Chapter 80: June Jackson

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I softly kicked my legs underneath the warm and silky sheets and tossed my head searching for the cooler side of the pillow. I felt so at peace that even the creamy pink light that enveloped me was welcome. A deep voice murmured as if calling my senses back to me. I could taste my stale mouth that could use a brushing. I could smell the familiar scent of cleaned linen. I could hear the voice more clearly.

"Hey, you up?"

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted the creamy pink veil to reveal my room being cast in sunlight from the opened window. Jimmy sat to my left watching me expectantly with an amused smirk as opposed to the annoyed sneer I had grown accustomed.

"Jimmy?" I whispered. I expected to be louder, but I was enjoying the comfortable rousing from sleep.

"There she is! How ya feeling Angel Cakes?" Jimmy said playfully.

Angel Cakes? Not Fuck Doll? Not Minnie? Angel Cakes. That seemed a little too endearing for Jimmy.

I slowly sat up feeling a bit stiff. I stretched and rolled my oddly heavy head. "Angel ca—" I stopped seeing long hair flop in front of my face. I quickly grasped the locks and found them long and tangled about me. I turned to Jimmy panicked and found him calmly texting on his phone.

I searched the room and my person for answers then noticed the ring on my wedding finger. It was Cenderion's flower of bonding, but visible and upgraded with a wooden band. I quickly recalled the horrible evening of Cenderion being sick and just wrong. He had taken me and forced me to undergo a marriage ceremony before laying me beneath his tree. His tree was sick, and his eyes were black and driven by some greed I couldn't comprehend. Jimmy had managed to hold him at bay after I used the luminous strike. I was escaping, but there was this thing. It was black... or was it red? It was all I could think about, but then...

I ran my fingers through a tangle trying to spread and loosen the knot, while I tried to piece together what happened. With my hair this length I must have healed myself, which meant I was injured somehow. I didn't remember any pain, at least not physical. It was just dark and lonely. A yearning ache for something just out of reach.

Jimmy shoved his phone in his pocket. "Welp, just texted the boss. He's on his way."

I looked to Jimmy at his relaxed and pleased form. Normally he was irritated or openly bored.

Angel cakes...

I sat straight and slapped my hands down on the mattress. "You know." I said.

Jimmy looked confused for a moment then quickly caught onto my meaning. "About the angel thing? Yeah. Hendrix had to spill the beans after your holy-ass spectacle." I had never heard the terms ass and holy in one sentence together let alone an adjective.

I pulled some hair out of my face and tried to flatten the frizz. "And you're going to treat me different now?" I asked a little frustrated. Everyone did. Hendrix's new found respect, Cenderion's amorous wooing, and Mary's silence. I wasn't just some clueless little virgin from the human continents anymore. I was this almighty and important angel hybrid. I guess... I still felt like me, and although I am happy with not being looked down on as much, it felt like a cheap victory.

Jimmy smiled his typical evil smile. "Hell no. You're still an annoying weak-ass casualty that I could easily snap in two, but I'm less bothered by the job if that's what you mean. I mean, angel's bodyguard would look great on my resume, but non-disclosure agreement and all that." He shrugged.

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