Chapter 4

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"What do you think you doing!?!" Allie yelled as she slapped me in the face. My cheek burned and my eyes started to water but blinked the tears away and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I am not crying in front of her.
"WHAT THE F!CK ALLIE?!?" Sergejs yelled as he pulled me into his chest. He rubbed my cheek that was now red and kissed it, which surprisingly, made it feel better.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said as i smile but then realizing I had to go.
"Bye sergejs see you tomorrow pecking him on the lips to make Allie jealous. Allie's jaw was wide open watching me go to my car. Before I got in i said "Close you mouth you might catch flies" I laughed and got in my car and drove home.
"Ms. Angie called" Michelle said as I hopped off the last step of the stairs, pulling up my brown riding boots, and looping my creep scarf around my neck.
"Why? Is she going to send me away?" I asked.
"Just to check up, and not if I can help it" She said sliding my car keys across the counter with my breakfast, winking at me. I ate my breakfast.
"Ill be back home at four!" I yelled swinging my back pack over my shoulder and getting into my car and drove to school faster than Michelle had probably to get away from Ms.Angie's phone call.
I parked my car in a parking space pulling the keys out of the ignition. I stepped out and swing my heavy back over my shoulder when I felt a heavy arm wrap around my waist.
"Hey beautiful" The husky voice cooed in my ear making me shudder.
"Hey Sergejs" I said as I closed the door.
"How are you?" He asked as I looked ahead and saw Allie and Emily by the water fountain and Amisha and Mari a little space away from them. I waved only to get a warning look from Allie.
Eh...not so good" I mumbled.
"Awe why?" He asked.
"I got a unwanted phone call this killed my mood" I said with a giggle.
"Oh nice" He said. Squeezing my army green over coated arm as we approached.
"See you in first hour" He whispered, brushing his lips against my ear making me my body shudder all over.
He was gone in an instant walking over to Ethan and his little group of friends as I walked over Allie, Emily, Mari, and Amisha.
"Hey" I said to Mari and Amisha only to be interrupted by Allie.
"Why were you with Sergejs?" she said hurriedly. i got of my car and he wrapped his arm around me and we chatted.
Then went she on and on forever about how i was not to touch and crap but i completely ignored her, and Mari and Amisha eventually left cuz they have a different schedule than me.
"Look he has a reputation.." Allie said.
"Like fights, and a do and ditch reputation if u know what i mean so i would try to ignore him he isnt good for you" Allie said. But I wasnt listening so I watched Sergejs who was rough housing with his friends, winking at me every time he got a punch in.

The bell rang so I went to my locker and unloaded my books and grabbed my note book before heading to class. I walked into the classroom and slid into my seat a few minutes before class officially started.
Ignoring him as Sergejs walked in and sat behind me. I tried to ignore him I really did, but him breathing on my neck and chuckling every time I cringed finally got to me.
"Stop" I said sternly turning to him, giving him a wicked glare.
"What'd I do Kitten?" He asked with a smirk.
"P-please stop" I said moving my desk up hearing a low growl behind me.
I felt my desk slowly being pulled back, sitting perfectly still until the assignment was being passed back. I reached forward grabbing a worksheet for myself and not looking at Sergejs I held the stack of papers behind me. His hand instantly touched mine, him slowly pulling the papers out of my hand. Electricity went through my body at his gesture.
Gulping loudly I pulled out my pencil and began to work.
Finishing quickly, I stood up along with Sergejs, walking over to the turn in bin feeling him tower over me. Looking up at him I realized he was more than a few inches taller then me, his light green eyes were ablaze, and his blonde was hair styled sexily.
Realizing I'd been staring at him for to long, I cracked my knuckles, quickly walking back to my seat starring at the written, carved wood on my desk, Noticing Sergejs's shadow and listening to him sit done in his seat.
Its hard not to notice Sergejs i mean for God's sake he is 6'0 with the most gorgeous body and face i've ever seen. And its really hard not to notice him when he is breathing down your neck in the most seductive way, twirling your hair, and pulling you chair closer with every second.
"You may think i'm just a bad guy from what alex has told you, but i'm not at least in not that kind of way" He told me making me get the chills.
"You can't get rid of me kitten" He whispered in my ear, moving my hair to the side placing a small, soft, warm, wet kiss on the sensitive spot behind my ear.
As small as the kiss was It had me shaking and gasping for air like i was a fish out of water. I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. It was like everything inside of me was beating out of control. A tightness in my stomach startled me, my heart was beating so fast it scared me, I felt so light headed like I was on the verge of passing out.
"I love the way you react" He whispered as the bell rang rang and he up striding across the room with his head held high and his body straight. A walk that could only belong to Sergejs. I waited until I saw his leather clad back leave the room before I shakily got up and walked to Mari's I's meeting spot.

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