Chapter 9: Julian's First School Day Wrap Up

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POV: Julian

I can't tell you how grateful I was when the final bell rang on my first day of school in Jackson Middle School. I had a hard time the rest of the afternoon without Max's help, even though I was in special ed for the rest of the school day. Just because I was in special ed, didn't mean I was protected from being bullied. It turned out that a couple of the school bullies also had a class or two in special ed as well. This meant that I had to always be on a lookout from these bullies and I also knew that I wouldn't be safe in the hallways between classes. Luckily, I brought all my books I needed for all my special ed courses that afternoon, in that first class. It was that first class that I found out I wouldn't be able to leave the classroom until school was out for the day. On a good note, this did mean that I wasn't taking any trips to the water fountain all afternoon, but this also meant no bathroom trips to empty my bladder. By the time the last bell rang, my pull-on diaper was quite full and I was afraid that it would leak if I wet in it again.

As I left the classroom to head to my locker to drop off everything I don't need and get the stuff I did, I started to feel the fear begin to creep back up inside of me. I knew I was afraid of running into Bert again. He had become my number one threat since I accidentally bumped into him this morning.

"Darn! Why do I have to be so small!" I silently cursed to myself, as I darted between people in the hallway towards my locker while keeping a lookout for Bert or anyone for that matter, who would be a threat to my life.

Another thing that bothered me, what was I going to do about the full diaper between my legs? I wasn't one hundred percent sure, but was it possible with how swollen the diaper was now, that Max might be able to see that the bulge, in the jeans he had so graciously given to me, is more noticeable. There was also the fact that I might have a slight urine smell as well. Since I am so used to the smell of urine, I don't even really notice it anymore, unless it is really pungent.

As I walked up to my locker, I let my breath out and for the first time, realized I had been holding it for some time, dreading that, when I got to my locker, Max would not be in sight. I think Max was thinking the same as when he saw me, he had a smile on his face to match my own. I did notice something though, Max looked like he was in pain or something as he stood there, and I feared that Bert must have got him.

"Max, are you okay?" I cried out as I rushed over to him and forgetting about my own locker for now.

Max looks at me with a strange look on his face, as if he trying to pace gas or something. It was strange to see him try to smile yet grimace at the same time. Doing both together, isn't a pretty picture!

"I'm okay Julian." Max tries his best to convince me, but suddenly grits his teeth. "I just need to use the bathroom." Max adds.

"Well, you don't want to be in diapers like me, lets go to the boy's room." I say as I grab his arm and try to drag him there yet he doesn't move.

"I am sorry Julian, I have to poop, and there is no way I am going in the bathroom now at the end of the school day. That is the worst time of the day to enter the bathroom. The bigger boys and bullies are always in there then and I am not going to be caught sitting on the potty and not be able to get away. I rather poop my pants then that humiliated beat down to happen!" Max explained to me.

Now I had a new phobia, the school toilets were now off limits to me. So, while in the bathroom at school, I could only use the urinals, sinks, mirrors, and electric hand dryers. I also want to point out something here, while there were several things that made Max appear more mature, there were also some things he did or said that reminded me of a little kid. So, for instance, Max had a habit of calling a toilet a potty, which was how a younger child would call it. It made me wonder, how many other childish names, did Max use for stuff?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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