Chapter 2: (Percy)

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"Percy! Breakfast's ready. I made some blue pancakes.." teased Mom.

"For real?" I gasped. My mom (a.k.a Sally Jackson) makes the best blue pancakes in the universe. It's like heaven in your mouth (well, apart from her famous blue cookies). She doesn't make them a lot because we have very little money. She's an only parent and works at a candy shop, which I get free samples from every once in a while.

"Yep, although if you don't come down in 30 seconds they're getting a one-way ticket to Bin-Town," she called back. Quicker than a cat running (or crawling idk how to describe their movement) from water, I put on my regular outdoor clothes (a blue hoodie with an orange CHB shirt inside with blue jeans) and scrubbed my teeth so furiously I was surprised they didn't fall out. 

......................................................................................................................................(time skip lol idc how percy eats tbh)

"Bye Mom!" I yelled as I drove my mom's Audi 08 (I honestly have no idea what kind of car they own pls tell me don't hate me :( also, this is getting long and I slapped myself lol Anyway back to the story you can just delete this part WHY IS THIS SO LONG ow) to Goode High. 

As I approached the green gates of Goode High, I was toppled over as a blonde girl with beautiful grey eyes... ARGH Perseus Jackson you are the king of the school, you cannot start falling in love at first sight with a girl that toppled you over... (SKIP READING THAT PART IF THIS GRAMMAR IS TOTALLY OFF IDC) crashed on top of me. I thought I heard her mumble," Sorry," before she ran off, clearly flustered. 

Clearing the dust off my clothes, I straighten my backpack (whatever you Americans do I'm British so pls don't hate me Also Ps I don't drink tea) and enter the gates, not falling over. 

.....................................(TIME SKIP FOR 20 CENTURIES BC PERCY CANNOT FIND HIS LOCKER LOL DONT WE ALL)..................................................................................

I hear someone yelling and a Clang! telling me a fight is near. But, hang on, that voice was familiar... Oh gods no. Anyone but her.

"Don't think I haven't caught on to what you're doing, Chase," said my one and only (Well, she wasn't that nice tbh) girlfriend, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, namely known as RED or Rach. Sighing to myself, I went over to stop the fight.

"What on flipping earth do you mean?" another voice exclaimed, though it sounded strained. Supposedly this was the victim. "I haven't done anything!"

"You're trying to-" Rachel started, but I decided to step in.

"Rach, please tell me you're still harassing random people in this school. I've told you a million times to lay off them. So please, back off," I stated coldly. Rachel jumped at the sight of me, as though she hadn't realized I was there.

"She deserved it," she muttered.  At this, I began to feel a spark of fury in my stomach (idk is that weird for you guys?). Suddenly, that spark became blazing anger.

"No, Rachel Elizabeth Dare," (she was stunned at the use of her full name)," if anyone in the history of Goode High deserves harassment, it would be you. I don't see why I ever dated someone like you, but we're finished either way. Don't try and contact me or bring me back. This is the end of the line," I declared. I strolled off from an astonished Rachel and a stunned Blonde girl with.. gray eyes? Oh no. Oh gods no. Oh heck no. Please tell me I didn't just stand up for a girl that I met a few minutes ago, that I didn't just stand up for a girl that toppled me over. Welp, goodbye social life.

A/N: What do you guys think about this chapter? It's basically chapter 1 in Percy's POV and honestly, I think this turned out much better than the last. Tell me what you think in the comments and please please please (do I have to copy and paste these?) vote for my story. IT would mean more than... Er.... Anyways, if you laughed, you owe me a banana peel full of ice cream with a dancing flamingo on top (don't ask).

From the same clueless author that wrote the last chapter,

Err, what's my name again?


K lemme rewrite this.

From a clueless author that can't spell hippopotamus without spelling correction and 20 english tutors that are paid £5000000000(insert many zero's) each yelling at me ,


wow that was a mouthful wasn't it. also once we hit 10 viewers ill do a writing spurt for a week. Peace out bc i rlly want pizza.


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