Chapter 4: Dodgeball and a Wet Ending

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POV: Julian

Everything seemed to happen so fast. I hadn't meant to bump into that big kid but it happened anyway. I was sure the guy was going to beat me up just like other kids had done to me before at the other schools I been to. The only difference from the kids who picked on me in the past and Bert was that Bert was much bigger than the boys from grade school who could hurt me yes, but couldn't really punch me in my face and leave their fist imprint in it.

I don't know why that boy Max got involved, I knew if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't have done the same thing, but I was glad that he did. At first, I was sure I was going to wet my pants when he started to look at me like I was going to be splattered all over the hallway floor, but I was happy to note that my pants were still dry and that was due to two things. First, I stopped off at the restroom really quick after getting off the bus and before spotting Max in the hallway, to pee. Second was because I hadn't drunk anything at all since yesterday. There was a small amount of milk in my oatmeal this morning, but that was all.

When the gym teacher came and helped put an end to the fight before it got started, I was relieved. I wasn't happy when he suggested that we work it out over a game of dodgeball. I swear, I could have seen a glimmer of evil in Bert's eyes for just a second when he quickly glanced at me after hearing about the game. Also, what was the odds that all three of us would have the same gym class together? I hope Bert wasn't in all my classes. I wouldn't mind if Max was in all mine, but not Bert. As for this dodgeball game, I never been good at sport games, including dodgeball. Yes, I have gotten lucky at times and caught the ball but most of the time I just played offense and tried my best to not get hit. I knew from the size of Bert; I definitely didn't want to get hit from any of the balls he threw! If I were to get hit by them, I was sure that I would die on impact! My plan was just to run out the clock and use my small size to keep from getting hit.

Knowing I really should stop by the office to figure out where my locker was, so I could drop all my stuff off like Max was doing now, I decided to ask Max for his help instead.

"Umm... can you help me with another thing. I don't know where my locker is and I was hoping that maybe you might know." I asked the boy, hoping he could be helpful once more.

Max sighed before responding. "Julian, as I have told you already before, like you, I am new to this school too. My mom only marked out where my locker was, so I have no clue how to find your locker, unless it is nearby here, I think your going to have to go to the office for that help." He told me.

Realizing he might have a point about the locker being located near here, I dug the paper that had my locker information out of my pants pocket and read the locker number off. Max then gives me a weird look then looks up towards what looks like the locker next to his. Following his gaze, I look up at the locker and read the locker number and sure enough it was my locker number after all. With the help of Max, I was able to figure out how to open my lock and finally unload everything I didn't need, which for now was everything, in my locker. Max had dropped off all his stuff as well. We then started making our way towards the gym according to the map that Max had.

Noticing a water fountain and feeling thirsty, I stopped along the way and asked Max to hold up that I really needed a drink. Even though I knew I shouldn't, I went up to it and drank greedily from it anyway. Taking several large gulps of cold clear water into my throat and swallowing it, before finally feeling my thirst quenched. I must have been a sight as I stood there almost on my tip toes gulping that water, from the way that Max was staring at me. I just gave him a nervous smile in returned and hope that he would stop staring at me like I was an alien or something.

Right now, I had enough to worry about, like this stupid bet that Max made. Why did he have to get me involved in this bet? I didn't want to be beaten up and I surely didn't want to do anyone else's homework for the year. It was hard enough to get my own homework done. Also, what would happen when they found out that I sucked at school and they got lousy grades because of me? I would surely be beaten up then! No, I really hated this idea.

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