Chapter 3: (Piper)

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Wow, I bet you guys didn't think I'd add Piper this early. Well, I'm a unique author. a/n should I use chapter names or keep the current HoO-inspired chapter titles? comment below!

Another day of school, another day of torture. See, my dad is the famous actor Tristan Mclean, and nobody knows that. But they all know that my mom died in a car crash. And that info is enough to make my life miserable already. However, the bullies (a.k.a Clarisse La Rue and Ethan Nakamura) have a way of turning truth into poof and spreading rumors.

Trudging moodily through the halls of Goode High (can I just call it Goode I've said Goode High way way too many times) I heard a Clang! and someone yelling. Instinctively, I dashed into the restroom and cautiously peeked out. A deep, muscular voice was heard... but only one person had such a voice. The star of the school himself, Percy Jackson. 

I could scarcely hear the conversation, but some parts stuck out to me. "Rach", "Back off", "harassment", "dated", and "end of the line". Rach... only one person had that name. Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Percy Jackson's girlfriend, or, as of now, ex-girlfriend.

I almost jumped headfirst into a toilet bowl as a Slam! indicated that Percy had left. Breathing heavily, I decided to step out of the bathroom into living ____ (again I can't and won't swear because a) im just not that person an d b) ill get murdered by my mom if i do idk why).  Slowly walking towards the commotion, I saw a blonde girl with grey eyes and a Yankees cap, with an orange (INSERT RANDOM TEXT HERE) t-shirt and blue leggings (idk what u girls wear k don't scream at me...*checks comments*... Yeah i might not update for a while AGHHH ITS CRAZY FANGIRLS) . 

"Are you okay?" I asked the blonde. 

"As fine as a nobody can be in this school," she replied. 

"Hey, you can sit with me at lunch in the cafeteria!" I offered. She looked up and stared at me as though I was crazy.

"No, I can't. You may not be a popular, but trust me, you don't want to be seen with the likes of me," she replied distantly. I frowned. How on earth could someone have such a bad reputation that they can't even sit with people in the cafeteria? I decided to walk off, but that girl was gonna be a mystery for the ages.

.........................................(time skip thru a bunch of lessons).........................................

Walking through the cafeteria was a nightmare. Clarisse had just finished insulting me, and then she tripped me as I went to sit down, making me fall on my food and causing everyone to laugh at me. Gloomily, I picked myself up and walked to my table... Which was taken by Percy Jackson and his friends. Great. Suddenly, he turned around and asked me," Hey, do you want to sit at our table? We've got room for 2 more because the Stolls were suspended till Monday next."

My heart skipped a beat. The most popular, athletic guy in Goode High, had just asked me to sit at his table. "S-sure," I managed. He started talking about how he hated being the star of the school, and in my head, I was yelling my approval at him. I mean, I've been in the spotlight many times, and let me tell you now that it isn't as nice as you think. For you, your reputation is everything. And if you lose it, things are even worse than being a nobody. Sliding down next to Percy, I noticed a certain Blonde at the edge of the room.

"Hey, um, I know I just sat down, but do you mind if the blondie over there"(indicating the back table)" sits with us?" I asked tentatively. To my surprise, he said," Sure. Just tell her to come over." So I bounded over towards the blonde and asked her if she wanted to sit with us. She said yes , which surprised me. I thought it would take a lot more than that to convince her. She walked over to the table and sat down next to me. Percy and his group of friends kept chatting and laughing, however I could have sworn that Annabeth kept sneaking glances at Percy.

After a while, Percy asked," What's your names?" 

"Piper Mclean," I replied, and he shook my hand. 

"Nice to meet you, Piper. And yours's?" Percy indicated the blonde.

"Annabeth Chase," she said, also shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Annabeth. Hey, I'm hosting a party at my house tomorrow, 6.15pm. You guys up to come?" he asked.

"Sure", we replied in unison. Getting up, I felt my arms quaking. The Percy Jackson had just invited me (and Annabeth) to a party. Only Percy's friends ever went (and the bullies and everyone except the uninvited people). I have the feeling that things were about to get interesting...

So, another day, another chapter. Do you guys like it? I feel its a lot longer than the other chapters but I  promise more is on the way. Anyways, for a whopping 62 reads (OMG TYSM GUYS), I put out a post on my profile for you guys, check it out! 

From a clueless author,


Ps. Check out random stuff, I'll do some pretty cool stuff there.

PPs. Do you like ice cream?

PPPs. Do I have a cringey sense of humour?


PPPPPs. *Smacks myself* Owwwww.....

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