Media days- Pablo Gavi

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When I finished school everyone told me that I'd need to go to university to get into the job I wanted but I decided not to go and instead I applied for an internship with fc Barcelona. Somehow that month long internship turned into a a full time job and I couldn't love my life more. Since I joined I feel like more and more people have been relying on my skills and my role has just expanded but I don't mind one bit as I'm really enjoying the responsibility and it's nice to feel valued. As part of the many new parts of my job I am now in charge of filming days for the club which means I am getting to meet the players for the first time as usually I'm in my office or in meetings most of the day.

Today is my first filming day and I'm actually really nervous but not about the work I'm nervous about meeting the players. I have never been that outgoing so talking to new people isn't my thing and knowing that these guys are top level footballers isn't helping my nerves either. It's not helping that I did once meet one of the players who's now left the club and they were really mean so now I'm worried about all of the others being the same. I have to put it all behind me though as I have to do my job and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter what these guys think of me.

Like always I arrived early to get everything set up like getting the cameras in place along with checking the schedule as we are supposed to be filming more than one video today to make it all worth while. All of that didn't take too long so I just sat outside answering some emails and getting some other work done until the first set of players arrived. When those players did arrive we got straight on with things as I know that these players just want to play so I want to make this part of the job as easy as possible for them. After the first few videos were done I was really started to get the hang of things and all of the players had been super nice so I was feeling an awful lot better then I was when I first arrived.

Gavi's POV

Filming days are always my least favourite as I would much rather be playing or training but it's all part of being in the squad so I've got a bit more used to it over time. Usually everything is really rushed and the people in charge are just incredibly bossy and seems to dislike everyone which is the part I dislike the most as I hate people who are like that. Today I'm filming with Pedri which always makes things slightly better as at least we can joke around together but I'm still not looking forward to it.

We both arrived early as Pedri didn't want to be late even though I didn't really care. He made me go straight to where we were filming as well which begrudgingly I did but when we got out there I was very surprised to see that the usual faces I see on filming days weren't there. Instead there was this girl who looked really young even about my age talking to the filming crew and getting things set up. I've seen her around a few times before but never knew who she was although in the few glimpses of her I've got I have thought that she was incredibly pretty. Knowing that she was going to be in charge of filming changed my whole outlook it actually made me excited to be here and doing the part of the job that on any other day I'd hate doing.

Pedri must have sensed that I liked this girl as all of a sudden he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me towards her. He introduced himself to her which meant I had to do the same and I did manage to do it but with a few stutters which I cursed myself for. Pedri continued the conversation which meant I had to keep talking to her as well and I kept stumbling over my words like an idiot. She was polite and took an interest but I just know she was wondering why I was being so weird as I never act like this around anyone else. At some point she excused herself to get something from her office and once she was gone Pedri just laughed at me.

"Stop laughing its not funny I just made myself look like an idiot" I said

"Oh did little Pablito make himself look silly in front of his crush" Pedri teased

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