Chapter 14

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"I'll ride the jet ski" I offered seeing as the boat was full.
"Ill ride with her" Jacob said getting two life jackets from the top of the dock and handing me one. Stripping my overalls i slid on the life jacket, loosening the straps so i wouldn't be suffocated.
"No" Sergejs said sternly walking past me to the boat. "Mari can ride with her" but Mari just laughed.
"It hurts to ride on it" She whined, pulling her hair up.
"Its fine Sergejs" I assured him adjusting my hair.
Jacob climbed onto the jet ski, hooking the thing up. Taking his hand I got on and adjusted myself on the yellow seat, wrapping my arms around Jacob as he revved the engine.
"C'mon Molly i'll take you once we get settled." Sergejs said, gesturing for me to get on the boat.
I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, and wrapped my arms back around Jacob.
"Kitten i mean it" He said, but i just winked at him and before he could say any thing else we were off.
Jacob was a fun driver he would jump the wake and try to throw me off with no avail. We caught up with the boat he jumped the wake and turned to left causing the jet ski to turn side ways causing us to lose our balance. I went under for a few seconds before coming up to the surface. Jacob came over and pulled the life jacket down so it wouldn't rub into my chin.
"That was awesome!" I gushed, Jacob pulling me over to the jet ski. He bent the foot thing down for and i climbed on and Jacob helped with the last push as the boat pulled up with Sergejs wearing a furious expression.
"It was just a push on the bum to help me, nothing else i promise" I said. and plus it was JACOB his FRIEND.
"Lets go into that bay" Sergejs said and Jacob climbed on and placed his hands on my hips as I turned the jet ski's engine on and started driving. We zig zagged over the wake, with me screaming every time the jet ski would jerk. Now I see why Mari hated riding this thing. With the uncomfortable material of the bikini bottoms, and the jerking of the jet ski it had me want to sit on a bag of ice.
Jacob leaned over me and grabbed handles and started steering for me. He leaned back and gave me a look as Sergejs lifted me up and pulled me onto the boat where he pulled me close to him.
"Are you alright?" He asked spinning me around to get a better look.
"Im a little sore down there but other than that im fine" I said.
"Ya'll better not be talking about sex" Andrew said walking past us with a bottle of tanning oil.
"Andrew...." Sergejs growled.
"Who wants to rub me up? Sergejs? I see YOU giving me a look." Andrew said with a smirk.
"Oh lord..." Sergejs chuckled pulling me into a heated kiss.
"How is it raining? It was a desert like 15 minutes ago!" I shouted gripping Sergejs's back as he and our friends made a dash for the cabin.
"Its so cold!" Mari screamed as we reached the cabin. Sergejs gripped my thighs as we entered the cabin leaving pools of water on the hard wood floor. He shook his head, setting me down, spraying me with water.
"So...c-cold" I chattered. Clinging back to Sergejs's warm chest to try to stop my chattering teeth.
"Lets get you warmed up" Sergejs chuckled as he picked me up and rested me on his hip sprinting up the stairs and into our room.
"Sergejs..." I giggled as he closed and locked the door and carried me into the bathroom and did the same.
"So Andrew cant disturb us again" He laughed setting me on the counter and walking over to the shower. I saw him turn it up high and in few minutes i could practically feel the heat coming off the water. Sergejs picked me put me in the shower climbing in behind me.
"Um.." I stuttered, eyes wide.
"I saving water and getting warm" Sergejs chuckled standing under the water scrubbing his head. I was actually grateful that i still had my swimsuit on and so did he, but when we kissed if like a barrier between us. Water was running down my face but i didnt care. Our lips moved in sync, and my hands were soon in his hair and on his jaw and his were on my hips. I was soon lifted up and pressed against the shower wall. My legs were to weak to wrap around him, so i let his arms support me. He soon deepened the kiss by sticking his tongue in my mouth and wrapping legs around his waist so his hands could travel up my back.
Moaning involuntarily, I arched my enough for Sergejs to grab the string of my bikini top and pull. In a second it was off and I was half naked. He moved my hair out of my face and kissed my neck down to my left breast. But before his kisses got to it he massaged it.
Kissing my right breast, he started sucking and blowing gently.
"Sergejs" I moaned arching my back and letting out a shudder.
"Say my named again" He begged and I obeyed whispering his name a few more times as he continued. Moving his kisses back to my mouth he moved his hands away from my boobs to my butt to support me. I kissed his jaw line.
"Kitten" He groaned "We need to stop, i-ill lose control" He said. It was so hard to stop, i wanted him so bad. I mean who wouldnt tho. He's gorgeous, kind, sensitive even.
His hair cling to his head as water poured on him, his green eyes were now black with lust. Water trailed down his abs which made me weak at the knees. I slid down his body now realizing how big he really is even tho his swim trunks were restraining him. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself and went into the bedroom and put on of Sergejs's shirts and my nike shorts. Sergejs came out a few minutes later in a pair of superman boxers.

Omg guys i am sorry i didnt update last wednesday! My ipad had problems and I couldnt. Its fixed now tho so ill update tomorrow and wednesday this week!
~Stay Beaitiful~

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