the train

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*Louis and Harry haven't slept all night. The big exam was coming up. They studied the whole night. As 4 am came, Louis finished, while Harry was still studying. Louis fell asleep on Harry's lap. Harry smiled and kissed his forehead. He kept on studying untill 5 am came*
Harry:Kitten. Wake up.
Louis groaned:Kitten?
Harry:You fell asleep like one.
*Louis giggled, covering his face with his hands*
Harry:But actually wake up, we need to get to class for the exam.
Louis:Ugh, fine.
*Louis rubbed his eyes and got up.*
Harry:You're deffinetly a kitten
*Louis giggled.*
Louis:When does our exam start?
Harry:11 am
Harry:So, do we have classes?
Louis:No, because we needed to study
Harry:So what's gonna happen after we finish the exam?
Louis:No one told you?
Louis:We're going to Italy
Harry:I know how to speak Italian
Louis:That's cute
*When they got out, they were seperated immidately. They were in classes. When everyone got in, they started the exam. They didn't have much time. As they turned the second page, Harry was gonna black out. He was tired. He was questioning a lot. He finally answered everything. Louis answered everything easily. As he turned the second page, he answered everything. As they waited for the bell to ring, they got handed another test. Harry was shocked. He looked throught every question and tried answearing it. His leg started shaking. He finally finished. He was almost gonna rip his hair apart. The professor took his test and smiled at him. Louis answeared everything. For some reason he was calm. The professors took their exams.*
Professor whispered:Good job
*Louid felt relived. When the bell rang everyone ran outside. Louis ran at Harry, hugging him tightly.*
Louis:We did it!
Harry:I can finally sleep!
*Louis laughed*
Louis:That was not a laughing matter, but i was still laughing. Sorry
Harry:It's okay.
Professor:Unless you guys wanna be in the meeting for the trip to Italy for 4 hours, go to your dorms.
*Everyone ran at their dorms. When Harry and Louis got there, they dropped their bags and layed on their bed.*
Louis:Can you belive it? It's over
Harry:After endless studying, it's over!
*Harry dragged Louis closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around his body.*
Louis:Harreh, what are you doing?
Harry:I'm protecting you
Louis:Aren't i supposed to protect you?
Harry:Not anymore
*Louis chuckled as he kissed him. Harry took Louis on top of him. Louis placed his hands on Harry's face.*
Louis:And after i was the kitty
Harry:You still are. It's just that your leg is on my crotch
*Louis removed his leg and found himself closer to Harry*
*Louis smiled*
*They talked for a bit and fell asleep. Four hours later, Gemma came in to tell them to get ready*
Gemma:Hello? Harry i've been knocking for the past 10 times. Wake up!
Gemma:Oh god! I forget you two are together. I thought Louis was sleeping on the other bed
Louis:I'm not that tiny.
Harry:Yes you are
Gemma:Did you two pack?
Gemma:Great. If i don't see your gay asses outside in 5 minutes, we're leaving you.
*Harry and Louis got up.*
Louis:What happend?
Harry:I was taking my shoes from the table and i hit my head
Louis:Oh no
Harry:Don't worry. It isn't that bad.
Louis:You ready?
Louis:Come on
*Harry and Louis ran outside where the students were.*
Louis:Your hair looks like a mess
Harry:It's always like that
Gemma:Okay! Students, line up! I'll be calling names and you just raise your hand.
Alex:I'm sorry what is this? Kindergarden?
Gemma:If you keep on acting like a child, soon enough yes.
*As she called out their names, she got to the last one*
Gemma:And Zayn Malik?
*He raised his hand.*
Gemma:Good. Everyone is here.
Principal:So, you guys will be the only college there. Please don't act like you're in a zoo. Is everyone here?
Gemma:Wait! Lottie Tomlinson is supposed to come.
Louis:Lottie is coming?!
Harry:Who was that?
Louis:Me sister. She's a year older than me.
Harry:There she is!
Lottie:I'm so sorry! I missed the bus
Gemma:It's okay. We can go now. Right?
Gemma:Come on!
*Everyone started moving. *
Harry:Hey, uhm if you don't mind, when we get there, we can maybe, meet up with me mum?
Louis:Oh, that sounds amazing. I'd love to.
Harry:Yeah, but i'll have to talk to her assistant about that.
Louis:Don't worry.
Gemma:What are you two talking about?
Harry:Oh, i'm gonna try to meet up with mum.
Gemma:That's amazing. Don't tell her i said hi. I can't stand that woman. But i'm not forcing you to not see her.
Harry:Thanks sis
Gemma:But do say hi to her assistant
Harry:Oooo, is it because you like him?
Gemma:Shut up! He's my friend
Harry:Sure he is
Gemma:Harry, if you weren't my brother, i'd beat you up right now
Gemma and Louis:You apologise way too much.
Louis:Let's never do that again
Gemma:I agree
*Gemma walked away*
Harry giggled:That was strange
*When they got at the train*
Gemma:So, i'll sit you guys down. Alex with Harry.
Harry:Are you crazy? He's gonna kill me
Gemma:Harry, i'm here, your boyfriend is here. You're safe
Harry:If you say so
Gemma:Sam with Louis. Zayn with Liam
*As everyone sat down, the train started.*
Alex:We'll have fun, Harry *he placed his arm around Harry*
Harry:Let me go.

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