Birthday surprise- Pablo Gavi

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A/n: it's actually my birthday the day I'm posting this so I thought I had to get this out today 

For weeks I've been looking forward to my birthday as my boyfriend Pablo was supposed to come and see me so we could spend the day together but a few days ago he told me couldn't make it as he had to stay in Barcelona for training. When he told me I tried my best not to seem too disappointed as I knew he would come if he could but as soon as our FaceTime call ended I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. We haven't seen each other in person in so long and I was really looking forward to seeing his face and getting to hug him but now I don't know when I'll get to see him. Knowing Pablo won't be here upset me so much that I didn't really want to celebrate my birthday as I know all day I'll be thinking about how much better things would be with him here.

My day started when I heard my doorbell ringing and to start with I got excited thinking that it could be Pablo but when I answered it it was my mum who had brought me breakfast on her way to work. Of course I appreciated it but part of me couldn't help but be disappointed that it wasn't Pablo even though deep down I knew it wouldn't be. She wished me a happy birthday before leaving for work which meant I was again alone and left to think about all the things I could be doing today. My friends tried to get me to do something with them today but I told them I didn't want to as my plans for the day are to just be alone and have a day to myself as I don't get those very often.

I ate the food my mum brought me as I didn't want it to get cold and then I decided to get ready and to start with I thought I'd just put on something comfy to lounge around in but when I went in my wardrobe I saw a cute dress I haven't worn I ages and decide to get dressed up a bit. In an attempt to make myself feel good I put the dress on and did my hair and makeup all nice and then proceeded to sit back down on my sofa to do nothing. When I sat down I picked my phone up finally to see that I had loads of happy birthday texts which I responded to and I reposted some of the things my friends put on social media as well.

After being on my phone for a while I realised that Pablo hadn't even text me since yesterday so not only was he not here he hadn't even bothered to text me. I wasn't sure whether to be mad at him or to cry to begin with but then I tried to convince myself that he must just be busy and that at some point he would text. It was really hard to not let it bother me as in the two years we have been together Pablo has never not text me on special days like my birthday or Valentine's Day so for him not to have done it yet made me upset but also slightly worried about him. My mind went back and forth about texting him just to make sure that he was ok but I stopped myself as he should be the one texting me and if by later he still hasn't I can call him then to check that everything is alright.

Just as I was about to turn the tv on to distract myself the doorbell rang again and for a second I really considered not getting up to answer it but I did. This time it was my best friend who didn't even let me greet her before telling her to get ready as we were going somewhere. I did exactly what I was told as there is no arguing with her when she wants me to do something and honestly I'm not in the mood to argue. Once we left my apartment I asked where we were going but I didn't get an answer and I could tell I wasn't going to get one so I didn't ask again. We got into her car and I went back into my own world thinking about Pablo and his much I miss him.

"You ok?" My best friend asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied

"You're lying tell me what's up" she pressed further

"Well I haven't heard from Pablo at all today so I'm worried about him and I just really miss him" I admitted

"I'm sure he's just busy and will call later plus I know you will see him at some point" she said

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