ariana greenblatt 🥀

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Request from fhsiuehunfyfstg
Contains minors :,), punishment, praising

Another day was over after shooting Barbie. I was a little tired from doing nothing but standing there and watching. My friend An has all the good parts. I mean of course, she is the actress and I am just her girlfriend she dragged with her, but still.

There she finally is. "Hiii An" I yell, and run to her. "Hi", she dryly replies and responds my hug a little awkward. I swear if her she wants to reflect her character on her private life she will get treated like a brat deserves. "Should we go out?", I ask. "Why not", from her.

After we changed into something more elegant we made our way to the restaurant. It's a Pizzaria. The lady at the door shows us our table for two and we sit down. I try to take her hand but she brushes me of by putting her hand in her lap. "Are you ok?", I ask. "Um..yea."

A girl comes to take our order. I try to order but she talks over me, "A four seasons pizza, a coke for me and a sprite for her." The girl leaves and I just look at her. "What?" She asks in an unfriendly tone.

I take her hand roughly and take her with me, "come with me", I just say pissed of. I drag her to the bathroom and open the and get in, still holding her wrist.

She gets out of my grip and takes a step back. "What are you doing?" She asks and gives me a dirty look, in a bad way. "Why are you so mean?" I say. "Uhh, shut up" from her. "No, you should shut up." I say, she is really making me mad. "Me me", she sais with a smirk.

I can't believe she did all this on purpose just to piss me of.


Without answering I walk to her and push her in a toilet cabinet with a closed toilet. I'm really glad that this is an expensive restaurant with clean toilets. I lock the door behind us and pin her hand above her head. "I'll make you regret that you said that", giving her a smirk.

I see lust and excitement in her eyes but a spark of fear. My free hand squeezes one of her breasts, making her moan and then moves downwards. I go under her dress and pull her panties down slowly, not breaking eye contact. Her legs want to close but I place one of mine in-between to stop her from doing so.

My thumb starts moving in circles. She tries to contains her moans and squirms under my touch. As I insert two of my fingers in her very wet pussy she couldn't restrain her moans anymore and closes her eyes. I curl the repeatedly, increasing my speed slowly. I feel her getting loader and stop.

A whine involuntary escapes her mouth and she opens her eyes. "Why did you stop" she asks. "If you can't control your noises, I have to." I just say. "Ok, I'll be more quiet." She promises and looks at me, her eyes begging for me to continue.

My fingers, who are still in her start moving again and she throws her head back in pleasure. Her moans aren't as noticeable now and I pick up my pace again. Her quiet moans become more frequent and I can start feeling her clench around me. Now is revenge time.

I stop again and she groans, grinding her hips, trying to get friction. My thump, which rests on her clit presses and with the help of the rest of my hand I press her hips to the wall. "Will you stop being a brat from now?" I ask. She looks away and I move my fingers in her and my thumb on her clit, reminding her of the pleasure and the release she so desperately craves. She moans and I stop.

"Uhh fine.", She wines. "Good girl", I say while picking my pace up again. It takes her a couple of seconds before her pussy clenches around my fingers again and this time she can get her release. I help her ride out her orgasm and pull my fingers out of her. She cleans herself while I go outside of the cabinet, washing my hands. A smirk rests on my lips.

When she done, she gets out and washes her hands as well. Before heading outside I plant a kiss on her lips and me smile creeps on her lips. "I love you" she quietly said, blushing a little. "I love you too, honey." I reply, giving her a hug and opening the door for her.

As we get back the drinks are on the table and the pizzas are coming. As we sit down the girl from before puts the pizza down. She has no idea what we were doing.
I search for An's hand and our fingers intertwine. No one wants to let go, so our hands remain like that for the rest of the evening.

This was a shorter chapter and written VERY respectfully 😭
Y/n is also 15 because we don't want to have illegal stuff here
I hope you enjoy :)

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