Campfire feelings ~ C.T. 🍁

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Minor smut, mostly flirting

The day of shooting was long and the eight of you wanted a place to relax. After a short debate the vote for the warm campfire place won and the fire began to crackle shortly after.

You sat down, hungrily absorbing the heat after collecting the firewood a few minutes before. Someone opened the marshmallow package and the squishy sweets were eagerly handed to everyone.

Your eyes traveled over them, your work wifes. You surprisingly liked all of them and they liked you back, together creating the most comfortable atmosphere, that everyone enjoyed. But you all grew bored after some time.

"Guys, how about we play Truth or dare?" One suggested and everyone cheered in enthusiasm.

The game lasted a few rounds until you were suddenly picked. "Truth or dare y/n?" You were ready to show the bold side of you, "dare" was your answer.

"Hmm, how about you. . . you make out with the most attractive one of us in your eyes." You chuckled and the rest of the women around the fireplace looked a little surprised.

Standing up you gazed at everyone, but your eyes once again remained on her. You reached over to the table and picked up a shot and downing it quickly. The burning liquid traveling down your throat, in hope to ease your nerves.

The rest chuckled. You didn't feel like you could get any more ready so you walked towards her, Charlize, your work crush and one of the most beautiful women you've ever met. Was it her beautiful face, those multicoloured eyes or her beautiful height that drew your eyes towards her, was was still questioned by you. Did she know this? Of course not.

Therefore she was surprised as you kneeled before her and asking for her consent for the kiss. Her heart rate quickened as you slowly and a little nervously straddled her lap. The women around you cheering lightly to encourage you.

She looked at you, you looked at her. You gave yourself a push and leaned forwards, placing one hand at her jaw and the other behind her head, guiding her head to an angle. She was still in shock about your decision in choosing her, out of all the beautiful and also younger women around you.

But as your lips hovered over hers she closed her eyes and gave herself in to you. Your lips touched and the word seemed to stop for a moment. Her lips seemed to be made for yours and as you tilted her head a little more to the right and softly nibbled at her bottom lip, a soft sound escaped her as her lips parted. It was terribly similar to a moan, it made you smirk lightly into the kiss.

Now this still was just a kiss and not making out, which resulted in you licking over her bottom lip to ask for her approval. The gap between her lips became slightly larger as she melted into the kiss. Your tongue entered her and you heard her grasp slightly, though far too silent for the others to hear.

She was shocked from your boldness and most evidently you leading the kiss, though she realised she didn't not like it. She even started considering this a good kiss. Upon realising that her hands still layed motionless and dead on the ground she raised them and placed them on your thighs, that still rested on both of her sides.

This motion involuntary broke the trance you both fell, and your lips left hers. She tried to catch you for a slight moment, before opening her eyes and gazing into yours.

Both of your cheeks started to flush, upon realising what just happened. A little too fast your head moved too look at the other ladies and you stood up leaving Charlize breathless.

"How was it?" You slowly asked, a little embarrassed at the silence. They all reassured you and her that it looked great and that they were only silent by how real it had seemed to be.

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