I don't really hate you- Pedri Gonzalez

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After going the whole year waiting and celebrating all my friends birthdays it's finally my turn as it was my birthday during the week so now my friends are hosting a party for me at one of their places. All week I've been looking forward to this party as I haven't been out in a while because I've had other things to focus on with school and work. I went out and brought a new dress for tonight and everything because I want to look and feel amazing. I'm always the friend that just wearing casual clothes as I'm always too busy to get dressed up but not tonight I'm going to be the one getting all the stares and attention tonight. Usually I would say I don't care about getting attention from guys but tonight I want to prove someone wrong.

Pedri. That asshole football player. I met Pedri when I first moved to Barcelona as he was friends with the friends I made and ever since he's been around. He's like a fly that just won't leave you alone every time I think he's not going to show up he sneaks up on me and my night is ruined. I know for a fact that he will be there tonight because he's part of the friend group and everyone else is always trying to get up to get along but we just don't. For whatever reason Pedri took an instant dislike to me, to begin with I thought he was attractive but any feelings for him other than disgust quickly went away. He's always calling me names or just generally saying awful things to me but to everyone else he's an angel and the sweetest guy ever. The last time I saw him I had gone straight from an 8 hours shift with 4 hours of classes before and I heard him say to someone else that I never look good which is exactly why I want to prove him wrong tonight. 

This morning I took myself to get my nails done and I got my hair cut for the first time in a while and now I've just got out the shower after having washed my hair and shaved. I feel like a whole new person and it feels amazing I don't know why I didn't make more of an effort sooner. The first thing I did was put my dress on then I did my hair and makeup which took a while as I wanted everything to be perfect but eventually I did it and everything couldn't look better. Looking in the mirror I almost didn't recognise myself but I lied the version of me I saw much more than the usual tired mess I usually see. My friends were all going crazy over the picture I sent in our group chat which gave me the boost in confidence I needed to go along with my new look. 

Seeing as I plan to drink tonight I got a cab to my friends place where their party was happening. I purposely arrived a bit late because I want to make an entrance seeing as it's my birthday party and I put all this effort into my appearance I want everyone to notice well I want Pedri to notice. The door was unlocked so I just opened it and walked right in straight away everyone turned to look at me it felt like I was in a movie and for once I was the main character not a background actor. All of my friends immediately made their way over to shower me in compliments but all I was interested in was Pedri. It took me a second but I eventually I caught his gaze and I could see his pupils were dilated and his jaw was slightly open but as soon as he noticed I was looking he turned away. My mission for tonight is already complete now it's time to have fun and channel my hatred for Pedri into the best night of my life so far. 

My best friend got me a drink and then took me off to go and dance with her. She made a playlist of all my favourite songs which she put on and we started dancing together. As we were dancing I had another drink or maybe two so I was definitely on a high but I wasn't drunk nowhere close to it. Somehow I lost my friend and ended up just dancing on my own which was fine until I guy I hadn't met before came over to talk to me. At first he was nice but then he got overly flirty and I just wasn't feeling it, I didn't come here to go home with a guy I just wanted to have fun and let loose. 

Despite my best attempts the guy would not leave me alone and he was really starting to test my patience. His hands were all over my body which made me really uncomfortable but every time I tried moving them his hands went back to where they were if not lower. Once he started squeezing my ass that was enough for me I pulled away but the guy grabbed my arm and held it really tightly. I could tell it was going to leave a bruise but that's was the last of my worries all of a sudden all I could feel was intense panic flowing through my veins I felt as though I hadn't had a drop of alcohol I was so aware of every little touch on my skin. I've never been so scared in my life I've never felt this weak either, usually I'd stand up for myself without any hesitation but right now I can't get any words out and I can't make my body move even an inch. My whole being is now controlled but the fear of what this guy is going to do to me.  

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