17: In Another Lifetime

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Author's note: (note: f/l means first letter, as in the first letter of your name.)

You dance across your room, laughing and grinning as you spin yourself around, clutching the vermillion envelope tightly. Pandora watches, judging you from her tank, but you don't give a shit! Because Hunter actually asked you out on a date!

Well, not exactly. You doubted if Hunter even knew what a date was. But honestly, when you write 'Dress nicely and meet me by the tree hollow at 4:30 pm' in a secret letter, is that really just an innocent invitation to hang out with your totally platonic friend?

Anyway, currently you are trying to decide on what to wear. Would it be rational to show up in formal attire? Or is he thinking this is more of a lowkey, casual hangout?

Eh. Maybe you could just show up in a cardigan and something else. You pull out your rubber shoes, reserved especially for occasions such as these. You reread the letter, perhaps if you did it would seem more real, or maybe you're looking for a clue that you'd made it all up, that he wasn't really inviting you for a hangout.

No, it's all real. And you're a little relieved. Now, with that little note of reassurance, you say to yourself with an edge of determination, "What should I wear?"

Honestly, it felt refreshing that just for an afternoon, all you worry about are clothing and boys. A change from all your typical distress about the Shining Stars, studying up on abominations and practicing for duels. It was nice to have one day to yourself, right?

You've already decided on your outfit, and now all you had to do was pack. You grab your bookbag from your closet and fill it with necessities — a handheld mirror, some lip balm, your scroll, and of course you can't forget your silver dagger you had bought in the Night Market.

What? Silver daggers were a classic! Anyway, you've gotten used to bringing it around in your bag ever since you bought it the night you met the golden guard. Amity's been teaching you how to wield handheld weapons, and you're getting pretty good at it, in your opinion! And it was good to have something to protect yourself with that didn't rely on your magic.

"Pan, want to tag along with my hangout with Hunter?" you call to your snake, glancing at her enclosure. She lifts a head, shaking it before slithering deeper into her home.

You shrug, "Suit yourself." Pandora seems to only want to go out with you when you're the Ghoul Conjuror. Maybe she had grown fond of the daring escapades of normal life, the fights where only you and the Golden Guard had each other's backs. And you kinda miss it too. It probably just slipped your mind. You glance to the smooth moonstone that sits in an opened jewelry box your father had made for you on your sixth birthday. He had made it so that it could only open in your hands.

You sigh, closing the box slowly, revealing the painted (F/L) at the top of the box. It was your favorite color at the time, and you loved it dearly, hiding stupid things like buttons and portions of food you didn't want your siblings to have. Though it soon just stayed at the highest shelf of your room, collecting dust. Perhaps when your father started becoming more distant your fondness of the box grew to bitterness.

Whatever. Now was not the time to deal with repressed family trauma. You grab a few books Hunter has lent to you, shoving it into your bag before zipping it back up and slinging it onto your shoulder.

"Now, to write a note telling Em and Ed where I'm going—-"

"Going where, (reader)?"


You freeze, turning slowly to your two emerald-haired siblings who lean on your doorframe, curiosity intruding their features. You chuckle nervously, "Hey guys. Um, you're getting pretty sneaky."

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