Part 161

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Jake snorted, covering his mouth.

“It doesn’t take away the courage you showed in combat. I’m proud to present this medal to you today.”

He pinned it to my uniform. Jake and Hailey clapped and I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at it. A gold heart hung from a purple ribbon, etched with Washington’s silhouette. It signified sacrifice, pride. Hard work. Even as my life exploded around me, this proved that there had been good, at least for a little while. And that maybe, one day, there could be good again.

“Yay!” JJ shouted. “Let’s eat more brownies!”

“Okay, okay, gotta get a photo. Yarvis, do you mind?”

Jake handed him the camera. We moved closer together—me on one side, then Hailey, Jake, and my dad, facing the sunset behind the house.

“I want to stand by Grampy,” JJ said.

“Okay,” my dad said. “Right in front of Grampy.” JJ moved. “And Luke?”

I turned my head. His medal was pinned next to his sewn name, Morrow, just like mine. It glinted in the sun. Dad stepped to the right, making a space between him and Jake.

“Why don’t you come stand over here, next to me?”

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