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The lyrics were about her mother, about not knowing what to do, about forgiving herself for not knowing what to do, and her voice was dramatic and sweeping, a combination of Billie Holiday, if Billie Holiday were one octave lower, and Freddie Mercury. She seemed to skip shame and go straight to forgiveness. I’d never learned how to do that.

“Man, that was good! Goddamn!” I found myself saying as she finished.

“That was really, really good,” Rooster said from the floor. “I almost cried a little bit.”

“What’d he say?” Cassie said, wearing a big smile, catching her breath. She had put her hair up into a little ponytail at the top of her head, and now it was almost gone, the strands having fallen as she played, nodding along.

“He said he cried a little bit.”

“Almost!” Rooster corrected.

“Wow,” I said. “Nice work. That’s great. Really great. Honey,” I added with a sideways glance at Rooster.

“Thank you,” Cassie said, her cheeks reddening. Was she blushing? Or just flushed after singing? “Well, I should go. Gotta go to work.”

“Okay, we’ll talk in a few.”

“Thanks for asking me to play for you, Luke. Baby,” she said, scratching her head, embarrassed.

“You’re welcome.” I swallowed. Here it was. The time when we said those words. Before I could start, Cassie was scrawling something on a piece of paper, and held it up. I think we did really well today.

I grabbed my Moleskine to reply. Me too. Keep the emails coming.

“Are y’all showing each other your privates?” Rooster called from the floor. “I want to play online solitaire and Skype sucks up all the Internet.”

“All right, all right,” I said. I rolled my eyes at Cassie. “I love you, honey.” It rolled out easier this time.

Cassie gave me a knowing smile, turning up one corner of her lips. “Love you, too, babe.”

It was smoother from her end, too. Then she crossed her eyes at me, sticking out her tongue.

As the call ended and I pushed back from the green table, I realized I was smiling to myself.

To: PFC Luke Morrow

From: Cassie Salazar

Subject: What did you REALLY think?

So I know you were trying to be nice to your wifey in front of your bunkmate about my new song but I’m actually curious about what you thought for real, since you and Push-Up Rooster are the first people to hear that who aren’t in a band with me. Nora said it’s one of my best, and Toby said it was good, too. Your opinion also matters to me because not only are you my husband but you’re someone who doesn’t listen to a lot of current music, and if you actually DID like it, I would want to do more stuff like that, because I don’t just want to play songs that appeal to obscure Pitchfork people (the blog I was telling you about, not a strange alien race of people with pitchforks for heads).

So when you get a chance between volleyball games, shoot me an email.

Love, C

PS Please please PLEASE tell me you wear spandex when you play and if so, pix or it didn’t happen


To: Cassie Salazar

From: PFC Luke Morrow

Subject: RE: What did you REALLY think?

It was one of the best songs I ever heard. I was thinking to myself the whole time that your voice sounded like a combination between Billie Holiday and Freddy Mercury from Queen. I also really love how it changed up in the middle, fast and slow, fast and slow, but without seeming too jerky. It was natural sounding. Don’t listen to Toby, it was better than good.

We’re going out on a scouting mission so I can’t skype for a while but to tide you over here is a pic of me and Frankie and Ahmad, who has one of the best serves in the entire world. Sry about the grainy quality of the pic. It’s from Majeed’s cell phone. #selfie <<

Love from your husband


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