Chapter 6: Who to Blame and Max's Thoughts

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POV: Julian

The sudden shocked voices of both the nurse and Max, stopped me from taking off my shirt, so I knew instantly that the bruises my dad had left on my bottom which had yet to fully heal and vanish had been seen by both of them. The scars had been there trying to heal, since the last time he had whipped me. That had been with his belt back in Boston. That last time, was about a week before we moved and right before he got the news of his job offer here. I of course like many other times hadn't seen it coming as I was asleep one moment and the next rudely awakened by him yanking me out of my bed. I didn't even have time to properly wake up before my pajama bottoms along with my diaper were removed and my backside bared. In fact, it wasn't until the first strike of his belt that I was brought fully conscious. I was not even sure if I had even wet the diaper I was wearing yet. As to how many strikes he gave me, I don't know that either. All I did know was, before it was over, my skin broke and I started to bleed profusely from the lashes. Mom tried her best to treat it without taking me to a doctor. I had to wear bandages over the lashes on my butt up until a few days ago and Mom had been treating it with some sort of cream which made it feel much better.

"Who did that to you Honey?" Nurse Amelia asked and I became afraid of what she might do if I told her the truth. I was even more afraid of what my day might do to me if I said something about it.

For a long time now, I had been told what to say if anyone ever noticed my bruises and only a couple times had I ever had to use them in the past. In those times, they were easily looked over in the larger city of Boston and were pretty believable as well. I wasn't sure in a smaller town that these excuses would work like they did back in Boston or not but there was no way that I was going to tell the nurse the truth.

"A couple weeks ago my babysitter back in Boston beat me pretty badly with a belt." I told Nurse Amelia as if she was prying it out of me with all her force.

"That is awful! Do your parents know? Did someone report her?" She asked.

I panicked suddenly as I really didn't want this to still get back to my dad as even the suggestion might still throw him into a anger fueled rage.

"Please don't... Please... Just please no..." I tried to say to her as I stood there petrified. "Don't tell them, I don't want them to know." I finally got out.

"Son, when these things happen, you need to tell people, especially your parents." She explained to me but watched as I continued to shake my head no. "Okay, but if anything like this ever happens again, I will inform them." She explained and all I cared for was the fact that she was willing to not tell them now.

For those few moments I had almost forgot all about Max being in the room with me, until he came up and gave me a hug. At that moment the hug felt great but afterwards I suddenly remembered that I was completely naked. I don't know why, but maybe it was brought on by the hug. For some reason I found myself wondering, besides the healing sores that were still on my bottom, what Max was thinking about the rest of me.

I knew Mom had said she was going to talk to the school about getting me out of gym class for medical reasons but if she couldn't she was going to at least try to get me exempt from having to take a shower in gym, whenever they started to require them. This would mean that no one would be able to not only see my diapers but also see that I literally still have what looked to me as a baby wiener. Unlike other kids my age who were maybe starting to show some signs of growth and even some who started puberty already, I wasn't even close. Now Max could see this, would he seize this as an opportunity to make fun of me later, when I wasn't around?

"Julian, you need to take off your shirt too." Nurse Amilia said startling me out of my thoughts. "The whole bottom of it is soaked and you are going to get a new clean one to wear from your friend's mother." There was that word again, friend.

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