18: The Next Step

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Oh my Titan. Oh my Titan. Oh my Titan, oh my Titan, oh my Titann–

Did that just happen?


Hunter just...stares. Stares with the brightest of stars shining in his eyes. Stares at (Reader) as they ran back into the Manor. His entire face feels like it's been stung by fire bees, his legs feel all wobbly and weak like pasta noodles.

He and Flapjack share a glance, his magenta ones wide. Flapjack's one smug and almost...knowing.

And Hunter just laughs.

He's laughing, he's smiling, he's doing all that corny shit those goons in that stupid black and white movie do, with the loopy hearts covered in pink that's so bright and vivid it could make you puke.

He stumbles, backing away slightly, before jumping onto his staff and flying into the night.


He's a mess inside. And, well, probably outside, too, from some of the rain burns on his outfit. Hunter giggles, his giddy laughs echoing throughout the jeweled sky, as he kicks off higher, faster, further. He passed through a cloud, misty and hazy, before racing the birds in the air to the end of it, before he reached his hands into the stars, like trying to pull one down.

Hunter's being stupid. Hunter knows he's being stupid. One little kiss. On the cheek. One little kiss on the cheek, and suddenly he's going feral. Really? Man, if (Reader) could see him now.

(Reader) kissed him. (Reader). Kissed. Him.

Hunter has only heard of such things in movies, or snippets of gossip while he walked the halls of the castle. To be perfectly honest, he didn't even know kissing wasn't just some made up thing until he was thirteen years old, when he saw two old men looking at each other all lovey-dovey on patrol. He didn't get the 'birds and the bees' talk, and anyway, who would even have given it to him? His uncle? What a laughable suggestion.

He didn't think kissing was even an actual thing, much less it had happened to him.

And now. Oh Titan, now....

....Now what?

When people kiss....they usually get together, right? That's what happens during movies, anyway. It's not like Hunter has experience with this thing.

Does this mean he and (reader) are dating??

Hunter grumbles to himself, cheeks furiously red. He feels he's just about to explode. His heart drums in his chest like it's about to rip itself out of him and start singing about teeth-rotting fluff and bunnies and heart boxes filled with chocolates.

Oh dear. He's going insane. From just a kiss. On the cheek.

His mind conflicted and crowded, Hunter flies to the only place he can think of.


Hunter props himself up on the cliffside's edge, feet dangling in the air. He glances down at the crashing waves of steaming ocean several feet underneath him. His hands grab at a pebble, smooth and shiny, hidden in the grass.

He takes it in his fingers, before tossing it to the ocean. It splashes, sizzling. Flapjack looks at Hunter with one warm brown eye, as if asking him silently what he was doing.

The blonde sighs, before he shifts his position. His back hits the soft blades of green grass, outlining his figure.

The salty air does nothing to cool his heated up cheeks. He gazes up at the sky, the faint stars twinkling on a faded blue and purple background. Maybe, if Hunter looks hard enough, he'll see the silhouette of him and (Reader) months ago, eating ice cream and watching the sunset in content silence.

It had stopped raining since Hunter brought (Reader) back to the manor. He had given them his jacket so they wouldn't be cold, right? And then....and then they promised each other a letter in the hollow. And then...

"Ugghhh..." Hunter groans, covering his eyes with his hands while his lips are in a frown, "I'm going insane. That must be it. There's no way (Reader) Blight..."

Flapjack watches in curiosity as Hunter begins to mutter to himself.

"Me....me and (Reader)? No, no, that sounds....wrong. It can't be..." he mumbles under his breath, hands falling to his sides once more. "But it sounds....ugh. This is so gross. Do people my age really act like this?" He wonders aloud to no one in particular.

He can't lie. Hunter and (Reader). (Reader) and Hunter. It sounds so....right. And it made total sense too, right?

...Well, not really.

Hunter is from the Emperor's Coven. He's the Golden Guard, taught to be prim and proper and to never disobey orders and to follow the Titan's wishes and vision. He has learned to keep his mouth shut and do the job with no complaint.

Yet, when he met (Reader), everything felt...different. Like the world has shifted, metamorphing a new perspective. Now, life was fun. Life was filled with sticky fingers from ice cream cones, flower crowns and smiling so much his mouth ached. He could actually enjoy living when he was next to the Blight, like their presence alone made his shoulders untense, eyebrows unfurrowing, lips quirked up.

But Hunter can't like them. He won't. He shouldn't.

But he does. He does, and he can't for the life of him figure out how to get rid of the fluttering feeling in his chest. This isn't good. This isn't good at all. He can't be going around, falling in love and laughing and writing letters in the dead of the night. And to be honest? He's scared. What if this changes their friendship for the worse? What if, one day, they break up, and suddenly (Reader) gives hunter cold stares before looking away. Worse, what if they don't look at him at all?

What to do, what to do....

First thing he does tomorrow, he's going to fucking run to the damn tree hollow and read (Reader)'s letter. 


Author's notes:



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