getting back

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*Louis was putting some ice packs on Harry's face. Some people rushed in the room.*
Niall:Where is he? Where is our baby?!
Liam:Move Louis!
Zayn:I'm so sorry dude. I tried
*Liam grabed Louis and threw him aside*
Zayn:Here *Zayn let a hand out for Louis and helped him stand up*
Harry:Hi guys!
Niall:How are you?
Liam:Are you hurt?
Harry:I'm tired, and yes, but Louis is helping me
Louis:Yeah, and you guys stormed in out of nowhere while i was helping him
Liam:Harry? Harry!
Harry:Hm? Oh sorry, i zoned out.
*After they stopped talking, everyone went to their rooms and packed*
Louis:Okay. Are you packed?
Louis:Babe, are you okay?
Harry:I'm tired
Louis:When we get on the bus, you can rest
*Louis grabbed Harry's chin, kissing him. Harry smiled*
Louis:There's that beautiful smile
Harry giggled:Let's go
*Everyone got outside*
Harry:When's the bus coming?
Gemma:In half an hour
Gemma:You look tired
Harry:I am. I think i'm gonna pass out...
*Harry started feeling dizzy.*
Harry's mind: I swear, if this bus dosen't get here any sooner i'll drag it myself. Where is Louis?
*Louis was talking with a girl, maybe fighting? The girl gets annoyed and kisses him. He quickly pulls away. Harry didn't even see when he pulled away*
Louis:What is your problem, Elenour?!
Elenour:I like you, okay?!
Louis:Well i don't! We dated for a month and that was it! I don't like you! I have a boyfriend anyway
Elenour:You're gay?!
Louis:Yes. I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate, isn't it?
*Louis walked away*
Gemma:The hell was that?
Louis:Some chick i dated for a month decided to kiss me
Gemma:That is so wrong
Louis:I know! Where is Harold?
Gemma:There *she pointed*
*Harry was walking in a circle*
Niall:Dude, walk in a circle one more time and i'm gonna throw you to the moon
Harry:If i stop moving i'm gonna black out
Niall:Bro, i'm gonna black out if you keep on walking in circles. Just sit down
Harry:Yeah, you're right
*As Harry want to sit, he fell on the ground*
Niall:I said sit down, not fall dramaticly!
Harry? Oh no
*Niall moved to Harry*
Louis:What happend?!
Niall:Harry passed out.
Louis:Oh gosh. Give him to me
*Louis takes Harry, picking him up, bridal style*
Gemma:Students! The bus is here!
*Everyone got on the bus. Louis placed Harry on a seat. As he sat next to him, Harry leaned onto Louis's arm, slowly falling and landing onto his lap. Louis smiled and played with his hair*
Gemma:What are you two doing?
Louis:He passed out
Gemma:Oh. Tell me when he wakes up. Alex stop annoying Jack!
*As they got out of the bus, Harry was still unconscious and Louis started getting worried. They got on the train. It was already noon and everyone got to their dorms. Harry was slowly waking up*
Louis:Harry? You're awake!
Harry:How long was i out?
Louis:Quite a long time
Harry:Can we talk about something?
Louis:Yeah, of course
Harry:I saw you, uhm kissing this girl.
Louis:She's my ex. I dated her for a month. It wasn't that serious. I was forced to date her. Don't worry, i don't like her. She just spotted me and kissed me.
Louis:Why did you faint?
Harry:I was very tired
Louis:I mean, most of the time you don't sleep. You needed the sleep
*Louis looked at him for a second and kissed him*
Harry:I love those tattoos
Louis:Thank you. I love your tattoos aswell.

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