey, you said mine was a battle scene.", he mentioned to (Y/N).
"Well, it is, babe. But Gunter saw it as more of a dance battle.", (Y/N) clarified.
"Yeah!", Gunter agreed.
"Okay...", Johnny said skeptically.
"Johnny, don't worry. You're gonna be working with the number-one choreographer in Redshore City. "Buster reassured handing him a business card.
"Klaus Kickenklober?"
"Yep. Klaus will turn you into a pro in no time."
"Okay. Uh..."
Meena then appeared at the door, "Mr. Moon? (Y/N)?"
He then walked to her as (Y/N) stayed with Johnny.
"Hey, don't be nervous. You're already a great singer and I'm sure you'll will be a great dancer too.", (Y/N) comforted him.
"Thank you, honey.", he leaned down and kissed her, "You always know how to cheer me up."
She smiled, "I'll see you later.", and followed after Buster.

"Meena, you okay?", Buster asked.
"Gunter said I'm in a romantic scene and, uh ... I have to kiss someone.", she explained nervously.
"Yeah. It's gonna be an amazing, beautiful, romantic scene."
"Mr. Moon, I've never even had a boyfriend or any of that stuff."
"Don't you worry, Meena. We're gonna cast a great partner for you.", (Y/N) reassured.

She walked away as Mason approached them, "Mr. Moon, we're ready to start building the rest of the sets and ..."
"Okay, okay, listen. I don't exactly know what they are yet, so could you give us one more night to figure this out?", Buster whispered.
Mason nodded, "Hey, this guy and girl doesn't have it figured out so we can't start work right now.", he said as Buster and (Y/N) tried to make him stop but failed, "Did everybody hear that? They do not have the show figured out. I'm looking into his eyes and all I see is fear. And a little bit of shame. And in her eyes, I see annoyance and anger."
"Yeah, I think everyone heard you, Mason. Thank you so much.", (Y/N) yelled with gritted teeth then mumbled, "I think I need to teach him the meaning of discretion."
"Gunter, we three have work to do.", Buster said.

In the evening

Back in their suites, they continued to work on the end of the show.
"And then I'm thinking Ash, you know, she can, like, totally have a duet with Clay Calloway 'cause, like, she's a star that is, like, guiding them all the way back home again.", Gunter proposed.
"Yes, Gunter! That's perfect for Ash.", Buster agreed typing on the computer.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, the door opened as Rosita's kids came and ran to their mother.
"Oh, my darlings, you're here.", they jumped on her making her fall.
They ran to (Y/N), Johnny, and Meena who picked them up.
"My gosh, I wasn't expecting you till the morning.", Rosita wondered.
"I know, but they couldn't wait to see ya.", Norman said as went past the kids to his wife, "The star of the show, huh?"
"Can you believe it? It's literally my dream come true."
"I know.", he kissed her, "I am so proud of you, honey."
The kids climbed on Buster as he tried to type on the computer, "Help!"
"Mr. Moon, I found him.", Miss Crawly said holding an article of Calloway.
"Clay Calloway?"
(Y/N) gasped as she went to Miss Crawly and took the article reading it.
"Yeah, I found his home address."
Buster cheered.
"No way!", Ash said as (Y/N) handed her the article.
"Yes way. Miss Crawly, I'm gonna need you to go visit him first thing tomorrow."
"Oh, yes, sir."
"You'll need to rent a car and take him a letter and maybe that fruit basket. Yes, the fruit basket. You got that?"
"Got it."

Sorry, my fans, only one chapter for today. I was at my favorite cafe this afternoon. It's my favourite because they have cats and I'm going there every Saturday.

Thank you so much for your approvals and comments. Comment if you like. No insults.

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