chapter 17

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Broken generation- Retrofile.

3rd person-->

The Baku squad and a few other classmates were walking around in the mall, those who got coffee or a beverage from Hoppers Café were holding it in their hands and walked around, some of them like Mina and Denki was a little bit hyperactive the second they consumed their coffees

"Let's go to that shop!" Mina said, pointing at a shoe shop.
"No! Lets rather go to that one!" She excitedly said, running up to a jewelry store putting her face and hands against the display window looking at the rings and necklaces.

"Why are we even dragged along?" Bakugo asked himself, by accident he spoke aloud.

"I don't know, apparently my room is 'plain and boring'." Shoto answered, looking around the mall, spotting a thrift store.
"I'm going to that store." He told Katsuki, then pointing at the store and walking to it.

"Well don't leave me alone with  them!" Katsuki exclaimed, angrily stomping behind Shoto who was already at the entrance of the store.

"You sound like a elephant." Shoto 'complimented' Katsuki's way of walking.

"Shut it Icy-hot!" Bakugo grumbled at the teen, who looked up at the thrift store's sign. "What are you waiting for! Go in, I don't have all day."

They walked into the store, looking around in the store.
There were many different types of aesthetics of clothes, diffrent sizes and patterns.

But a shirt caught his attention. He took it out.
"Hey Blasty!" Shoto called.

Bakugo turned around, annoyed by the nickname but surprisingly ignored it.
"What, Half-n-half?"

Shoto then showed him a shirt.
In the middle was 2 words boldly printed on the blsck fabric.

'Fuck off.'

It read.

"Ha, maybe I'll wear it everyday." He said with a grin on his face.

Shoto then took the shirt, deciding that'll he'll get it for him, as an apology for almost giving him hypothermia...and dragging him into this 'mess.'

"Hey, Halfie!" Bakugo said, taking off a shirt from the hanger-pole (thingy) and showed it to Shoto.

"Ew, no." He said looking st a shirt with Endeavor's face printed on it. "No thank you."

Bakugo swore his eyes had disgust in them. 'Is the shirt that bad?' He asked to himself, looking at it.
"Too bad he's dead."

Shoto mumbled something under his breath. "Excuse me?" Bakugo asked.

"Nothing, was just talking to myself." He said, then focusing his attention on the clothes.

'Weirdo.' Bakugo thought.


Sorry for ending the chapter here, I'm very tired so Imma head to bed.

And!! I won't be able to post next week, since I have a concert this Wednesday..I have to preform AND help backstage for the little ones...
...and I'm slowly falling behind in chapters because of stupid tests, I have to write 2 this week then I have 4 left...I'll try to update as soon as possible.

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