Chapter 9

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Alex wasnt who I thought she was, like...... at all, I mean i knew she was mean but i didnt think was THAT mean. Mari was late coming to lunch so I sat with Alex (sigh) and Emily not wanting to look like a loner and Amisha doesnt have the same lunch as me. Poop. When Mari came over though Alex moved her chair and the others away to another table so she couldn't sit there. That was just plain mean. Cruel.
I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair when I heard crying, making sure it wasn't moaning like last time i opened the stall door to see Mari crying on the tiolet. "Mari" I said shocked. "Molly" She breathed out like she was going to let out another sob. She pulled me into a hug wetting my camo jacket and white shirt with her tears. I rubbed her back, and eased her back down to the tiolet.
"Im sorry about lunch" I apologized.
"Its ok Alex is just...a big...butt face" She said letting out another sob. I gulped wishing Sergejs was here healways calmed me down maybe he could help her.
" Are you going to Ethan and Sergejs's this weekend for spring break?" I asked asked. She nodded and I smiled.
"I'm going, I think Sergejs'll ask me to be his girlfriend" I said giggling a little.
"Really? Then you'll have to look perfect the entire time" She pointed out.
" different then my past boyfriends" I said....earning a giggle from Mari.
"What boyfriends" She asked raising her eyebrows.
"Connor,...we dated for five years 1st through 6th grade" I said but only getting a burst of laughter from Mari.
"He was...a bad kisser" I tried say but ended up laughing my face off.
" we should go to the mall after school to get a few things for the trip" I said, while Mari gave me a devilish look.
"Or...we could go now" She said.
"I ditched with Sergejs yesterday, Michelle'll kill me if I ditch again and besides school ends in two hours" I said,
"Yeah two hours filled with Alex and Emily" Mari pouted.

Pulling into the parking lot of the mall, I let my hair down ruffling it, before stepping out into the blazing heat.
"My first summer in California...kill me now" I said.
"Oh it gets even hotter" Mari said as we walked into the mall.
We went to Aeropostale and got some clothes. Then Mari and I went to Jcpenny's and looked at the bikinis. Mari picked out a bunch of bikinis for me to try on and most of them were very showy. But i did find some that I liked. I got a Orange, strapless, bikinis, and a blue one with cool designs on it. We went to victoria's secret and we were coming when i heard some one calling my name.
"Molly" A voice that sounded like a lot like my brother Evan. No he's dead that cant be him. But then I saw him right in front of me. He hadn't aged a day, but he had a scar on his lip that didn't remember him having. I tried to reach out for him but he vanished and i tripped and fell. Mari helped me up.
"R u ok?" She asked.
"Yeah im fine"
We bought our stuff and went back out to my car.

"So ya have everything? Jamas, socks, toothpaste, cash?" Michelle asked and I giggled grabbing my suit case, and Michelle grabbing the other as we made our way down the stairs with Mari in the driveway honking like every ten seconds. I opened the front door, waving to Michelle I grabbed my bags and hopped into Mari's cute little slug bug sliding my finger through my hair and putting my seat belt on.
"Are you excited!" she said speeding out of the driveway and onto the road.
"Are you? Slow down speedy." I said and Mari laughed.
We drove down the road a bit in silence.
" Were Alex and Sergejs really a couple?" I asked.
"No" Mari said softly.
"Then why...."I said.
Mari took in a breath.
"Sergejs used to have a girlfriend named Casey she was a total bitch. Sergejs saw Alex walking down the sidewalk on day and gave her a ride home. Alex then liked him and kinda went crazy over him. Then Casey went out of the picture and Alex thought Sergejs broke up with her because he liked Alex instead. Then Emily came along and Alex made up a story and i just went along with it" She said and I almost screamed.
"Wait...why were you even her friend?" I asked.
"Sergejs, Alex and Emily's and my family are good friends so it was kind of forced friend ship. She said as we pulled up to huge house.
"What the hell?"
"Ikr w.t.f. alex"
"No not Alex look at the house"
The house was completed with stone walls and pretty lights, it looked like the happiest place in the world.
"Oh wait till you see inside" she said getting and walking over to the trunk. I grabbed my to bags as Mari grabbed her four pink suitcases. Shaking my head at how she could carry that many things. We walked up to the door and knocked. It was opened by one of boys friends Andrew. He was really funny. Mari shoved her bags into his arms before taking my bags and shoving them into ar,s as well.
Mari pulled me inside to an Area filled with boys and suitcases. I quickly found Sergejs and walked over to him. Before
i touched or made eye contact with him he turned around and pulled me into a hug and whispered something in my ear that made me weak at the knees.
"You'll be riding with me princess" He and then walked away to finish packing. I sat by Mari and my head on her shoulder.
"Im sleepy" I groaned,
"You can sleep in the car" She said laughing.
"Im pretty sure Sergejs will do something to keep me awake" I said.
Then Sergejs came into the room.
"Alright everyone lets go" He said clapping his hands.
Groaning I stood and slip my cross over back pack on and walked over to Sergejs. We all split into separate cars. Sergejs and I had our own since there was no more room. Sergejs led me over to a expensive looking truck and helped me inside. Then he climbed and went out onto the road. I soon felt sleepy and resred my head on the crook of his neck and fell asleep.

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